
10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

author:Yuer's good drama is recommended

10.06 seconds! Friends, this achievement is shining all over the world! At the 2024 National Track and Field Grand Prix, China's 17-year-old sprinting genius He Jinjian appeared with lightning and thunder.

He ran a time of 10.06 seconds with his scuds, which not only broke the national youth record, but also stood at the pinnacle of the world U18 sprint field, leaving Bolt directly behind the contemporary.

Do you know that when it comes to sprinting in the Chinese track and field world, the first thing that comes to everyone's mind is Su Bingtian.

The legend of the three-time Olympic Games, whose 9.83 seconds is the Asian record, is a business card of Chinese sprinting in the international arena.

The years are urging people to get old, and Su Bingtian can't escape the torture of time and injury.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

He himself said that he didn't want to be a deserter, he wanted to die in the arena.

But the reality is not emotional, injuries and age are like two tigers in the way, so he can no longer gallop on the track like a wolf.

At this time, our big hero He Jinyan was born! The teenager from Fujian has proven his strength with a legendary performance.

In the final of the 2024 National Track and Field Grand Prix, He Jinyan started from the third runway, and he did not have the "one horse in the lead" that everyone expected at the beginning.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

You may ask, why hasn't he rushed yet? Hey, don't underestimate this guy's confidence and ability to adjust.

Unlike the other competitors who rushed out in a hurry, he seemed unhurried.

Then, a magical counterattack appeared! He didn't have an advantage in the first 13 meters, but as soon as he passed this point, his desperate grandmother was a big eye-catcher! He Jinyan was like a turbocharger, and halfway through the race, he had completely thrown off the other players and rushed ahead alone.

When he crossed the finish line, the whole audience was fried, hey, what is amazing, his 10.06 seconds is what it means! The cheers of the audience seemed to tear down the roof of the entire arena.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

You might say that 10.06 seconds is a little less than that of Bolt's big guys.

My brothers and sisters, if you look at history, Bolt really hasn't run like this at this age.

He Jinyan has surpassed his running results that year, is it difficult to say what the future will look like?

Look at our boss Su Bingtian, he has run all the way out of a peak of Chinese sprinting.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

At the level of the most powerful uncle on the surface, he occupies the Asian record of 9.83 seconds, and the scenery is unique.

But time is merciless, Su Bingtian's peak years are more and more precious in the long river of time.

He Jinyan, a 17-year-old young man, we have to praise him, his achievements are second only to Su Bingtian, Xie Zhenye and Zhang Peimeng, these are all sprinting pioneers in the mainland, but He Jinyan is much younger than them, and this bright future is very dramatic.

Who would have thought that this He Jinyan, who was a cute Fujian boy when he was a child, showed amazing athletic talent since elementary school.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

Others play with mud, he runs around the playground, and no one can catch up with him.

His coach often said that this kid has a strength, but he doesn't admit defeat.

On the training ground, no matter how hard and tired he is, he can always grit his teeth and persevere.

It turns out that the secret of success lies in his unyielding energy.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

Time sharpens a person, and his potential becomes brighter and brighter.

The rise of He Jinyan is not only his personal brilliance, but also allows the entire Chinese track and field community to see a bright future.

Don't think that he ran a good result just to brush up the record, he actually used his own practical actions and every sprint to show the perseverance and fighting spirit of young Chinese athletes.

He used his strength and achievements to tell the world that Chinese sprinting is not vegetarian!

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

Of course, the Asian cheetah super, the rising star Deng, is He Jinzhen in front of him.

We can see that his performances at the National Athletics Grand Prix have proven his endless possibilities.

A young genius is always exciting, and there is much more to discover about his future.

He may have to face more challenges and more competition in the future, but we have reason to believe that he will grow and become stronger in the grind.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

The future of our Chinese track and field is in the hands of these young players! Ho's success is not only for himself, but also for countless young people who love athletics.

Who says Asians can't sprint? He Jinzhen used his 10.06 seconds to give a vivid lesson to the global track and field community, this momentum, this dazzling new star, heralding a new chapter in Chinese sprinting.

In the days to come, we look forward to He Jintong continuing to run well and creating more brilliance for Chinese track and field.

