
Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

author:Two ancestors

【Entertainment Headlines】 Lee Min Ho's new advertisement surprises "swollen wind"! Netizen: K-pop superstar becomes a "puff" male god in seconds?


In the fashion and beauty industry, celebrity endorsements can always cause a wave, but this time, the latest skincare advertisement of top Korean actor Lee Min Ho has "killed" the whole network in an unexpected way!

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

It's just that this time he is "crazy" not because he is handsome, but because his image is eye-catching, and even makes netizens exclaim.

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

Check out Lee Min Ho's latest video!

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

In the exposed advertising video, Lee Min Ho is dressed in a simple white shirt, which is supposed to highlight his elegant temperament, but it becomes particularly eye-catching because of his remarkable "swollen" state.

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

I saw that under his signature mid-haired style, the facial lines were no longer angular, but replaced by round and full cheeks, as if he had become a "puff" version of Lee Min Ho overnight, and even his eyes seemed to be squeezed smaller by the "flesh".

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!
Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

This change not only surprised fans who are familiar with him, but also made many netizens call "unrecognizable", and some even joked that he was cosplaying a certain Internet celebrity "Jiang Tao" in the Korean version.

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

What's even more interesting is that Lee Min Ho's hand-held skincare products in the video look unusually small, as if all the items have become a product of Lilliputian after his body size "swelled".

Far from attracting less attention, this visual effect has become a hot topic of discussion because of its uniqueness.

See what netizens have to say?

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

Netizens reacted differently to Lee Min Ho's change, some regretted that he was once so handsome in "City Hunter" that he fell off the scum, and missed the sharp edges and corners of his appearance at the peak;

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

Some people also expressed their understanding, after all, people have ups and downs, and even joked: "The voice has become fat, how many good things have been eaten!" ”

There are also fans who support it, thinking that no matter how it changes, Lee Min Ho's charm is still undiminished, and even has a little more charm of a mature man.

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

It is worth mentioning that the changes in Lee Min Ho also made netizens begin to take stock of the male stars who maintain good posture in the Korean entertainment industry.

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

Such as Lee Dong Wook, Lee Joon-gi and Kim so-hyun, their names are frequently mentioned and have become representatives of "anti-swelling".

This not only reflects the public's concern about the appearance of celebrities, but also reflects the importance that everyone attaches to a healthy lifestyle and self-management.

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

In any case, Lee Min Ho's advertising effect this time can be said to be very successful!

Lee Min Ho is "crazy"! The latest advertisement is swollen like a "puff"! It's hard to escape Korean air yeast!

Although in a rather unexpected way, it also proved once again his high popularity and influence. As for whether he is really "swollen", or just a sacrifice for the sake of advertising effectiveness, I'm afraid only time will tell.

However, no matter how his appearance changes, Lee Min Ho's status as one of the representatives of Hallyu and his wonderful performance in film and television works are still irreplaceable in the hearts of fans.


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