
Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

author:Follow the trend for 2020


Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Yu Minhong

All the ups and downs of Dongfang Selection come from within Dongfang Selection, and it has always been Dongfang Selection's own people who are dismantling Dongfang Selection.

When Dongfang Selection and Yu Minhong issued a statement saying that they would take up legal weapons to protect the reputation of Dongfang Selection and pursue the rumor-mongers, everyone's attitude in the comment area was surprisingly unanimous, and they strongly asked Dongfang Selection to call the police immediately, and by the way, they also clearly announced the origin of the Dongfang Selection small essay incident.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Netizens left messages in Yu Minhong's comment area

Dongfang Selection has been sought after before to now being spit on, all of which are the result of Dongfang Selection's own dismantling of its own platform and self-inflicted consequences.

The reason why Dongfang Selection can stand out in the thousands of live broadcast rooms on the Douyin platform is because of the new model of knowledge delivery created by Dong Yuhui, which stands out because it is different.

Dong Yuhui detonated the Oriental Selection, which is a fact that everyone has witnessed, but in the face of such a fact, in order to maintain the leadership authority of the boss Yu Minhong, the success of the Oriental Selection must be attributed to the good fortune of New Oriental and Yu Minhong not doing evil, and the twist is unwilling to publicly admit Dong Yuhui's contributions.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Sun Dongxu and Dong Yuhui

As Dong Yuhui's influence grows, the society and the outside world pay more and more attention to Dong Yuhui, and the media attributes the success of Dongfang's selection to Dong Yuhui's contributions.

This caused dissatisfaction among other anchors and behind-the-scenes teams of Dongfang Selection, who thought that Dong Yuhui had blocked their light and erased their efforts, and the management of Dongfang Selection also began to deliberately de-Dong Yuhui.

Before Dong Yuhui became famous, Yu Minhong was the biggest IP, and Dong Yuhui's too dazzling light also made Yu Minhong feel uncomfortable.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Dong Yuhui and Yu Minhong

At the beginning, Yu Minhong didn't take Dong Yuhui seriously, first, he felt that Dong Yuhui's popularity would not last too long and would disappear soon, and second, Yu Minhong felt that there were many teachers who could express themselves like Dong Yuhui in New Oriental, and Dong Yuhui could be copied.

But later Yu Minhong found out that he was wrong, Dong Yuhui's popularity was not as short-lived as Yu Minhong thought, but continued to be popular, although Dongfang Selection also made a lot of attempts and efforts, but never been able to copy the second Dong Yuhui.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Dong Yuhui was forced to leave Dongfang Selection

Dongfang Selection's de-glorification is actually understandable, after all, it is impossible for such a large listed company to bind the company's future and destiny to an anchor, because the big IP that detonated Dongfang Selection is Yu Minhong, so Dongfang Selection will not go to personal IP.

The mistake of Dongfang Selection is that the means of de-glorification are too bad, which hurts the feelings of thousands of ordinary people.

Dong Yuhui detonated Dongfang Selection, and Dongfang Selection is now done, not only does not treat Dong Yuhui well, but wants to ruthlessly unload the mill and kill the donkey, and Dong Yuhui himself has not done anything wrong.

This makes thousands of workers have a sense of substitution, ordinary people work hard, make great contributions to the company, not be treated well, but are made difficult everywhere, Dongfang Selection detonated the anger in everyone's hearts.

If Dongfang Selection can generously recognize Dong Yuhui's contributions, give Dong Yuhui enough salary returns, and negotiate with Dong Yuhui to remove Dong Yuhui step by step, there will be no huge public opinion storm in the Dongfang Selection Small Essay Incident.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Sun Dongxu

The Oriental Selection Essay Incident is the turning point of the fate of Oriental Selection, and the reputation of Oriental Selection has suffered a huge loss after this incident, and the public has seen the despicability and unbearableness of self-proclaimed cultural people in the Oriental Selection Essay Incident, and Yu Minhong's character has also completely collapsed in the Oriental Selection Essay Incident.

The Dongfang Selection Small Essay incident not only split the anchor team of Dongfang Selection, but also split the fans of Dongfang Selection, and the fans who support Dong Yuhui and the fans who support Dongfang Selection have formed a long-term confrontation on the Internet, and the two sides have also broken out Internet scolding wars from time to time.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Oriental selection of the initial anchor team

Now I hope that Dongfang Selection is unlucky and I support Dongfang Selection and hope that Dongfang Selection is good, and Dongfang Selection is now doing it, but it has also lost the beauty of sharing weal and woe at the beginning.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Oriental selection anchor paused

On June 26, Dongfang Selection anchor Dunton complained about the company on the Beautiful Life account, accusing the company of disrespecting the anchor, opening a new account without consulting the anchor, and accusing the company's public relations team of not standing up for the anchor.

When Dongfang Selection went to suppress Dong Yuhui, Dongfang Selection anchor did not stand up for Dong Yuhui.

This can't help but remind people of a saying: If I look at it coldly today, no one will raise the flag for me if he is in trouble and he will be in trouble for himself.

Dongfang Selection's philosophy has always been to strengthen the platform and brand, and weaken the anchor, under such a guiding ideology, the company's decision-making is definitely impossible to discuss with the anchor.

Why is Dongfang Selection always demolished by its own people?

Oriental selection anchor Mingming

From the Dongfang Selection Small Essay Incident to the Dunton bombardment of Dongfang Selection, it has always been Dongfang Selection's own people who are "demolishing" Dongfang Selection.

What should be reflected on is Yu Minhong and Dongfang Selection, and not being able to tolerate talents is the biggest problem of Dongfang Selection.

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