
Review: In 04, the 749-point college entrance examination champion who was ridiculed by the group for "ordinary appearance", what happened now?

author:A Brief History of Genius

Do you still remember the super student overlord Duanpeng who scored 749 points in the college entrance examination in 2004 and was one point short of a perfect score?

Back then, he was the champion of the college entrance examination that caused a sensation across the country, but who would have thought that this "college entrance examination myth" would not only harvest flowers and applause, but also suffer overwhelming ridicule and questioning on the Internet because of an exposed photo. Some people say that he "looks too ordinary, looks too dull, and is not worthy of the status of a school bully"...... It's been almost 20 years since the blink of an eye, how is Wang Duanpeng doing now?

Today, let's take a look at the story of Duanpeng, the overlord.

Review: In 04, the 749-point college entrance examination champion who was ridiculed by the group for "ordinary appearance", what happened now?

Create the myth of the college entrance examination

The summer of 2004 was tense and unforgettable for many college entrance examination candidates. On the day the results were released, the whole Shandong seemed to explode, because of one name - Wang Duanpeng.

It was because he scored a high score of 749. After the results were released, Wang Duanpeng became a "legend" in the whole Shandong and even the whole country.

In the newspapers, on television, there were reports about him all over the world. What "college entrance examination myth", "super scholar", all kinds of titles are placed on him.

Parents even regard Wang Duanpeng as the best example of "other people's children".

In the school, Wang Duanpeng's photo was enlarged and hung in the most conspicuous place, and he directly became the "façade" of the school.

Of course, the most talked about is his achievements. With a score of 749, what kind of study does this have to be to get tested? It is said that Wang Duanpeng's mathematics has only deducted one point, and his Chinese and English are only a little worse, but they are both about 140 points. In addition, he won the first place in the National Olympiad before, and there are an extra 20 extra points, directly breaking through 740! This is a really impressive result.

For a time, Wang Duanpeng became a "god" in everyone's minds, an unattainable "legend".

Review: In 04, the 749-point college entrance examination champion who was ridiculed by the group for "ordinary appearance", what happened now?

Other people's children also love to play basketball

However, it is said that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong these days, which is not false at all. As soon as Wang Duanpeng became a "college entrance examination myth", a bunch of "keyboard warriors" popped up on the Internet.

It turned out that when reporting on Wang Duanpeng's deeds, he released his college entrance examination registration photo by the way. Wang Duanpeng in the photo, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, his hair is a little messy, and he is wearing a plain T-shirt, how he looks like a "passerby".

This is good, netizens are not calm. Originally, the champion of the college entrance examination in everyone's imagination should be a talent with "personable demeanor" and "Yushu Linfeng", how can it be like the TV series, but the photo of Wang Duanpeng seems to have nothing to do with the school bully in the impression.

So all sorts of comments came. Many people ridiculed his appearance, some said that he was "too ordinary" and "will definitely not find a partner in the future".

What's more, there are also people who spoof P pictures, putting Wang Duanpeng's photos and various funny pictures together, which went viral on the Internet.

But in reality? Those who say that Wang Duanpeng is a "nerd" are afraid that they don't know him at all.

Wang Duanpeng, a young man, has a cheerful personality, and usually mingles with his classmates, and he has no "champion" frame at all. He loves to talk and laugh, often jokes with his classmates, tells jokes, and the classroom atmosphere is so active that he can't do it.

And don't look at Wang Duanpeng's good study, but he is not a "nerd". He has loved sports since he was a child, especially basketball, and whenever he has time, he runs to the basketball court, dribbles, and shoots, which is called a skill. He is also said to be the "main player" of the school basketball team.

In addition to basketball, Wang Duanpeng also likes to watch movies, listen to music, and has a wide range of hobbies. In his own words, it is "to study seriously, and life to be wonderful".

Review: In 04, the 749-point college entrance examination champion who was ridiculed by the group for "ordinary appearance", what happened now?

The cultivation of a scholar

Saying that Wang Duanpeng is a scholar is definitely worthy of the name. Since he was a child, he has had a "soft spot" for learning. He just thinks it's fun to learn, and he can learn a lot of new knowledge, just like exploring the unknown world.

