
"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

author:Positive energy of the North Third Ring Road
"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

Captain, that's the surprise

I heard the fire truck singing "Baby Shark"! On June 21, in the video released by @Urumqi City Fire and Rescue Detachment, a fire truck with a whistle slowly drove by, but a hilarious nursery rhyme melody was heard - "Baby Shark Dudu", which made people laugh. It turns out that the fire brigade has also been "rectified" by the post-00s!

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

As soon as the video was released, it sparked an enthusiastic response from netizens, with a total of 134,000 likes. Netizens left messages and commented: "My daughter watches the shark toot every day, but I didn't expect Lan friends to love it too." Some public security colleagues expressed their envy in the comment area: "The next time I come back from the police, I will also release the baby shark!" ”

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

Report to the officer, I don't like this dish

If you want to eat delicious food, please stay away from illegal crimes! In a video posted on June 25 @SichuanPrison, the convicts are eating in the prison cafeteria. However, one of the offenders filed a "complaint" - she felt that the meal was unappetizing. The police officer responded solemnly that the prison guarantees that the convicts are fed, hot, cooked, hygienic, and eat to a sufficient standard, and do not take into account the needs of individual tastes except for ethnic meals. It can be seen that if you want to eat freely, you must stay away from crime.

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

The video received a total of 1.229 million likes and 1.467 million retweets. Netizens left messages in the comment area, including some humorous stalks: "Report to the police officer, I want to call wow", "Report to the police officer, I am Han nationality, I want the national meal 'Manchu and Han full seat'". Some netizens began to worry about their freedom to eat: "I don't eat coriander, I don't eat green onions, garlic sprouts, celery, fatty meat, garlic, what should I do?" ”

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

Come to Henan to eat melons!

What? It turns out that Henan talents are the strongest "melon-eating masses" on the whole network! On June 23, @河南省文化和旅游厅 released a video of "eating melons", which really envied people all over the country. There are many kinds of melons abundant in Henan, which are of high quality and low price, such as the yellow melon in Anyang, the Lankao melon in Kaifeng, the Zhongyuan melon in Jiaxian County, Pingdingshan, and the watermelon in Zhengzhou Zhongmu, etc., with magical background music, which is unforgettable.

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

After the video was released, it quickly attracted the attention of netizens, and the number of likes climbed to 25,000. Local netizens in Henan even appeared one after another to say, "The coordinates are Nanyang, Henan." Today's watermelon, five corners and one catty", "I am an 87-year-old Henan person, and I realized the freedom of watermelon as soon as I was born".

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

National Defense University of Science and Technology exam Q&A

With the successive announcements of the college entrance examination results, on June 26 @ National University of Defense Technology released a Q&A video for the exam. In the video, the police officer gave detailed answers to questions that netizens are generally concerned about, such as whether myopia and color weakness can apply for the exam? What are the standards for scars? This video provides valuable guidance for candidates to better understand the admissions requirements of the National University of Defense Technology.

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

The video is full of dry goods and has received 39,000 likes. In the comment area, many netizens expressed their yearning and expectation for the National University of Defense Technology: "Wait for us for ten years, see you at the National University of Defense Technology", "I hope my son can be admitted to the National University of Defense Technology".

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

Did you know that drug rehabilitation is compulsory and voluntary?

What is it like to voluntarily detoxify? On June 26, @珲春法苑 took us to the Jilin Provincial Drug Rehabilitation Center to find out. Here, there are supermarkets, gyms, dormitories, treatment rooms, physical testing centers, classrooms, canteens and other facilities, providing a comfortable treatment environment for voluntary drug addicts. Through this video, we can get a glimpse of the true face of the voluntary drug rehabilitation center, and also see the hope of addicts to restart a better life.

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"

The video received 14,000 likes after it was posted. Netizens have left messages to express their recognition and support for the voluntary drug rehabilitation center. Although some netizens joked, "Can I go if I don't suck?" ", "How many points do you have to get on", but @Ruian Anti-Drug reminded everyone in the comment area: "The environment is really good, but I hope everyone doesn't have a chance to go." ”

"The strongest melon-eating masses on the whole network"