Friends, seeing such a young genius can't help but make people's hearts soar and they are full of hope for the future.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

Don't talk nonsense, pay attention to him, let's wait and see! The sky is high and the earth is wide, and the demeanor of the young He Jinyan has just revealed his pointed head, and there are more surprises waiting for us! Ho's brilliance lies not only in his explosiveness of 10.06 seconds, but also in his potential and room for growth.

Some say that his appearance is like lighting a fire on the long-dormant track and field, lighting up the entire track.

Let's look back, this 17-year-old Fujian boy is really a dark horse, but this dark horse didn't run out in a day or two.

If you want to talk about the rise of He Jinyan, it is not an accidental phenomenon.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

Accumulating steps to thousands of miles, this kid has worked the training ground since he was a child, and he has today's glory.

His coach and teammates all said that this kid has the strength to not admit defeat.

Do you know how much he trains every day Ordinary people can't even think about it, and they can't stop sweating three or five liters a day.

At the end of every training session, his clothes were soaked and the soles of his feet were blistered, but he never shouted tired or complained.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

With this attitude, this effort, which successful person does not have this kind of spirit?

He Jinzhen is not only fast, but also has a fast brain.

A lot of times, it's just a matter of saying "fast", but on the other hand, intelligence and strategy are just as important.

The wisdom on the runway is to have the ability to adjust quickly.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

He knows when to exert his strength and when to conserve his strength, this seemingly simple judgment has been achieved after countless failures and summarizations.

Just like his performance at the National Track and Field Grand Prix, he was not the fastest to rush out at the beginning, but when he found an opportunity in the middle and late stages, he quickly adjusted himself and finally succeeded in counterattacking.

Let's talk about He Jinyan's surpassing Bolt, the results of the same age group are a few streets behind Bolt, which is a remarkable achievement.

We need to know that Bolt is still a developing teenager at this age, and our Ho Kam Yen is already at the top of his peers, what does it mean? It means that he has a broader space for growth in the future, as long as he maintains this unremitting effort and resourceful development, breaking through Bolt's peak is not a dream.

10.06 seconds! More fierce than Su Bingtian! China's 17-year-old genius surpassed Usain Bolt in the same period and ranked first in the world

For He Jinyan, to achieve such amazing results at the age of 17, the dedication behind it is naturally self-evident.

His family and coaches have worked hard for his growth, and all this cannot be summed up by a simple word genius.

Every failure, every fall and getting up again, is paving the way for today's glory.

Speaking of which, I have to mention those predecessors in our Chinese track and field circles, especially Su Bingtian.

His success has inspired generations of young athletes, and Ho is one of them.

Su Bingtian was able to win a place on the world stage, relying not only on strength, but also on the combination of mentality and perseverance.

Ho Kam Yen also often mentioned Su Bingtian in the post-match interview, saying that he is his idol and role model.

Therefore, He Jinyan not only saw the future on the shoulders of his predecessors, but also continued to move forward under the encouragement of his predecessors.

Of course, on the road ahead, He Jintong will go further and wider.

Not only will he continue to fight on the track and field, but he will also have to face a more colorful life.

Young people, there are always many uncertain factors, but no matter what, I believe that this 17-year-old genius will bring us more surprises and touches.

Looking to the future, Xiao He's goal is not only a national record, his eyes have already set on the international arena, and even the future Olympic Games.

You may think it's too early to talk about the Olympics, but for a genius, this is the beginning of his dream.

As the old saying goes, dreams still have to be had, what if they come true? And Ho Kam Chang is a determined dream chaser.

His story tells us that no matter where you are on the track now, as long as you have perseverance, wisdom and know how to adjust yourself, the future finish line will definitely belong to you.

While we look forward to more brilliant achievements of He Jinyan in the future, we must also believe that he will use his actions to prove himself again and again.

His shining star will be more and more dazzling and brilliant in the starry sky of track and field.

Friends, let us witness the growth of a genius and cheer for the future of Chinese track and field together! Come on, Ho Kam Tsuen! We look forward to you breaking through yourself again in the future arena and running one jaw-dropping record after another.

The hope of Chinese sprinting is destined to shine in your hands!

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