
Macron lost the bet, the countdown to the Olympics began, France was in chaos first, and Paris could become a sea of fire at any time

author:Study point soldiers

With Macron's centrist coalition Solidarity party suffering a crushing defeat in the European Parliament elections, the young Macron was unwilling to admit such a defeat, so he decided to take a risk of fate. Soon after the European Parliament elections, Macron announced early elections.

According to reports, this is the fastest election in the history of the 5th Republic of France, breaking the historical record, and it also reflects Macron's anxious mentality in the event of a crushing defeat. According to French law, if Macron's Baath Party can get a majority of votes in the new elections, then he will regain leadership. But if they lose the elections again, he will have to partner with the opposition leaders to co-lead France. Normally, the president of France would choose to resign if he lost control of parliament, but Macron said that he would not resign as president under any circumstances.

Macron lost the bet, the countdown to the Olympics began, France was in chaos first, and Paris could become a sea of fire at any time

June 30 is the day of the first round of elections in France, and the latest data shows that the far-right National Front and its allies lead the way with 33.2% of the vote. Macron's centrist coalition "Together" came in third place with only 21 percent of the vote. On 7 July, France will have a second round of elections, and Marilyn Le Pont, the former leader of the National Front, has called on her supporters to continue to work hard to prepare for the second round, and she is confident that she will win the election once and for all. The situation facing Macron is very dire.

Le Pen, by contrast, has shown a very accommodating mentality, not forcing Macron to resign as president, but hoping that Macron will be the best partner with the young Baldela, the new leader of the National Front. Despite the fact that in the international arena, Macron is known as a young outstanding politician. However, Bardra, the new leader of the National Front, is only 28 years old this year and is a household name and a genius. If the National Front wins a majority of seats in parliament this time, then they will elect Bardra as prime minister of France. With the National Front in control of parliament, Baldra would be the most vocal leader in France.

Macron lost the bet, the countdown to the Olympics began, France was in chaos first, and Paris could become a sea of fire at any time

However, this result has caused great dissatisfaction among a considerable number of groups in France. Because the National Front is a far-right political force, their greatest characteristic is populism. Le Pen, for example, strongly advocated the expulsion of refugees and immigrants from France, emphasizing that France is a French France. If the National Front were to take power, it would inevitably weaken the rights and interests of large numbers of immigrants and non-French nativists. Just this weekend, some young black extremists in France began smashing and looting and burning garbage cans in the streets. They even threatened to intensify their protests if the National Front won the elections, even to the point of turning Paris into a sea of fire.

Protests are common in France, and clashes with the police are often seen during demonstrations. But France is currently facing an embarrassing situation. On July 26, 2024, the world's most anticipated Olympic Games will kick off in Paris. The situation in Paris is so bad that the police are struggling to maintain order on a day-to-day basis, and a large number of police forces have been deployed to suppress the protesters. Foreignism in France is not limited to blacks, but also to other ethnic groups from places in Central and Southeast Europe, especially France, which has the largest Muslim community in Europe.

In view of the large number of Palestinians killed in the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the contradictions between Muslims and Jews in France are also very acute. Muslims, who are already in a vulnerable position, are again affected by policies that are not conducive to foreign immigration. There is a good chance that more conflicts will erupt, and there is a good chance that they will cause trouble during the Olympics.

Macron lost the bet, the countdown to the Olympics began, France was in chaos first, and Paris could become a sea of fire at any time

Macron's gamble this time has not only lost the political future of his own party, but also France's international reputation. Everyone is also full of worries about the Paris Olympics at the moment!

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