
The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

author:Shushan History Road
The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out


Sima Yi, the wise general of the Three Kingdoms era, eventually took control of the Wei state, but his life was not all smooth sailing.

In fact, the existence of three people made it difficult for Sima Yi to sleep, and if they hadn't passed away one after another, Sima Yi's rise would have been full of thorns.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

What kind of opponent can make this scheming, strategicist fearful? What kind of power and threat are hidden behind their names?

Today, we will unveil these three legendary figures who made Sima Yi helpless, and see how they left an indelible mark in that troubled era.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

1. A wise choice in troubled times: Sima Yi's path to becoming a leader

In the sixth year of Jian'an (201 AD), the world was in turmoil, and the heroes were divided. Although Cao Cao did not officially become prime minister, he already controlled the power of the court. This talented man has always been eager to love talents, and when he heard that the local officials had recommended a talented man named Sima Yi, he couldn't wait to send someone to recruit him.

At that time, Sima Yi was twenty-one years old and in his prime. He came from a famous family, read poetry and books, and had a keen insight into the current situation. Faced with Cao Cao's call-up, the young Sima Yi fell into a deep contradiction.

On the one hand, he is eager to display his talents and serve the court; On the other hand, he was well aware that Cao Cao was ambitious and had an attempt to overthrow the Han family, which was contrary to his concept of loyalty to the Han family.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

After a fierce ideological struggle, Sima Yi made a seemingly cowardly but actually wise decision - to politely refuse Cao Cao's expedition on the grounds that he was suffering from rheumatism. This decision reflects Sima Yi's far-sighted character, and he chooses to hold back for the time being, waiting for a better time.

However, Cao Cao did not stop there. This genius who knows people and employs people is even more curious about Sima Yi and sends someone to secretly investigate. Late one night, Cao Cao's spies sneaked into Sima Yi's house, and sure enough, they saw him lying motionless on the bed, as if he was really terminally ill.

This scene can't help but be reminiscent of Fan Zeng's allusion to "referring to a deer as a horse", which can be seen from Sima Yi's cleverness and the city government. A few years later, Cao Cao finally got his wish and became the prime minister with great power.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

At this time, his power has surpassed that of the emperor, and Sima Yi can no longer be allowed to resign. Cao Cao once again ordered the conquest of Sima Yi, and this time, whether Sima Yi wanted it or not, he had to answer the call.

Faced with such a situation, Sima Yi knew that he could no longer dodge. He knew that refusal might bring ruin to the whole family, so he could only accept the expedition and officially embark on his official career. This decision was not only a reluctant move, but also an important turning point in Sima Yi's political career.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

From then on, Sima Yi began to serve under Cao Cao. His talent was soon appreciated by Cao Cao, who was entrusted with important tasks. However, Cao Cao always had a hint of wariness against the young talent.

Once, Cao Cao looked at Sima Yi's back and couldn't help but sigh: "This person has the appearance of an eagle and a wolf, and he is very human." This sentence seems to foreshadow the end of the Sima family's usurpation of Wei in the future.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

2. The friendship between master and apprentice: the complex relationship between Sima Yi and Cao Pi

As time passed, Sima Yi's position under Cao Cao became increasingly important. Cao Cao not only valued his talents, but also intended to make him his heir's teacher. This heir is Cao Cao's second son, Cao Pi.

Cao Pi is eight years younger than Sima Yi and is in the year of study. Sima Yi is knowledgeable and far-reaching, and he deserves to be Cao Pi's teacher. The two got along day and night, not only establishing a friendship between teachers and students, but also forming a deep friendship.

Under the careful teaching of Sima Yi, Cao Pi's talent became increasingly apparent. Not only was he proficient in literature, but he also gradually showed great political talent. Cao Pi's growth made Cao Cao more and more satisfied, and also laid the foundation for him to inherit the unification in the future.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

However, the establishment of the master-apprentice relationship also put Sima Yi in a delicate situation. On the one hand, he had to do his best to train Cao Pi and fulfill his duties as a teacher; On the other hand, he also unwittingly became an important member of the Cao Wei regime, gradually distancing himself from his original ideas.

In 220 AD, Cao Cao died. Behind him, Cao Pi quickly took control of the situation, deposed the Han dynasty as emperor, and established the Cao Wei regime. This major turning point also completely changed Sima Yi's fate.

As Cao Pi's teacher and important supporter, Sima Yi rightfully became the minister of the new dynasty. However, the taste of power is sweet and dangerous. Although Sima Yi is in a high position, he never dares to have the slightest arrogance.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

Although Cao Pi was young, he showed an amazing imperial bearing. He is well versed in the art of power, and he has a deep understanding of every move of the ministers of the DPRK and China. More importantly, Cao Cao's words before his death always lingered in Cao Pi's heart: "Sima Yi is not a human minister, and he will foresee your family affairs." "

This sentence was like a sharp sword hanging over Sima Yi's head, making him dare not make the slightest move. Cao Pi was both trusting and wary of Sima Yi, and this complicated relationship made Sima Yi feel pressured.

