
The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

author:Shushan History Road
The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!


The heroic deeds of the five tiger generals of Shu Han, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have long been well-known, however, the generals who really make Zhuge Liang admire are not these two famous heroes.

In Zhuge Liang's mind, there are four unknown generals who he really appreciates and relies on. The abilities of these four people made even a fierce general like Wei Yan feel jealous.

What kind of talent and wisdom made them win the favor of Zhuge Liang? And how did they play well on the battlefield?

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

1. Who are the real heroes in troubled times?

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in turmoil. The heroes rise together, and the heroes come out one after another. In this era when heroes create the times and the times create heroes, everyone is striving for their own ideals and ambitions.

Liu Bei, a member of the Han clan from a humble background, began his road of meritorious service with his courage and mind. Liu Bei was just a vendor weaving mats and selling shoes at first, but he had great ambitions and was determined to support the Han family.

After getting acquainted with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the three became brothers with different surnames and began their careers. However, what really made Liu Bei's career take off was that he met Zhuge Liang, a genius through the ages.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

Zhuge Liang, the word Kongming, the number Wolong, is a rare all-rounder in history. He is not only proficient in the art of war, but also good at governing the country and securing the country. After Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang to the thatched house, the strength of the Shuhan Group increased greatly, and finally occupied a place in the pattern of the Three Kingdoms.

However, it is far from enough to rely on Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang. A strong regime needs more talent to support it. So, in Zhuge Liang's eyes, who is the general who can really entrust the heavy responsibility?

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

2. The Hidden Sword: The Surprising Aspects of Chen Zhi

Among the generals of Shu Han, there was one person whose name was rarely mentioned, but his existence was crucial. This person is Chen Zhi. Chen Dao, whose name is Uncle Zhi, is the commander of Liu Bei's Bai Yu soldiers.

What is the White Soldier? It is equivalent to a modern special forces, and it is an elite division dedicated to protecting Liu Bei's safety. As the commander of the Bai Yu soldiers, Chen Zhi's martial arts are naturally superior.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

But Chen's true value lies not only in his martial arts. In the "Battle of Changbanpo", when Zhao Yun rushed into the Cao army camp alone to rescue Adou, it was Chen Zhi and his Bai Yu soldiers who really guarded Liu Bei's safety.

What's even more surprising is that in the Battle of Yiling, when Liu Bei was defeated and needed to retreat, it was Chen Zhi who led more than 700 Bai Yu soldiers to fight a bloody way in the midst of ten thousand troops, which won Liu Bei precious time to escape.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

Zhuge Liang spoke highly of Chen Dao. In a letter to Li Yan, Zhuge Liang wrote: "Brother suspects that the White Emperor's soldiers are not refined. When he went to the governor, the first emperor was under the white yu, and the west was also in the army. This fully illustrates Zhuge Liang's recognition of Chen Zhi's ability.

Chen Zhi's existence is like a hidden sword, which can always exert amazing power at critical moments. His loyalty and ability made him a rare general in Zhuge Liang's eyes.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

3. From Enemy to Best Friend: Jiang Wei's Legendary Life

Among the generals that Zhuge Liang valued, there was one person whose experience was legendary. He is Jiang Wei. Jiang Wei was originally a general of the Wei State and was born in the Jiang family, a Tianshui nobleman.

When he was young, he was reused by Cao Wei, but because of the discord between his colleagues, he was always suspected by Tianshui Taishou Ma Zun. During Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition, Jiang Wei was forced to surrender to Shu Han.

At first, Jiang Wei was just one of many generals and did not attract special attention. However, he soon showed extraordinary talent on the battlefield and caught Zhao Yun's attention. Zhao Yun recommended him to Zhuge Liang.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

After Zhuge Liang had an in-depth conversation with Jiang Wei, he was pleasantly surprised to find that this was a rare talent. Since then, Jiang Wei has become one of the most valued generals under Zhuge Liang's account. Zhuge Liang not only personally guided Jiang Wei's military strategy, but also regarded him as the hope of Shu Han's future.

In a letter to Jiang Wan, Zhuge Liang commented on Jiang Wei: "Wei Di can also be described as a genius based on what he said. Such praise is enough to show that Zhuge Liang attaches great importance to Jiang Wei.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

Jiang Wei did not live up to Zhuge Liang's expectations. In the years that followed, he made several expeditions to the north of Wei, and although ultimately unsuccessful, his loyalty and courage left a deep impression on later generations.

