
The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

author:Dongming County Rong Media Center

When Dongpo meets the cultural tourism industry in the new era thousands of years ago, what kind of sparks will be generated?

On June 29th, the promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was held in Huanggang, Hubei. During the event, the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism officially launched three Dongpo cultural theme tourism routes, connecting the main theme attractions of Su Shi in the country.

At the scene, representatives of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) such as Hubei, Sichuan, Henan, Chongqing, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shandong, Hebei, Anhui, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hainan and other important places of Su Shi participated in and witnessed the official launch of the tourism route promotion activities through multiple forms of publicity and promotion of Su Shi scenic spots in the region.

The event was hosted by the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Department of Cultural Relics and Monuments of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Information Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Hubei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism (Hubei Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics) and the Huanggang Municipal People's Government. Let people feel the profoundness and eternal charm of China's excellent traditional culture through tourism, and further strengthen cultural self-confidence.

More than 200 people, including representatives of the cities where Su Shi traveled, experts and scholars, representatives of cultural tourism enterprises and media platforms, attended the event.

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

Released three tourist routes, reading Su Shi's tour of China

"The great river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the romantic characters of the ages" "The mountains are high and the moon is small, and the water falls out", "When you return, there is no wind and rain and no sunshine"...... From the recitation of poems through the ages, Su Shi has long become a cultural IP, a spiritual landmark of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and its travel place has become an important tourist check-in place.

At the scene, the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism officially released three Dongpo cultural theme tourism routes through video, namely the journey of striving for growth, the journey of serving the country and the people, and the journey of adversity and transcendence, so that people can explore Su Shi's footprints more systematically, read his poems, feel his feelings, and appreciate the poetry and painting contained in the magnificent mountains and rivers.

Among them, Su Shi's journey of striving to grow up will lead visitors to have an in-depth understanding of Su Shi's early life and study experience, starting from Su Shi's hometown of Meishan, Sichuan, passing through Jianmen Xiongguan, passing through the ancient capital of Xi'an, and finally arriving in Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty. After that, it went down the Min River and east along the Yangtze River until Fengxiang Mansion, the place of the first place.

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

The "Journey of Striving for Growth" tour route was released

The journey of serving the country and the people focuses on presenting Su Shi's deeds of diligence and love for the people. This route covers Bozhou (formerly Nizhou), Xuzhou, Dengzhou, Yinzhou (now Ningbo), Yangzhou, Hangzhou, Huzhou, Dingzhou and other places, leaving the mark of Su Shi's diligence and service to the people. Along this route, from the capital to the locality, you can feel Su Shi's feelings of family and country for the benefit of one party.

From Huangzhou to Tongling, Lushan, Huizhou, Tengzhou, and then to Danzhou (now Hainan), all the way to the south, several times degraded, although it is the trough of life, but it is the peak of artistic creation and ideological maturity. Starting from Huangzhou, Su Shi has become more mature and expansive, forming a unique outlook on life, more optimistic and free-spirited, and at ease with what happens. Follow this route to experience the flavor and open-mindedness of Su Shi's life, smooth the wrinkles in your heart, and enhance your self-cultivation.

According to reports, the Dongpo cultural theme tourism route released this time is designed and launched by the Department of Resource Development of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Department of Cultural Relics and Monuments of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, academic research institutions, and local cultural and tourism departments to systematically sort out Su Shi's chronology and works, and after touching and arranging relevant relics and scenic spots, the design is launched by connecting the dots into a line.

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

Cross-time and space dialogue, multi-dimensional interpretation of Dongpo IP

Singing the heroism of going to the east of the river, the deep affection of ten years of life and death, this peace of mind is the open-mindedness of my hometown...... During the event, the organizers innovated the form of expression, and led the audience across the millennium through the interpretation of cultural celebrities and the interpretation of literary and artistic works, and truly walked into the three-dimensional and plump Dongpo.

