
The woman let her best friend live at home for a few years, and her mother was afraid that her best friend would ruin her happiness, but she blamed her mother for being troubled

author:Tongtong's mother said something

Feng Yu (pseudonym) has a like-minded best friend, and the relationship between the two is even better than that of sisters.

Girlfriends have lived in her home for a long time and act as her think tank.

Feng Yu has a strong personality and has a bad relationship with his in-laws.

When she was pregnant, her in-laws were busy with crops in her hometown and didn't go to the city to see her.

At this time, her best friend said in her ear that other people's daughters-in-law are pregnant, and their in-laws not only give money, but also serve them with delicious food and drink, you see that your in-laws have never come to see you, how can you do this.

You have a big belly all day long, you have to go to work to make money, and when you get home, you have to cook, cook and eat by yourself. You gave birth to their family's bloodline and their grandchildren, but they are not nervous about you at all, such in-laws are not sensible at all.

The woman let her best friend live at home for a few years, and her mother was afraid that her best friend would ruin her happiness, but she blamed her mother for being troubled

Feng Yu felt that what her best friend said was right, she was pregnant with the blood of her mother-in-law's family, but her mother-in-law's family never paid attention to her, and she never gave her a single egg, so she held a grudge against her in-laws.

When Feng Yu gave birth to a child, her in-laws went from her hometown to the city to take care of her in confinement, but because the living habits and eating habits of the old couple and the young people were different, there were many conflicts.

Feng Yu drove her in-laws back to her hometown, and her good girlfriend served her during confinement.

My girlfriend cooks her confinement meals, takes care of the children, and usually does some housework and hygiene. Her best friend helped her a lot, and she remembered her best friend's goodness.

If she didn't have a best friend, she wouldn't know how to spend the confinement, so she hated her in-laws even more.

After Feng Yu took maternity leave, no one took the child, so she invited her in-laws over for a few months, but she often had conflicts with her in-laws, lost her temper, accused them, and scolded them.

And her husband is a strict wife, and she is obedient to her. His parents were scolded by Feng Yu, and he didn't help his parents say a word of justice.

After that, Feng Yu's best friend gave her a good idea again. My best friend said that such in-laws are useless, they can't help you, and they have to eat and drink here for nothing. You see that they are getting older and older, and they will not be able to work in the future, and they must be counting on you to serve them.

They can't help you, they have to increase your burden, and you have to raise children, both old and young, so you are under a lot of pressure, so it's better to do this, I'll give you a good advice.

The woman let her best friend live at home for a few years, and her mother was afraid that her best friend would ruin her happiness, but she blamed her mother for being troubled

Feng Yu asked her husband to cut off the parent-child relationship with her in-laws, so that they would not have to support her in-laws in the future.

Feng Yu is worried that her husband is unwilling to cut off the relationship with her in-laws, after all, her parents have raised her children, and the children have stiff wings, so they cut off the relationship with their parents, which is very immoral.

Good girlfriends are fanning the flames next to you, if good parents not only subsidize money, but also help you take care of your children, good in-laws will definitely not be willing to break off the relationship, but like you, you want money and no money, and can't help you take care of your children, and you are together and there are so many contradictions, nothing can help you, just cut off the relationship, out of sight and out of mind.

Feng Yu felt that what his best friend said was indeed right, and then forced her husband to write an agreement to sever the parent-child relationship with her in-laws.

Feng Yu was very strong, and her husband was forced by her to have no choice, so he signed.

Feng Yu took this agreement to her in-laws and asked them to sign it, and her in-laws almost fainted when they saw it.

The authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear. Feng Yu's in-laws have clearly seen that their son is unreliable.

The cowardly son was led by Feng Yu's nose, and Feng Yu was led by her best friend, as long as her best friend was there, their family would not be able to accommodate the old couple.

So the old couple went back to their hometown in a fit of anger and never took the child to Feng Yu again.

The woman let her best friend live at home for a few years, and her mother was afraid that her best friend would ruin her happiness, but she blamed her mother for being troubled

My best friend and Feng Yu have to go to work, and there is usually no one to take care of the children. And the child was too young to go to kindergarten, so Feng Yu called his mother over to help take care of the child.

Feng Yu's best friend has been living in her house, and that home is like her best friend's home, and her best friend treats herself as a hostess and dresses very casually.

Feng Yu's mother thinks her best friend is a very dangerous person, and her mother wants her best friend to move out, but this method does not work.

The old man thought of a better way, and the best way was to introduce her best friend to a boyfriend and marry her off.

Feng Yu's mother introduced her nephew to her best friend, and after the two met, they were very satisfied with each other, and after getting along for a while, they registered their marriage.

During the time after her best friend left, Feng Yu's mother finally felt at ease. But the good times didn't last long, and it didn't take long for Feng Yu's best friend to return to being single and moved back to live in her house.

Feng Yu's mother has seen clearly that this best friend just wants to break up Feng Yu's marriage. If she keeps her best friend, her family will be torn apart.

