
Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

author:Shushan History Road
Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process


Fu Jian and Murong Chui, these two heroes who once fought side by side, finally went to the road of rupture. Why did their friendship break down? One side is step-by-step, carefully arranged; The other side was unguarded and seemed unguarded.

What really happened between them? What is it that makes them go from close comrades to enemies? What kind of intrigues and calculations are hidden behind this history?

Today, we will uncover the confusing story between Fu Jian and Murong Chui and explore the whole process of their falling out.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

1. Heroes of troubled times: Murong Chui's rise to prominence

In 369 AD, the Former Yan Dynasty was already in turmoil. As the last great talent in the royal family, Murong Chui had to make a difficult choice: defect to the emerging Former Qin Dynasty.

This decision not only changed his fate, but also laid the groundwork for future history. When Murong Trai came to Chang'an, the former capital of Qin, Fu Jian was particularly fond of this "prince in distress".

In Fu Jian's view, giving preferential treatment to political prisoners in enemy countries can not only show his magnanimity, but also break the enemy's will to resist. So, he made an exception and appointed Murong Chui as the secretary of the Chang'an Municipal Party Committee, a position of great weight at that time.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

However, not everyone agrees with this decision. His younger brother Fu Rong and his confidant minister Wang Meng have both made many statements, reminding Fu Jian to be wary of the ambitions of the Murong family.

But Fu Jian always ignored it on the grounds that "you can't live the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain". In the years that followed, Murong Trai showed great loyalty and won Fu Li's firm belief in Ren.

He not only gave advice to Fu Jian in the court, but also made many military exploits. However, under this mask of loyal ministers, Murong Chui's heart has always burned with the flame of rejuvenation.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

2. Imperial Mental Technique: Fu Jian's fatal flaw

In 372, Fu Jian made a decision that seemed magnanimous, but in fact laid the root of the curse: he not only gave Murong Ping, the biggest political prisoner of Former Yan, a real position, but also arranged all the kings of Former Yan to serve as officials in border counties. This decision caused a lot of controversy at the time.

Fu Jian's idea is simple: as long as these people are not given military power, there will be no problem. He believes that his kindness can influence these former enemies.

However, he ignores an important fact: these people have lost their country, will they really willingly become slaves to the country? What's even more puzzling is that while Fu Jian treats the Murong family preferentially, he is extremely humiliating in his personal relationships.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

He not only usurped Murong Chong's wife, but also had an improper relationship with Murong Chong's sister and brother. This kind of contradictory behavior undoubtedly deepened the Murong family's resentment towards him.

Fu Jian's behavior reflects a fatal flaw in his character: he is so obsessed with the benevolent image he has created that he ignores the potential threat. This conceit and blindness eventually became the source of his failure.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

3. The Battle of Huangshui: A Turning Point in Fate

In 383, Fu Jian led a large army south, in an attempt to destroy the Eastern Jin Dynasty and unify the world in one fell swoop. However, this battle, known as the "Battle of Weishui", became a turning point in the decline of the former Qin.

In this tragic defeat, Murong Trai once again showed his talent. In the case of the rout of the army, the 30,000 horses he led were not damaged at all, and became Fu Jian's last support.

This move not only made Fu Jian trust him more, but also created favorable conditions for his future actions. After the defeat, Murong Trai's son Murong Bao suggested taking the opportunity to kill Fu Jian, but Murong Trai refused.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

Murong Trai's reason was: "The restoration of the country must be restored, but if you kill Fu Jian so simply and rudely, you will be despised by the people of the world, and we will not be able to mix in the rivers and lakes in the future." "

These words fully reflect Murong Chui's political wisdom. He knows very well that in order to successfully restore the country, he needs not only strength, but also justifiable reasons. Therefore, he chose a more hidden and circuitous path.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

Fourth, the undercurrent is surging: Murong Chui's plan

On the way back to Chang'an, Murong Chui asked Fu Jian to go to Hebei to quell the chaos and pay homage to the tombs of his ancestors. Although Fu Jian hesitated, he finally agreed. This decision created an excellent opportunity for Murong Chui's great cause of recovering the country.

After arriving in Yecheng, Murong Chui ostensibly came to quell the chaos, but in fact began to secretly contact the old department to prepare for the army. His actions were so cautious that even Fu Jian's son, Fu Pi, did not notice anything unusual.

However, just beneath this seemingly calm surface, a storm is brewing. Murong Chui used his influence in the local area to quickly recruit a large number of troops. In just 10 days, 8,000 people came to vote.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

This astonishing number fully illustrates the appeal of the Murong family in Hebei. At the same time, Murong Chui also skillfully took advantage of the contradictions between Fu Jian's father and son.

He knew that Fu Pi was wary of himself, so he deliberately did some outrageous behavior, such as forcibly entering the Yecheng Temple and killing the guards and officials. These actions are not only a provocation to the Fu family, but also a signal to the old ministry: I am ready, you can act.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

5. The final blow: the clarion call for the restoration of the country

On December 27, 383, Murong Chui finally couldn't hold back and launched his long-awaited uprising. He skillfully used the cover of night to first kill Fu Feilong, who was sent by Fu Jian to monitor him, and then led a large army to cross the Yellow River and burn the bridge.

This series of actions showed Murong Chui's extremely high military talent and political wisdom. Not only did he succeed in escaping the control of the Fu family, but he also quickly grew his strength. In just one day, his strength had grown from a few thousand to 30,000.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

At the same time, Murong Chui also sent someone to secretly notify his son Murong Nong and others who stayed in Yecheng to raise troops to respond. On December 29, Murong Nong and Murong Kai successfully escaped from Yecheng and rushed to Lieren County to raise troops.

Ironically, it was not until the first day of the first lunar month in 384, that is, the first day of the new year, that Fu Pi, who was holding a banquet, found that the people of the Murong family were gone. By the time he reacted, Murong Nong had already rebelled in Lieren County.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process

The occurrence of this series of events fully exposed the mistakes of the father and son of the Fu family. They were overconfident and ignored the threat from the Murong family, which eventually led to a catastrophe.

As the old saying goes, "When the city gate is on fire, the fish in the pond are affected." Fu Jian's thought not only buried his imperial industry, but also caused the entire Qianqin to fall apart.

Revealing the whole process of Fu Jian and Murong Chui's falling out, one side is in action step by step, but the other side is unguarded throughout the whole process


History is always repeating, but there are always new changes. Murong Chui's road to recovery is not only a thrilling power drama, but also a mirror that illuminates human nature.

It tells us that in the political arena, never underestimate the ambitions of your opponents and never overestimate your own charisma. Because in a game of thrones, every move can decide the winner or loser, and every decision can change the course of history.