Kang Zhen, a well-known cultural scholar and professor of Beijing Normal University, spoke about the essence of culture through a video, led the audience to embark on a unique poetic journey, and had a spiritual dialogue with Dongpo, allowing the audience to taste Su Shi's philosophy of life and natural feelings at the same time, but also deeply feel the charm and immortality of traditional Chinese culture.

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

Kang Zhen, a well-known cultural scholar and professor at Beijing Normal University

Yang Yu, a professor at the School of Humanities of Central South University, led the audience to "travel" across time and space to the Song Dynasty with the title of "Travel, is an Accidental Encounter and Inevitable Achievement". Yang Yu said that Su Shi's travel is an in-depth dialogue between the soul and the world, and every encounter becomes a chapter, showing the essence of travel: finding the inevitable in the accident, and finding the spiritual expedition in the migration.

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

Yang Yu, a professor at the School of Humanities, Central South University

In addition, Ding Chengyun, the inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage, performed the rhyme of "flowing water" on the spot with his superb piano skills, leading the audience to pass through the clouds and smoke, feel the elegance and wisdom of the ancients, and admire Su Dongpo's noble conduct and superb talent; Wang Renjun, an actor of the National Theatre of China, affectionately recited Su Shi's famous poem "When Will the Bright Moon Be There", showing the beauty of classical poetry to the fullest; The excerpt "A Rain of Smoke" from the musical "The Great River Goes East" presented by China Oriental Performing Arts Group profoundly depicts Su Dongpo's tenacious and open-minded "Dongpo Spirit" through the moving music and drama tension.

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

Carried by Ding, the inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

Wang Renjun, an actor at the National Theatre of China

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

Li Ke, singer of excerpts from the musical "Da Jiangdong Go" "A Rainbow of Smoke and Rain".

The profound and unique cultural interpretation and elegant and wonderful interpretation of the works not only show the superb artistic attainments of the artists, but also highlight the deep roots of Dongpo culture, so that more audiences can resonate and resonate in the blend of tradition and modernity, so as to understand and understand Dongpo.

The promotion activity of "Reading Su Shi and Visiting Shenzhou" Chinese cultural theme tourism route was officially released

The national Su Shi travel place collective linkage

Cohesion of cultural tourism innovation

From the eastern slope of Huangzhou to the ends of the earth in Danzhou, from the ink painting scrolls in the south of the Yangtze River to the thick history of the Central Plains, Su Shi's travel places have already created their own regional cultural business cards of "Su Dongpo". With the continuous advancement of the integration of culture and tourism, it is urgent to explore new forms of multi-place linkage and gather innovative synergies for common development.

During the event, representatives of Su Shi's important travel provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) promoted Su Shi's theme tourism through various forms such as scene interpretation, and used rich and colorful content to show the unique charm of "reading Su Shi and visiting China".

Among them, the sketch "Bosom Friend Hubei Meets Dongpo" carefully prepared by the Hubei delegation reproduces Su Shi's life course when he lived in Huanggang in the form of a stage performance, dissects Su Shi's life trajectory and ideological evolution during this period, and presents a wonderful audio-visual feast with poetic language, which also highlights the spiritual outlook of Hubei youth's firm cultural self-confidence.

In addition to Hubei's "high mountains and flowing water meet bosom friends", the starting point of the ups and downs of the Huan Sea in Shaanxi, Guangdong's "300 lychees per day", Jiangxi's "mountains and rivers are really my country", the hometown of the Minjiang River in Sichuan, Shandong's "when is the bright moon", and the good story of "no bamboo is vulgar, no meat is thin" in the mountains and rivers of Zhejiang, each station is wonderful, making people feel as if they are in the bright moon and wind and rain at that time, and Su Shi feels the unique customs of various places.

In the future, all Su Shi destinations will work together to create and continue to innovate the tourism promotion methods of Dongpo culture, so that more people can understand culture, cultivate their souls, and enhance cultural self-confidence in the process of traveling through mountains and rivers and visiting historic sites. At the same time, we will make full use of the development opportunity created by this interaction to further build the IP of Dongpo cultural tourism, tell the story of Dongpo well, and promote the integrated development of the cultural tourism industry with high quality.

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