
One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

author:Flying Pigeon Literary Society
One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now
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One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

In the Chinese TV circle, there is a name that has frequently aroused heated discussions in recent years: Long Yang. The 35-year-old CCTV host, with his unique charm and talent, quickly became the focus of the audience's attention.

However, her path to success has not been easy, but has been full of controversy and doubt.

Long Yang's rise in CCTV can be called rapid. In just a few years, she has jumped from an ordinary program host to the host lineup of important programs such as the Spring Festival Gala. But then came public doubts about her abilities.

At the 315 party, she once attracted attention for a brief pause. What's even more remarkable is that when she hosted the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, there was a slip of the tongue in the first sentence of the opening, and at the end, she misread "blessing everyone" as "blessing the big position".

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

These mistakes should have dealt a serious blow to a host's career, but Long Yang seems to be an exception. Despite the controversy, CCTV still favors her and does not reduce her strength.

At the same time, Long Yang, who is still 35 years old and unmarried, has also become a topic of conversation after dinner. Her love life seems to be as mysterious and evocative as her career.

In the face of all kinds of doubts and speculations, Long Yang has always remained silent. She uses her own way to interpret what it means to be a "hero who is not judged by success or failure". So, what is it that keeps her alive in the midst of controversy? Does her success really depend only on background and connections? Let's walk into the story of Longyang and uncover the answers to these mysteries.

Long Yang's success did not happen overnight, but stemmed from her unremitting efforts and persistence. Born in an ordinary working family, Long Yang has shown outstanding eloquence since he was a child.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

As a child, she always had the upper hand in arguments, and even her parents had difficulty convincing her. This talent was keenly noticed by her teacher, who advised her to develop in the direction of broadcasting and hosting.

With the dream of becoming a host, Long Yang has made unimaginable efforts. In order to be admitted to her favorite Beijing Broadcasting Institute, she got up early every day and worked hard, and her diligence was comparable to the legend of the ancient students' "head cantilever beam cone thorn stock".

However, fate seems to have played a joke on her. When the results of the college entrance examination were announced, she failed to get her wish and only received an admission letter from Nanjing University of the Arts.

This blow was undoubtedly heavy for Long Yang. Disappointment flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a determined glow. Since it is impossible to change the result, then go all out under the existing conditions.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

During his time at Nanjing University of the Arts, Long Yang worked harder than other students. She absorbs knowledge like a sponge, actively participates in various hosting competitions, and strives to improve her professional skills.

Longyang's college life was much more difficult than most people think. She gave up a lot of time for recreation and rest to devote herself to study and practice. That effort paid off in the end.

With her outstanding performance, she has won the favor of several television stations, including Shandong TV and Zhuhai TV.

However, Longyang's goal is much more than that. She longs for a bigger stage, more challenges. With this ambition, at the age of 22, she bravely stepped into Nanjing TV.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

Here, she took over the popular program "Live Nanjing", which attracted a lot of attention at that time.

Faced with this heavy task, Long Yang was both excited and apprehensive in his heart. She knows that as a newcomer to the industry, shouldering such an important program will inevitably face many doubts and challenges.

But she didn't back down, but proved herself with strength. Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also laid a solid foundation for future success.

Long Yang's story tells us that success often requires the perfect combination of talent and hard work. Even if the starting point is ordinary, as long as you have dreams and continue to struggle, you can eventually create your own wonderful life.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

Long Yang's experience at Nanjing TV can be said to be an important turning point in her career. At the age of 22, with full enthusiasm and dedication to the hosting career, she took over the high-profile popular program "Live Nanjing".

Long Yang, who is new to the workplace, is facing a lot of pressure. As a newcomer who has just stepped into society, she not only lacks enough experience, but also has to face many skeptical eyes.

Many people are waiting to see how this young presenter makes a fool of himself. However, Long Yang slapped the doubter in the face with her actual performance.

On the stage of "Live Nanjing", Long Yang showed a calmness and talent far beyond her age. Her hosting style is lively and generous, but she is also steady, and she can easily navigate all types of content.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

Her performance not only won the love of the audience, but also raised the level of the entire show.

Longyang's success is not accidental. Her calm confidence in front of the camera stems from countless days and nights of hard practice behind the camera. Her eyes always sparkle with love for her work and anticipation for the future, and this enthusiasm is contagious to her colleagues and also touches the audience.

Seeing Long Yang's outstanding performance, the TV station decided to tailor a new program for her. In this way, "After 8090, Longyang Talk Show" was born. As soon as this show was launched, it immediately aroused a warm response from the audience, which greatly enhanced Long Yang's already well-known reputation.