Even after the fall of Shu Han, Jiang Wei still did not give up his dream of restoring the country, and finally paid the price with his life. Jiang Wei's life, from the general of Wei to the pillar of Shu Han, and then to the final martyrdom, all reflect his talent and loyalty. This is also the quality that Zhuge Liang values most.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

Fourth, the victory of the prudent: Wang Ping's growth path

In Zhuge Liang's eyes, in addition to the brave generals, those cautious and steady generals are also worth reusing. Wang Ping is such a person. The rise of Wang Ping starts with the Battle of Jieting.

At that time, Zhuge Liang sent Ma Tan to lead an army to guard the street pavilion, which was a strategic location. However, Ma Tan was arrogant and did not listen to Wang Ping's advice, and insisted on setting up the camp on a high place, but was cut off from the water source by the Wei army, and fled in defeat.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

In this catastrophic defeat, only Wang Ping remained calm. He not only dissuaded Ma Yan's wrong decision, but also organized the remnants of the army to retreat in an orderly manner when the defeat was timed, preserving part of his strength.

This incident made Zhuge Liang see the value of Wang Ping. He not only has military talent, but more importantly, he has the ability to think calmly and adapt to situations in critical situations. From then on, Zhuge Liang began to reuse Wang Ping.

Wang Ping has a very cautious personality, which may be seen as a weakness at some point. But in Zhuge Liang's view, this is precisely his advantage.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

In the "Teacher Table" written to Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang commented on Wang Ping: "Wang Ping and Ma Zhong are the successors of things, and they are also talented, and Huang Zhong and Wei Yan are compared." "

Later facts proved that Zhuge Liang's vision was correct. In 244 AD, Cao Shuang led an army of more than 100,000 to attack Hanzhong, and Wang Ping led 30,000 people to set up an ambush, inflicting heavy losses on the Wei army and successfully defending the territory of Shu Han.

Wang Ping's growth path is the process of gradually growing from a cautious general to a general who can take charge of himself. In this process, Zhuge Liang's support and trust played a key role.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

5. The embodiment of loyalty: Zhao Yun's perfect performance

In Zhuge Liang's mind, there is another general who can be called perfect, and he is Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun, the word Zilong, Changshan is really fixed. Not only is he superior in martial arts, but more importantly, he has a valuable loyal character and a cool head.

Zhao Yun's most well-known deeds are the "single-rider savior" in the Battle of Changbanpo. At that time, Cao Cao led an army of 800,000 to pursue Liu Bei, and the situation was extremely critical. At this time of life and death, Zhao Yun rushed into the enemy formation alone and rescued Liu Bei's young son Adou.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

This feat not only shows Zhao Yun's bravery, but also reflects his loyalty to the lord. However, Zhao Yun's value lies not only in his martial prowess.

In Zhuge Liang's view, the most valuable thing about Zhao Yun is his calmness and wisdom. In many battles, Zhao Yun has shown extraordinary command skills. He can not only charge into battle, but also strategize, and is a rare all-round general.

Zhuge Liang's trust in Zhao Yun can be seen from their cooperation. Every time he took an important military operation, Zhuge Liang would consult Zhao Yun's opinion. In the later Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang regarded Zhao Yun as his right-hand man.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!

Zhao Yun's loyalty is not only reflected on the battlefield, but also in daily life. According to historical records, Zhao Yun never regarded himself as a meritorious hero in the court, treated his colleagues very kindly, and never quarreled with others. This humble attitude won Zhuge Liang's appreciation.

In Zhuge Liang's eyes, Zhao Yun is undoubtedly the closest to perfect general. He had both outstanding talents and noble character, and more importantly, he always maintained his loyalty to Shu Han. Such a person naturally became Zhuge Liang's most relied on general.

The generals that Zhuge Liang really appreciates are not Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but these four, Wei Yan is jealous!


The four generals that Zhuge Liang values may not be as well-known as Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, but their talents and character have supported the world of Shu Han at a critical moment.

Their story is not only a dusty history, but also a revelation to us today: true heroes not only need extraordinary talent, but also need firm faith and noble character.