
Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

author:Transcript of Xiao Sun's war
Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

The gradual deployment of Polonaise long-range rocket artillery in Belarus has become a strong pillar of its army.

With a range of up to 200 kilometers, the rocket artillery has an extremely strong long-range precision strike capability, and its combat effectiveness even surpasses that of the famous Russian Tornado rocket artillery.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

The deployment of Polonaise rocket artillery marks a significant increase in the modernization of Belarus' military equipment and autonomous defense capabilities.

The Belarusian military posture on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border is also undergoing significant changes.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

The Belarusian side claimed to have shot down a drone of the Ukrainian army and found electronic reconnaissance equipment and weapons depots on the territory of Ukraine, using this as a pretext for a military build-up.

On June 30, Ukraine confirmed at a press conference that a drone had been shot down in the region bordering Belarus.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

The incident caused widespread concern, and the Ukrainian side quickly responded, saying that it had lost contact with the drone in the area, confirming the fact that the drone was shot down.

At the same time, the Ukrainian government stressed that although the drone was shot down, this does not mean that their reconnaissance mission in the region failed.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

A spokesman for Ukraine's Ministry of Defense said that the buildings, which were previously used as military bases, were later converted into material storage points, and firmly denied that any electronic reconnaissance equipment was set up in the buildings.

Deployment of Polonaise long-range rocket artillery in the border areas of Belarus.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

This rocket artillery system is extremely powerful, and its main target is clearly Ukraine.

The Polonaise long-range rocket artillery is capable of covering the entire Black Sea coast, and the military transport lines and defense facilities of the neighboring countries will also face a direct threat.

As the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, the Ukrainian government is desperate for assistance from Western countries to cope with military pressure from Russia and Belarus.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

In recent years, Ukraine has faced enormous challenges, both militarily and economically.

Both the United States and Europe face complex internal and external challenges when it comes to aiding Ukraine.

Although the United States cannot sit idly by, internal political strife and global strategic layout make it impossible for the United States to respond quickly.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO

The European allies, on the other hand, are economically constrained by the energy crisis and internal political instability, making it difficult for them to provide effective military support in a short period of time.

The use of Polonaise long-range rocket artillery has added a new element of uncertainty to the battlefield, and this weapon system has the potential to change the pattern of warfare, which is difficult for the Ukrainian army to deal with.

Neighboring countries may send troops to Ukraine! Troops were assembled on the Ukrainian border, and Zelensky urgently asked for help from NATO
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