This experience at Nanjing TV not only allowed Long Yang's talent to be fully demonstrated, but also laid a solid foundation for her future career development. Her success attracted the attention of CCTV and opened a broader stage for her.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

For Long Yang, this is just the beginning of her wonderful career, and greater challenges and opportunities await her.

After Long Yang joined CCTV, her career turned a new page. Although she didn't initially host a prime-time show, she quickly won the hearts of the audience with her talent and hard work.

As her fame grew, the TV station leaders also paid more and more attention to this young and promising host.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When the well-known host Dong Qing needed to reduce his exposure for some reason, Long Yang became the best successor. This is undoubtedly a huge opportunity, but it also means greater challenges and pressures.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

However, it was not all smooth sailing for Long Yang, who had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders. At the first important show she hosted, the 315 party, she encountered an embarrassing moment.

When it comes to business-related topics, she suddenly falls into a brief silence. Although it was only a momentary pause, it was captured by a keen audience. The mistake immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and doubts arose.

In the face of this setback, Long Yang did not flinch. There was firmness and determination in her eyes, as if she was silently saying to herself, "I must prove myself." "She has gone the extra mile to keep improving her business capabilities.

Surprisingly, her career at CCTV has not only not been affected, but has become more prosperous.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

In just five years, Long Yang has jumped from an "inconspicuous" program host to the big stage of the Spring Festival Gala. This is undoubtedly a huge leap forward and an affirmation of her abilities.

However, she once again faced a severe test on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

When she hosted the Spring Festival Gala for the first time, there was a slip of the tongue in the first sentence of the opening. What is even more surprising is that at the end of the blessing speech, she actually misread "bless everyone" as "blessing the great position".

The mistake caused an uproar online, with questions and criticisms overwhelming.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

In the face of such great pressure, Long Yang's heart must be full of frustration and self-blame. But she wasn't knocked down by the mistake. There was a hint of hurt in her eyes, but more of a tenacity and unyieldingness.

She knows that in this position, every detail will be magnified, and every mistake can become the target of public criticism. But she chose to move on and respond to doubts with strength.

Despite the controversy, CCTV still seems to favor Long Yang. Not only was she not demoted, but she continued to be reused.

In any case, Long Yang's CCTV career fully demonstrates the reality of the workplace where opportunities and challenges coexist. Her experience tells us that the road to success is never easy, and the key is how to grow in the face of setbacks and prove yourself in the face of doubts.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

Long Yang's success is not accidental, but stems from her wise career choice and unremitting efforts. At a critical juncture in her career, she made a surprising decision.

In the face of the olive branches thrown by Shandong TV and Zhuhai TV, Long Yang chose a seemingly more difficult path - to become an intern of Hunan Radio and Television.

This decision has left many people baffled. It takes a lot of courage and self-confidence to give up ready-made opportunities and start from the very beginning. But Long Yang's eyes flashed with determination, as if telling her love and dedication to the hosting career.

She firmly believes that as long as she works hard, she can eventually realize her dream on a bigger stage.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

As it turned out, she made the right choice. During his internship at Hunan Radio and Television, Long Yang's performance was outstanding and he quickly won the appreciation of the leaders. Her talent not only stood out among her colleagues, but also attracted the attention of Nanjing Radio and Television Station.

In this way, Long Yang, who was only 22 years old, successfully joined Nanjing Radio and Television Station and started her brilliant hosting career. This experience confirms that strength and luck often go hand in hand.

Long Yang's every choice is to find a balance between strength and opportunity, and in the end, it is her talent and hard work that have won her success.

Today's Long Yang has become a well-known host of CCTV, but her 35-year-old unmarried status has caused a lot of speculation and discussion among the public. In the face of the discussion from the outside world, her eyes showed a trace of helplessness, but she was more calm and calm.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

The controversy about Longyang has never stopped. Some people questioned her for her background, and even rumored that she excluded Dong Qing. However, these are unsubstantiated gossips.

Long Yang has used her strength and performance to constantly prove that her success does not depend on relationships and background, but on the result of talent and hard work.

Despite the many slips of the tongue, it is undeniable that Long Yang is a talented host. Her experience teaches us that one should not be denied all of one's efforts because of a momentary mistake, nor should we believe unsubstantiated rumors.

At the peak of his career, Long Yang seemed to be more focused on career development and put his personal emotional life on the back burner. Although this choice raised some questions, it also showed her dedication and love for her career.

One after another made a slip of the tongue but was praised by CCTV, 35-year-old Long Yang, who is still unmarried, what is happening now

Long Yang's story is a perfect combination of talent and hard work, and it is also a vivid portrayal of persisting in dreams. No matter what the future holds, she will continue to prove her worth with strength on the stage she loves, and shine with unique brilliance.

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