But Feng Yu decided that her best friend was not such a person, and her best friend had to help her take the children to cook and clean up when she came back from work every day.

Her best friend didn't eat for nothing, and she also paid a lot, and she was very grateful for her best friend's dedication to her. So he didn't allow his mother to stir up feelings between her and her best friend.

Feng Yu warned his mother that he could no longer sow discord like this.

Feng Yu's best friend stood up and said that she was not that kind of person. She lives in Feng Yu's house, and she is also divided by An An, she has never thought of destroying their relationship, she keeps a distance from Feng Yu's husband, and the clothes she wears will not be exposed, so she is very conservative.

And she lives in Feng Yu's house, and she also has her husband's consent. Her husband didn't speak, why is an outsider interfering so much there?

The woman let her best friend live at home for a few years, and her mother was afraid that her best friend would ruin her happiness, but she blamed her mother for being troubled

Feng Yu and her best friend hated her mother together and disliked the old man's troubles, Feng Yu's mother sighed helplessly.

Feng Yu has been successfully brainwashed by her best friend, and what her best friend says is more useful than what her mother says.

Feng Yu's mother didn't want to see her being ruined by her best friend, but her persuasion was unsuccessful, so in desperation, she had to find a few people to teach her best friend a lesson and let her move away, but her best friend didn't move, Feng Yu's mother let her best friend beat her.

This incident completely stimulated Feng Yu, and her mother continued to stay here, which could only destroy her relationship with her best friend, and also make the family restless.

Feng Yu's daughter is four years old and can go to kindergarten without her mother's help to take care of the child, so Feng Yu drove her mother home.

Her mother saw that she had no independent thoughts, and was completely led by her best friend's nose, her best friend was really terrifying,

If her best friend is here, Feng Yu's marriage will be ruined sooner or later. In order to make Feng Yu sober, her mother invited a reporter, hoping that the reporter would persuade Feng Yu and send her best friend away.

Feng Yu didn't listen to the persuasion of reporters, but hated her mother even more for inviting reporters to expose her family affairs.

Feng Yu scolded his mother with his best friend, scolding her for why she didn't go to S? When he was impulsive, he pushed his mother.

The reporter asked Feng Yu why he drove his mother away? She took out the title deed, saying that the house was hers and that she had the right to evict her mother.

The woman let her best friend live at home for a few years, and her mother was afraid that her best friend would ruin her happiness, but she blamed her mother for being troubled

Feng Yu seemed to be fascinated, she only listened to her best friend's words, and when her best friend told her to go east, she would go east, not west, and she had no subjective opinion of her own at all.

Feng Yu's mother really couldn't help it, because she couldn't beat her, and she wasn't fierce enough, Feng Yu was fat-headed and big-eared, and her mother was pushed by her and almost fell to the ground.

Feng Yu's mother had no choice, and it was useless to invite reporters, so the reporters found Feng Yu's in-laws.

As soon as her in-laws mentioned Feng Yu, they sighed and shook their heads, saying that she was too strong, and her son was too cowardly and cowardly. The son wants to cut off the parent-child relationship with them, but the son feels that it doesn't matter, and the old couple has given up on their son, so they don't care about their business.

The old couple gave up their son, but Feng Yu's mother didn't want to give up her daughter, after all, her best friend was really dangerous.

If the best friend really ruined their relationship, Feng Yu's husband did not make any mistakes, and she was miserable, abandoned by others, and betrayed by her best friend.

Feng Yu's mother didn't want to see her daughter have such a result, so she once again called a reporter. But this time, Feng Yu and his girlfriends were completely irritated by them.

Feng Yu and his best friend pointed at their mother and scolded, scolding him for interfering too much, and scolding her for not going to S?

scolded her mother for finding a few strong men to beat her girlfriends, all for her own face.

Feng Yu said that her best friend parted ways with her cousin, and everyone in the village laughed at her mother. Then her mother was angry that her best friend parted ways with her cousin, so she found someone to beat her best friend.

Feng Yu's mother was very sad when she saw her daughter distorting her original intentions. No matter what she says, her daughter won't listen, only her best friend's words.

The woman let her best friend live at home for a few years, and her mother was afraid that her best friend would ruin her happiness, but she blamed her mother for being troubled

In the end, Feng Yu's mother decided to give up on her and let her hit the south wall, some people don't hit the south wall and don't look back, only after hitting it, did she know, which is a person or a ghost?

In fact, in this world, except for his parents, no one will think that he is better off than him.

Feng Yu didn't listen to his parents' persuasion, and sooner or later he would suffer.

However, this kind of person who has no subjective consciousness will only wake up after suffering a loss, and letting her suffer a loss is the best solution at present.

Everyone says that fire prevention, theft prevention, and girlfriend prevention, but Feng Yu brought his girlfriend home, and ate and lived with the two of them for several years, listening to his girlfriend's words for everything, such a person is really big.