
How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

author:Shushan History Road
How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

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Text: Yanyan

Edited by Yeon-yeon

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals


Cao Cao, the wise and brave man who galloped in troubled times, once obtained a group of key talents from Yuan Shao's father and son, including two outstanding celebrities, four strategists, and three famous generals with outstanding achievements.

These characters not only turn the tide on the battlefield, but also play a key role in the strategic layout. However, the stories behind them and how they were exploited by Cao Cao are often obscured by history.

Today, we'll delve into these dusty legends, revealing their ups and downs and strategic value in troubled times, as well as their intricate relationship with Cao Cao.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Troubled Times: Cao Cao and Yuan Shao's talent battle

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the world was in turmoil. Princes from all walks of life rose one after another, among which Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were the most prominent. Yuan Shao was born in a famous family, with a prominent family background of the fourth generation and three dukes, and had a huge sphere of influence in the north.

In contrast, although Cao Cao was also born in a family of eunuchs, his family background was far less prominent than Yuan Shao's. However, it was this seemingly disadvantaged Cao Cao who finally defeated the powerful Yuan Shao and became the dominant player in the Three Kingdoms pattern.

In 200 AD, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao fought a decisive battle at Guandu. Despite being inferior in terms of military strength and territory, Cao Cao was able to achieve victory with his military prowess and political skills.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

This victory not only laid the foundation for Cao Cao's unification of the north, but also won him the favor of a large number of outstanding talents. In the years that followed, Cao Cao successively eliminated several of Yuan Shao's sons and completely disintegrated the Yuan group.

However, Cao Cao did not become complacent about the victory. On the contrary, he showed extraordinary political wisdom and began to absorb the talents of the Yuan Shao group on a large scale.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Wen Tao Wu Strategy: The joining of two famous men and three military generals

Among the talents that Cao Cao accommodated, the most striking were two famous literati: Chen Lin and Cui Yan.

Chen Lin was originally the chief secretary of the general He Jin, and later took refuge in Jizhou and became Yuan Shao's subordinate. When Yuan Shao was defeated, Chen Lin was captured.

Surprisingly, instead of punishing him, Cao Cao appreciated his talent and appointed him as the priest of the Air Force and co-managed the office with Ruan Yu. This move fully reflects Cao Cao's way of employing people: regardless of previous suspicions, only talents.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Cui Yan is another respected Confucian. In his early years, he studied under Zheng Xuan, a great Confucian in the late Han Dynasty, and was very knowledgeable. After Cao Cao pacified Hebei, Cui Yan was appointed as Prime Minister Dong Cao Peng, responsible for teaching Cao Pi and Cao Zhi.

The addition of Cui Yan added cultural heritage to Cao Cao's regime and also made an important contribution to the cultivation of future successors.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

However, the addition of literati is only one aspect of Cao Cao's talent strategy. In the military field, Cao Cao also recruited a large number of talents. Among them, the most outstanding are Zhang He, Gao Ran and the three generals.

Zhang He was originally Yuan Shao's subordinate general and performed well in the Battle of Guandu. After the surrender of Cao Cao, he quickly demonstrated extraordinary military talent.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

In the years that followed, Zhang He made many military exploits and became one of the five good generals of Cao Wei. He defeated Zhuge Liang's Ma Tan in the Battle of Jieting, which won Cao Wei an important strategic advantage.

Although Gao Ran and Zhao are not as dazzling as Zhang He, they are also generals who can fight well. Their participation greatly enhanced the strength of Cao Cao's army and laid a solid foundation for the subsequent great cause of unification.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Strategizing: The Light of Wisdom of the Four Strategists

In addition to the literati and military generals, Cao Cao also attached great importance to the role of strategists. Under his command, the most famous were the four advisors Xu You, Xin Bi, Dong Zhao and Gao Rou.

