
Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

The issue of executive compensation in state-owned enterprises has attracted much attention, and netizens have questioned the annual salary of senior executives exceeding 100 million yuan, while the treatment of grassroots employees is unfair. The issues behind executive pay and the call for a regulatory regime are discussed, and solutions to reform executive pay are proposed. Want to know where the executive pay problem lies? Check it out!

Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost

The issue of executive compensation in state-owned enterprises

Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost

Regarding the remuneration of state-owned enterprise executives, it has attracted much attention in recent years, and netizens have left messages saying that state-owned enterprises are owned by everyone, and their managers have no right to dispose of state-owned assets at will. Some netizens believe that the annual salary of executives in state-owned enterprises is a means to legalize the embezzlement of state-owned assets, otherwise what would they do with the money? In the case of a debt crisis, their personal property is often safer than that of the enterprise, and the real financier behind these executives with an annual salary of more than 100 million yuan is often the capital of the state-owned enterprise. With this senior management receiving sky-high annual salaries, grassroots employees do not even get overtime pay, this kind of unfairness abounds in state-owned enterprises, if not solved in time, it will inevitably trigger a series of chain reactions.

Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost
Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost

Emphasis is placed on the supervision of senior executives

Some netizens believe that the reason why the phenomenon of excessive annual salaries of senior executives of state-owned enterprises is not punished repeatedly, to a large extent, because the supervision mechanism for them is not perfect enough, they can squander it at will without any restrictions, and most of the money is obtained through improper means. Some netizens believe that the executives of state-owned enterprises are like an example for us, and if they want to take too much money, we can do the same; If they don't follow the rules, we don't need to be disciplined; If they embezzle state-owned assets without offense, then we can also benefit from enterprises in various ways. The impact of this example is undoubtedly negative, and we should note that many violations are able to become rampant in large part because of the example of SOE executives.

Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost

Reform executive compensation

In response to such a phenomenon, some netizens proposed their own solution: reform the remuneration of senior executives of state-owned enterprises. If you really need a high salary to retain talents, you can consider establishing a reward system to link salary with enterprise performance. Only by showing results can executives be eligible to take more money; It is clearly unreasonable for executives to continue to receive sky-high annual salaries if the company is in trouble. It is to adjust the income structure of state-owned enterprises, and not let the annual salary of senior executives become a "pain" in the hearts of ordinary employees, who cannot even get their basic salary, but senior executives take hundreds of millions of net worth because of their positions. Establishing a reward system can also allow these employees to earn more money, and if they work hard, they can also get a decent bonus.

Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost


The issue of executive compensation in state-owned enterprises does need to be solved urgently, and if a solution cannot be found as soon as possible to convince both sides, it will inevitably lead to a series of problems that are not conducive to the development of state-owned enterprises. Diastolic management will inevitably lead to emotional dissatisfaction among employees, if the problem cannot be solved through communication and adjustment, many people are bound to choose to leave, for state-owned enterprises, this is undoubtedly a major loss of brain drain. For public opinion, if this unfair treatment is not resolved, it may lead to more similar incidents, and under the supervision of public opinion, the executives of state-owned enterprises may have a summer without rest.

Why do state-owned enterprises lose? Just look at the family property of the leaders of state-owned enterprises. Individuals are rich, and units and workers are lost


The issue of executive compensation in state-owned enterprises has touched the hearts of many netizens, and unfair treatment has sparked widespread discussion. For the reform of executive compensation, netizens put forward many constructive suggestions, hoping to link compensation with performance, so that employees can get more fair treatment. What is your view on the issue of executive compensation in SOEs? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!