He understood that as long as Cao Pi reigned for one day, he could only keep to himself and continue to play the role of a loyal minister.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

3. The Weight of Power: Sima Yi's Dilemma under Cao Ei's rule

In 226 AD, Cao Pi died, and his son Cao Rong succeeded to the throne as Emperor Ming of Wei. At this time, Sima Yi was already over the age and had accumulated considerable prestige and influence in the court.

However, the power shuffle brought about by the new emperor's accession to the throne once again pushed Sima Yi into a delicate situation. Although Cao Ei is young, he has inherited the wisdom of the Cao family. He seems absurd and uninhibited on the surface, but in fact he is thoughtful and ruthless.

Before his death, Cao Pi arranged a group of auxiliary ministers for him, but Cao Rong did not listen to these ministers. Instead, he began a silent purge of power. Sima Yi, as an old minister, should have played a more important role in this period.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

However, Cao Ei's resolute behavior forced him to take it step by step. He had watched the auxiliary ministers fall one by one, and knew that under the rule of this young emperor, any careless move could lead to ruin.

Sima Yi was deeply impressed by Cao Ei's methods of rule. The young emperor was not only resolute in domestic affairs, but also showed extraordinary talent in foreign wars.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

He repeatedly repelled attacks by Shu and Wu, consolidating the dominance of Wei. These achievements strengthened Sima Yi's judgment that Cao Ei was not an opponent to deal with easily.

Under such pressure, Sima Yi chose to continue to forbear. While serving the Wei State conscientiously, he secretly cultivated his sons and laid out the future of the family. This cautious approach not only preserved itself, but also laid the groundwork for the rise of the Sima family in the future.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

Fourth, the times create heroes: Sima Yi's rise to the road

Although under the rule of Cao Cao, Cao Pi and Cao Ei, Sima Yi never dared to act rashly, this did not mean that he gave up his ambitions. On the contrary, this period became a critical stage for Sima Yi to accumulate strength and wait for the right moment.

Sima Yi knows that in order to survive in such an environment, talent alone is far from enough. He began to carefully manage his network, making allies in the DPRK and China, while also keeping a close eye on public opinion.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

His two sons, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao, also grew up during this period and became his right-hand men. As time passed, Sima Yi's position in the court became more and more solid.

He not only showed outstanding talent in civil governance, but also made many military exploits. Especially in the process of resisting Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition of Shu State, Sima Yi's military talent was fully demonstrated and won praise from the government and the opposition.

However, Sima Yi has always maintained a high degree of vigilance. He is well aware that in this whirlpool of power, one careless person may be lost. Therefore, he always maintained a humble attitude and quietly accumulated his strength.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

After Cao Rong's death, the Wei state entered a new period of rising power. The forces of all parties began to compete, and Sima Yi gradually became a pivotal figure by virtue of the prestige and strength accumulated over the years.

He began to play a more important role in the court, laying a solid foundation for the rise of the Sima family in the future.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

5. Power: The rise of the Sima family

As the Cao Wei Dynasty entered its fourth generation, the young emperor ascended the throne, and the power of the court gradually fell into the hands of relatives and ministers. At this time, Sima Yi's layout for many years finally began to show results.

Sima Yi and his two sons, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao, began to gradually take control of the government. They used their influence in the military and their connections with other ministers to gradually eliminate dissidents and strengthen their position.

The process has not been easy. The Sima family faced challenges from other powerful ministers, as well as military threats from Shu and Wu.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

However, after years of accumulation, Sima Yi has become a scheming politician. He was good at taking advantage of various contradictions, resolving crises, and finally making the Sima family's power grow stronger and stronger.

In the process, Sima Yi showed amazing political wisdom and means. He can not only overcome rigidity with softness, but also be vigorous and resolute at critical moments. His two sons also inherited their father's talents and took charge of the court independently, contributing important to the rise of the family.

Over time, the influence of the Sima family has surpassed that of the royal family. Although they still respectfully served the puppet emperor on the surface, in reality, the entire Cao Wei dynasty had fallen under their control.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out

Sima Yi's life, from the initial forced to become a leader, to the final grasp of power, has gone through a long and tortuous process. His success is not only due to his personal talent and strategy, but also inseparable from the changes of the times.

Sima Yi's rise not only changed the fate of himself and his family, but also laid the groundwork for a major dynastic change in Chinese history.

The three people Sima Yi feared the most in his life, if they didn't die, Sima Yi would never be able to come out


Sima Yi's life is like an epic of ups and downs of power. From his initial forced resignation to his eventual rise to power, his every step was full of wisdom and strategy.

The suppression of three generations of Ming Jun not only did not wipe out his ambition, but instead achieved his great cause. Sima Yi's story is not only a legend of personal destiny, but also a microcosm of the changes of the times, which is worthy of deep thought by future generations.