
Why are there places where electric vehicles are not punished, but there are places where they are strictly investigated? Here comes the answer

author:New Energy Mobility Officer

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Since the new national standard for electric vehicles, strict inspection and strict management of over-standard electric vehicles have begun. Due to the requirements of the new national standard, electric vehicles that did not meet the national standards before were included in the management of over-standard vehicles. Although various localities have set up a transitional period policy, they have also said that they are prohibited from going on the road after the expiration.

Many car owners do not have a clear concept of over-standard electric vehicles, believing that as long as manufacturers can produce and merchants can sell, consumers should be able to go on the road normally. Moreover, in many cases, due to the lack of timely understanding of the relevant requirements, the expiration of the over-standard electric vehicle may not be known. However, for this point, some car owners have raised questions, why some places are clear that the transition period of over-standard cars is over, and the traffic police do not check or punish the owners on the road, while some places have to strictly investigate and strictly manage, and find that those who drive over-standard cars on the road will be directly fined and detained. Insiders told the truth.

Why are there places where electric vehicles are not punished, but there are places where they are strictly investigated? Here comes the answer

Reason 1: Over-standard electric vehicles are managed by their own plans

In fact, a closer look can find that the management of over-standard electric vehicles is not unified across the country. Most of the time, each place will make a separate plan, some places will set a 3-year transition period, some places will set a 5-year transition period, and some places will allow continued use even after the transition period is over, and no clear elimination time is given. Like Shandong, it has been clear that as long as the over-standard electric vehicle is filed on the road, the traffic police will not investigate and prohibit it when they see it.

Why are there places where electric vehicles are not punished, but there are places where they are strictly investigated? Here comes the answer

In this way, it is also required that the owner should be subject to local management in terms of car use. If the local government issues a notice saying that all vehicles will be banned after the end of the transition period, then car owners need to eliminate over-standard vehicles in time and not violate the regulations on the road.

Reason 2: Be considerate of the people and follow the natural elimination

In fact, since the release of the national standard for electric vehicles, a lot of rectification measures have been taken at the production and sales level, and it can be said that now the store will no longer sell over-standard electric vehicles. In this case, then the natural elimination is only a matter of time, some places combined with the actual situation, choose to be considerate of the people, do not mandate the elimination of electric vehicles beyond the standard. Just encourage the masses to replace electric bicycles that meet national standards in a timely manner, and this kind of loose and moderate governance plan is obviously more popular with the masses.

Why are there places where electric vehicles are not punished, but there are places where they are strictly investigated? Here comes the answer

Reason 3: The traffic situation varies from place to place

The so-called traffic situation, that is, some places themselves have relatively tight road resources, such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou and other first-tier cities, urban congestion is known to everyone. If the over-standard electric vehicles are not managed, blindly relaxing the road will only further exacerbate road congestion. After all, in a developed city like this, the forms of transportation available are more diversified, even if the owner does not use electric vehicles, he can also choose subways, shared electric vehicles and other ways to commute and travel.

Why are there places where electric vehicles are not punished, but there are places where they are strictly investigated? Here comes the answer

However, some urban road resources are relatively loose, and the appropriate relaxation of over-standard electric vehicles can not only reduce the economic losses of car owners, but also not so difficult to manage. As long as everyone uses the car in accordance with the regulations, then it is not forbidden, fined, or deducted on the road.

What do you think are the reasons for the fact that there are places where over-standard electric vehicles are not checked or punished, and there are places where they are strictly investigated and strictly managed? Feel free to leave a message.

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