
Su Bingtian bid farewell to the 100 meters, and the relay race was again in Paris, and 17-year-old He Jinyan set a new record

author:Doudou loves to read history


Time flies, and as the pace of the Paris Olympics is getting closer and closer, the layout of the Chinese sports team is gradually becoming clear. However, among the many exciting news, there is one message that has made countless track and field fans feel lonely: the Asian 100-meter light and hero Su Bingtian will not be able to participate in the men's 100-meter competition at the Olympic Games. This is not only due to the passage of time, but also the result of a gap in Olympic points due to the season break during the pandemic. However, Su Bingtian's fighting spirit will not be weakened, and he will continue to win glory for the country in the relay field.

Su Bingtian bid farewell to the 100 meters, and the relay race was again in Paris, and 17-year-old He Jinyan set a new record

In other words, although the personal track of a generation of flyers has come to an end, he still goes out in different forms, showing the demeanor and perseverance of a veteran. And this change of stage also means the rise of new stars.

Among the rising stars of Chinese athletics, He Jinzhu (xiǎn) shone with his amazing performance. At only 17 years old, he not only won the championship at the National Athletics Grand Prix, but also set a new national youth record with a time of 10.06 seconds, becoming the first sprinter in the history of the world U18 rankings. And his achievement not only represents personal glory, but also a good expectation for the future of Chinese track and field.

Su Bingtian bid farewell to the 100 meters, and the relay race was again in Paris, and 17-year-old He Jinyan set a new record

The scene of the race vividly illustrated Ho's competitive form: although he didn't start the fastest, he quickly adjusted his pace and raced around the track at incredible speeds, eventually winning by a significant margin. This is not only a competition of speed on the track, but also a contest of spirit and will.

Su Bingtian bid farewell to the 100 meters, and the relay race was again in Paris, and 17-year-old He Jinyan set a new record

The emergence of He Jinzhu (xiǎn) is like a fresh wind, bringing new hopes and dreams to the Chinese track and field community. From Su Bingtian's adherence to traditional sprinting to Ho Kam Tsung's continuous improvement in setting new records, the baton of Chinese sprinting has been passed to a new generation of runners.

Su Bingtian bid farewell to the 100 meters, and the relay race was again in Paris, and 17-year-old He Jinyan set a new record

While Su Bingtian fought bravely in the relay field, the rise of He Jinzhu (xiǎn) made people see new hope for Chinese track and field in the international arena. The Paris Olympics will be a witness to this era of alternation between the old and the new. Although we did not have the opportunity to witness Su Bingtian's miracle in the 100-meter event, the arrival of He Jinzhen (xiǎn) means that a new story is waiting for us to write.

Su Bingtian bid farewell to the 100 meters, and the relay race was again in Paris, and 17-year-old He Jinyan set a new record

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