
When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

author:Shushan History Road
When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts


The scene of Guan Yu killing Hua Xiong is undoubtedly a classic scene in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, however, just before Guan Yu swung the knife, there were four top masters on the scene who were also capable of defeating Hua Xiong! But they each had their own thoughts, and they did not move.

What is it that makes these fierce generals choose to sit on the sidelines? Is it timidity? Is it calculation? Or is there something else going on? What kind of strategies and trade-offs are hidden behind this tense and fierce showdown?

Today, we're going to unravel this puzzling mystery and explore the true thoughts and motivations of these four masters at that moment.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

1. Heroes in troubled times: Dong Zhuo's rebellion and the alliance of princes

In 190 AD, the Eastern Han Dynasty was already in turmoil. The power of the court fell into the hands of the fierce Dong Zhuo, and the warlord of Xiliang coerced the Son of Heaven to order the princes to act recklessly. The government and the opposition all gritted their teeth and hated it.

At this critical moment of survival, the princes of the Eighteenth Route led by Yuan Shao rose up and vowed to crusade against Dong Zhuo and support the Han family. Among the alliance of princes, several heroes who later became famous in the world also participated.

Yuan Shao of Bohai, Sun Jian of Changsha, Yuan Shu of Nanyang, Sun Zan of Beiping, and Ma Teng of Xiliang were all famous princes.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

And under the command of Gongsun Zhan, there are three unknown little people - Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. Although they were unknown at this time, they set off a monstrous wave of the Three Kingdoms in the future.

Yuan Shao, as the leader of the alliance, summoned the princes to swear in Mengjin. He made a generous statement, denouncing Dong Zhuo's crimes, arousing everyone's hatred and hatred. However, underneath the surface of the impassionedness, there is an unknown ambition hidden in everyone's heart.

Some people want to take the opportunity to expand their territory, some people just wait and see the situation, and some people covet the power structure after Dong. This huge battle against Dong kicked off in this way in the complicated minds of the princes.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

2. Before the Tiger Prison: Huaxiong's prestige and the worries of the princes

The first hurdle in the fight against the Dong coalition army is the Tiger Prison Pass. This Xiongguan, located in the east of Luoyang, has a dangerous terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack. What's even more tricky is that Dong Zhuo has a fierce general Lu Bu under his command.

Sun Jian volunteered to be a pioneer. However, before he could show his skills, an accident disrupted the deployment of the coalition forces. In order to grab merit, Bao Xin, the prime minister of Jibei, secretly sent his younger brother Bao Zhong to lead a small group of troops to take a small road to challenge.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

This move was tantamount to self-defeat, and sure enough, Bao Zhong was soon beheaded by Hua Xiong, the general in Dong Zhuo's army. Hua Xiong is nine feet tall, with a tiger's back and a wolf's waist, and a flamboyant hairstyle like a lion's mane, and is known as the first warrior in Xiliang.

In Dong Zhuo's army, his force was second only to Lu Bu and Li Dao. Bao Zhong's rash attack provided Hua Xiong with an excellent opportunity to show his martial prowess.

Sun Jian led the army into battle, won the first battle, and killed Huaxiong's deputy general Hu Zhen. However, the joy of victory was soon replaced by a serious problem - the army ran out of food and grass.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

It turned out that Yuan Shu, who was in charge of logistics and supply, deliberately withheld grain and grass out of jealousy of Sun Jian. This despicable act put Sun Jian's army in a difficult situation.

When Hua Xiong learned of this, he immediately launched a night attack. Sun Jian's soldiers are hungry, where do they still have the strength to fight? had to retreat in embarrassment, and the love general Zu Mao died on the battlefield.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

3. The powerlessness of the heroes: the arrogance of Huaxiong and the dilemma of the princes

Huaxiong's victory greatly boosted Dong Zhuojun's morale. On the other hand, on the side of the coalition forces, it is gloomy and bleak. Hua Xiong even had to inch in, calling out in front of the battle every day, insulting the princes.

"Wait for the rats, hide your head and show your tail! If you have half a bit of heroism, you will compete with me!" Hua Xiong's shout was like a slap in the face of the princes.

In the face of such a provocation, none of the princes dared to fight. Until Cao Cao said: "If you can't beat Hua Xiong, why hit Lu Bu?" This sentence was like a sharp knife, piercing the deepest sore spot in the hearts of the princes.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

Yuan Shao had to speak: "Who can stand up and single out Huaxiong?" Boost our military! As soon as the words fell, Yu She, the general under Yuan Shu's account, stepped forward.

However, he fought Hua Xiong for less than three rounds before he was taken down. Immediately afterwards, Han Fu's general Pan Feng also asked Ying to fight, but he also ended up in a different place.

