
Recurrent stomach pain? Experts analyze the cause and protect stomach health

author:Department of Cardiology, Wang Zhigang

On a hot summer day, Ms. Wang was enjoying a rare break at home. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain hit her stomach, as if a hot frying pan was churning in her stomach. She bent over unbearably, trying to find a way to relieve it, but the stomach pain was getting more and more intense, and she became anxious and desperate to find a solution.

Ms. Wang is not alone, stomach pain is one of the common health problems of many middle-aged and elderly people, which not only affects their quality of life, but may also indicate potential health risks. To better understand and cope with this, let's dive into the common causes of stomach pain and their possible solutions.

Recurrent stomach pain? Experts analyze the cause and protect stomach health

Analysis of the causes of common stomach pain

The causes of stomach pain are varied, from eating habits to lifestyle and even psychological stress, which can be a trigger for an upset stomach.

First of all, dietary factors play an important role in stomach pain. Excessive eating or prolonged fasting can cause damage to the stomach lining and cause pain. For example, excessive intake of greasy or spicy food can easily irritate the gastric mucosa and cause discomfort. In addition, eating excessively hot or cold foods can also cause drastic changes in stomach temperature, triggering pain. Therefore, maintaining a varied, moderate, and regular diet is the first step in preventing stomach pain.

Secondly, poor lifestyle habits are also one of the common triggers of stomach pain. For example, staying on an empty stomach for a long time or eating at irregular times can cause uncontrolled stomach acid secretion and aggravate stomach discomfort. Lack of sleep, prolonged stress or anxiety, increased secretion of stress hormones by the body, can also have a negative impact on gastrointestinal function, leading to an increase in the frequency of stomach pain.

In addition to this, the impact of mental stress on stomach health cannot be ignored. Work pressure, family conflicts, mood swings, etc., in life, may lead to neuroendocrine system disorders, which indirectly affect the normal function of the gastrointestinal tract. In this state of tension, blood flow to the stomach decreases, and the stomach lining becomes less tolerant of acids, which can lead to stomach pain or indigestion.

In addition, some chronic diseases may also present with recurrent symptoms of stomach pain, such as indigestion, gastric ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, etc. These conditions may require diagnosis and treatment by a medical professional to develop an effective treatment plan and lifestyle modifications.

In conclusion, stomach pain is a common health problem with various causes, and it is necessary to comprehensively consider the individual's eating habits, lifestyle, psychological state and other factors. Through reasonable lifestyle adjustment, dietary habit improvement and timely medical intervention, the occurrence of gastric pain can be effectively prevented and managed, and the quality of life and health can be improved.

Recurrent stomach pain? Experts analyze the cause and protect stomach health

Lifestyle recommendations to prevent stomach pain

The importance of a healthy diet

Prevention of stomach pain is inseparable from a healthy diet. First of all, we need to maintain a balanced and regular diet. Overeating and prolonged fasting are both common causes of stomach upset. In order to avoid these problems, it is recommended to maintain a regular meal of three meals a day and try to avoid overeating or overeating after meals. In addition, choosing foods that are light and easy to digest is also a good way to protect your stomach. For example, a high intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and low-fat proteins, such as fish and poultry, can help maintain gastrointestinal health.

Adjust your lifestyle habits

Stomach pain is closely related to lifestyle habits. Staying on an empty stomach for long periods of time or overworking can increase the risk of stomach upset. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone maintain a regular sleep schedule, do not empty for a long time, and try to avoid going to bed immediately after dinner. In addition, good sleep quality is also essential for gastrointestinal health. Lack of sleep or poor quality can increase the body's stress response, which in turn can affect the normal function of the stomach.

Manage emotional stress

Emotional stress is one of the common triggers of stomach pain. The ability to cope with stress not only improves mental health, but also has a positive impact on gastrointestinal health. Effective coping strategies, such as regular exercise, learning relaxation techniques (such as deep breathing, meditation or yoga), and seeking social support, are recommended to reduce the adverse effects of stress on the body.


When it comes to preventing stomach pain, proper use of medications is also crucial. Misuse of pain relievers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause irritation of the stomach lining and increase the risk of stomach upset. If you do need to use these medications, you should use them under your doctor's guidance, following recommended dosages and frequency of use, and noting that there are recommendations to take them with food. Also, keep a clear head and avoid self-medication for unclear symptoms that can trigger more serious stomach problems.

Recurrent stomach pain? Experts analyze the cause and protect stomach health

Diagnosis and treatment of stomach pain

Medical Diagnostic Process

For frequent episodes of stomach pain, a timely medical diagnosis is crucial. In general, doctors make a preliminary diagnosis of the cause through a detailed history and physical examination. If further confirmation is needed, blood tests, imaging tests (such as gastroscopy), or other specific tests may be done. These tests can help doctors accurately assess the extent and nature of stomach lesions so that they can determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Recurrent stomach pain? Experts analyze the cause and protect stomach health

Personalized treatment plan

Treatment options for stomach pain vary from person to person and require an individualized treatment plan based on the specific cause. For example, for stomach pain caused by indigestion, symptoms can be improved by adjusting eating habits and lifestyle. For conditions such as gastric ulcers, long-term drug therapy may be required, and regular follow-ups during treatment to assess response and adjust treatment regimens. During the treatment, patients should actively cooperate with the doctor's advice and avoid changing the treatment plan or stopping the drug on their own, so as not to affect the treatment effect and physical health.

Integrated management and long-term guardianship

In addition to treatment options, comprehensive management of stomach pain includes monitoring and prevention of recurrence. Patients should have regular follow-up appointments for regular check-ups and evaluations by their doctors. During the course of treatment, if new symptoms appear or the condition worsens, you should report it to your doctor in time and adjust the treatment plan according to your doctor's recommendations. Through continuous management and monitoring, the symptoms of stomach pain can be effectively controlled, the occurrence of complications can be reduced, and the quality of life can be improved.