Xu You was originally Yuan Shao's advisor, but took refuge in Cao Cao in the Battle of Guandu. He offered Cao Cao a strategy to attack the Black Nest, which became the key to turning the tide of the battle. Although Xu You was later executed for his hubris, his talent and contributions are undeniable.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Simbie was a politically wise strategist. He originally served for Yuan Shao's son Yuan Tan, and later surrendered to Cao Cao. Cao Cao used him very much, successively appointed him as the prime minister and the servant, and also gave him a noble title. Xinbi's political prowess made an important contribution to the stability of the Cao Wei regime.

Dong Zhao is considered to be an important mastermind of Cao Cao's acceptance of the Duke of Wei and the King of Wei. He was well versed in politics and paved the way for Cao Cao's hegemony. When Cao Pi ascended the throne, Dong Zhao also played an important role, and can be said to be the behind-the-scenes hero of the Cao Wei regime.

Gao Rou is a long-lived strategist. He served from the Cao Cao period until the Sima clan came to power, and experienced the rise and fall of the Wei state. Gao Rou has a keen political sense and can always stand on the side of the winner, which is especially valuable in troubled times.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Cherish talents and thirst: Cao Cao's way of employing people

Cao Cao's ability to recruit so many talents in a short period of time and make effective use of their talents is inseparable from his unique way of employing people.

First of all, Cao Cao has a thirsty mentality. Even if he was a former enemy, as long as he had talent, Cao Cao was willing to give him a chance. For example, for a literati like Chen Lin, Cao Cao not only did not punish him for his loyalty to Yuan Shao, but instead appreciated his knowledge and talents, and reused them in important positions in the imperial court.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Secondly, Cao Cao is good at teaching students according to their aptitude, so that everyone can give full play to their talents in the most suitable position. For example, he let military generals like Zhang He lead the army, let strategists like Dong Zhao participate in political decision-making, and let literati like Chen Lin and Cui Yan enrich their cultural heritage. This just right allocation of talents made Cao Cao's regime more powerful.

Moreover, Cao Cao also has a broad mind and a tolerant attitude. He doesn't care about past suspicions, and he doesn't talk nonsense because of others. Even for someone like Xu Yu who had betrayed Yuan Shao, Cao Cao was able to objectively evaluate his talent and put it to good use. This attitude also strengthens the talent's trust and loyalty to him.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

Talent competition: the key to achieving hegemony

Looking back at Cao Cao's rise, it is not difficult to find that talent strategy has played a crucial role in it. By absorbing the outstanding talents of the Yuan Shao Group, Cao Cao not only strengthened his own strength, but also weakened the power of his opponents at the same time. This strategy of using one's own strengths and attacking the weaknesses of others was undoubtedly one of the key factors in Cao Cao's ultimate success.

In terms of cultural governance, literati such as Chen Lin and Cui Yan provided cultural support and legitimacy for Cao Cao's regime. Their participation not only enhanced the cultural taste of Cao Cao's regime, but also made an important contribution to the training of the next generation of leaders.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals

On the military side, generals such as Zhang He, Gao Lan, and Zhao Zhao greatly enhanced the combat effectiveness of Cao Cao's army. They made many meritorious contributions in the subsequent wars, and made great contributions to Cao Cao's unification of the north and the fight against Shu and Wu.

On the political front, the strategists Xu You, Xin Bi, Dong Zhao, and Gao Rou advised Cao Cao and provided important political support at critical moments. Their wisdom and strategy escorted Cao Cao's political career and made great contributions to the establishment and development of the Wei State.

These talents from Yuan Shao's camp, under the leadership of Cao Cao, showed their strengths and cooperated with each other to form a strong team. It was the existence of this team that allowed Cao Cao to stand out in the troubled times and eventually become the dominant player in the pattern of the Three Kingdoms.

How many talents did Cao Cao get from Yuan Shao's father and son? Two famous men, four great advisers, three famous generals


Cao Cao's success was not only a military and political victory, but also a victory in the battle for talent. His thirst for talent, his knowledge of people and his eclectic way of employing people have left us with valuable historical enlightenment.

In today's society, talent is still the key factor in determining success or failure. Cao Cao's talent strategy is undoubtedly worthy of our in-depth thinking and reference.

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