The defeat of the two generals in succession plunged the princes into deeper despair. At this moment, an inconspicuous figure stepped forward.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

Fourth, Guan Yu played: the legendary moment of fame in the first fight

"The young general is willing to go to battle, and he will sacrifice his head to the tent."

Everyone followed the prestige, only to see a burly man with long flowing hair stand up. His eyebrows are like knives, Danfeng's eyes are shining with determination, and under his thick beard is a slightly ruddy face, giving people a sense of heroic and extraordinary.

This volunteer general is none other than Guan Yu under Liu Bei's account. However, the princes did not expect much from Guan Yu. They ridiculed Guan Yu for being just a nobody, how could he compete with Hua Xiong?

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

Only Cao Cao keenly saw Guan Yu's extraordinary. "Brother Guan Yu, I salute you and wish you a victory." Cao Cao raised the wine bowl and gestured to Guan Yu.

Surprisingly, Guan Yu indifferently refused: "Kill little Huaxiong, why do you need to drink to strengthen your courage?" It's not too late for me to get back to drink. "

Guan Yu's words not only showed his self-confidence, but also implied contempt for Hua Xiong. This confident attitude made the princes present couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

When Guan Yu rode out, Hua Xiong was showing off his might in front of the camp. Seeing another young man who didn't know the height of the sky and the height of the earth coming to his death, Hua Xiong disdained it and planned to solve it quickly. However, the next scene completely subverted everyone's expectations.

As soon as Guan Yu and Hua Xiong fought, they showed amazing martial arts. His Green Dragon Glaive Knife swung like the wind, and his moves were fierce, and every blow was directed at Hua Xiong's vital point. Although Hua Xiong was brave, he was a little powerless in front of Guan Yu.

The fierce battle did not last long. I saw Guan Yu's sword flashing, and Hua Xiong's head was already flying high. The whole process is smooth, as if it is only between lightning and flint.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

When Guan Yu returned to the camp with Hua Xiong's head, the entire coalition army was boiling. Everyone was cheering: "What a hero! True heroes too! "

But Guan Yu seemed unusually calm, as if killing Hua Xiong was just commonplace. He said indifferently: "Return the head to Dong Zhuo." Cao Cao raised the bowl of still warm wine and handed it to Guan Yu: "The wine is still warm, Brother Guan Yu, please drink." "

Guan Yu's battle not only killed the arrogant and domineering Huaxiong, but also ignited the flame of hope in the demoralized coalition army. Since then, Guan Yu's name has begun to circulate in this turbulent land.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

5. Strength and opportunity: potential heroes other than Guan Yu

Although Guan Yu's battle amazed everyone, in fact, there were several other generals on the battlefield at that time, who also had the strength to kill Hua Xiong. It's just that for various reasons, they didn't get this opportunity.

The first is Sun Jian. The martial arts of this "Jiangdong Tiger" are not inferior to Guan Yu. The reason why he lost to Hua Xiong before was entirely because Yuan Shu seized the grain and grass, which caused the soldiers to starve. Under normal conditions, Sun Jian is fully capable of defeating Hua Xiong.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

The second was Cao Cao's cousin Cao Hong. Although Cao Hong did not play in this battle, his later performance was enough to prove his strength.

When Cao Cao was besieged by Xu Rong, it was Cao Hong who risked his life to save him and single-handedly fought his way out of the army. Such courage is definitely more than enough to deal with Huaxiong.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

There are also Cao Cao's two right-hand men - Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan. Xiahoudun has fought with Lu Bu many times, although he is defeated, but he can fight with the world's number one fierce general without defeat, which shows that his strength is extraordinary.

Xiahou Yuan, on the other hand, was known for his ability to attack quickly, and once led a thousand cavalry to defeat Han Sui's army. If these two fierce generals fight, Hua Xiong may not be able to escape death.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts

So, why did Guan Yu get this opportunity in the end? This may have something to do with Guan Yu's character. He was calm and confident, and he was the only one who dared to stand up when the other generals were timid.

Coupled with Cao Cao's discernment, Guan Yu was given this stage to show himself. It can be said that the rise of Guan Yu is not only a manifestation of strength, but also the favor of opportunities.

When Guan Yu killed Hua Xiong, there were still four masters present who could kill Hua Xiong, but they all had their own thoughts


Although the classic passage of "Warm Wine Kills Huaxiong" is not a fact in history, it has become an important stroke in literary creation to shape the image of Guan Yu.

It not only shows Guan Yu's martial bravery, but also reflects the complex situation of the division of the princes and the struggle for hegemony during the Three Kingdoms period. Both history and literature provide us with a unique perspective to interpret the troubled times of that hero.