Of course, Wang Duanpeng's "Xueba gene" is not innate. It has a lot to do with his family environment. Wang Duanpeng's parents are both teachers, and they have focused on cultivating his interest and habits in learning since he was a child.

When he was a child, Wang Duanpeng's home was like a "small library", with all kinds of books piled up on the shelves. His parents often read books with him, told him stories, and encouraged him to look up information and solve problems on his own. In such an environment, Wang Duanpeng naturally fell in love with reading and learning.

Wang Duanpeng's parents are also quite open-minded and never force him to study to death. They think, children, you have to have fun and learn.

So they encouraged Wang Duanpeng to participate in various interest classes, and as long as the child was interested, let him try.

In addition to the knowledge in textbooks, Wang Duanpeng is also full of interest in various extracurricular books, never only reading school books.

Review: In 04, the 749-point college entrance examination champion who was ridiculed by the group for "ordinary appearance", what happened now?

But he's not just "talking on paper". He feels that learning knowledge must be applied in practice in the end. Therefore, he actively participates in various subject competitions and applies the knowledge he has learned to solve practical problems.

From elementary school to high school, Wang Duanpeng has participated in dozens of competitions large and small, and has won countless awards. What Olympiad, physics, chemistry, there is no one he has not won.

The path to progress

At the end of the college entrance examination, Wang Duanpeng was admitted to Tsinghua University without any suspense. This is the highest university that many people dream of.

Review: In 04, the 749-point college entrance examination champion who was ridiculed by the group for "ordinary appearance", what happened now?

Entering Tsinghua Park, Wang Duanpeng was not fluttering. He still maintains a low-key and modest style, and spends his days either in the library or in the laboratory doing experiments.

In addition to studying, he will still actively participate in various club activities, not wanting to become a nerd.

In the four years of college, Wang Duanpeng not only ranked among the best in his academic performance, but also participated in many social practice activities in his spare time.

After his bachelor's degree, he moved on to Duke University in the United States, where he completed his master's degree.

This is the world's top university, and many people think that Wang Duanpeng will definitely stay abroad to develop.

However, Wang Duanpeng always had such an idea: The purpose of studying abroad is to better learn advanced knowledge and technology, and in the end, he will return to China and contribute his strength to the construction of the motherland.

At Duke University, Wang quickly made a name for himself in the professional field. He has participated in several scientific research projects, published several high-level academic papers, and won the Outstanding Graduate Scholarship from the university.

After graduating with a master's degree, Wang Duanpeng received an admission letter from Stanford University, a top university in the world, to study for a doctorate degree in chemical polymers.

When Wang Duanpeng was at Stanford, he was also a ruthless person, not only did his research level rise gradually, but he also participated in a bunch of high-level research projects.

When he returned from school, he refused to pay a high salary

After graduating from his Ph.D., Wang Duanpeng was faced with an important choice: should he stay abroad for development, or return to China to work?

At that time, many internationally renowned companies wanted to retain this talent and offered generous treatment, which I am afraid many people could not resist.

But Wang Duanpeng did not hesitate to refuse all opportunities abroad, and resolutely chose to return to China. He said that he would contribute the knowledge and abilities he had learned to the scientific research of the motherland. Returning to his home country, he joined the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Review: In 04, the 749-point college entrance examination champion who was ridiculed by the group for "ordinary appearance", what happened now?

After entering the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Duanpeng did not choose to go to those glamorous and popular fields, but chose a relatively unpopular direction - chemical polymer materials research.

Research in this field requires a lot of time and effort, and it is difficult to see results in the short term. But Wang Duanpeng was willing.

He feels that scientific research work is inherently lonely, and as long as he can make a little contribution to the country, it is worth it no matter how hard and tiring it is.

In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Duanpeng is like an obscure "screw", soaking in the laboratory every day and concentrating on research. He rarely gives interviews and rarely appears in the public eye, just quietly doing his research.

Has he changed? He hasn't changed

Time flies, and the "college entrance examination myth" surrounded by the media has gradually faded out of the public's field of vision. Many people are curious, how is Wang Duanpeng now?

Some people say that Wang Duanpeng has changed, he has become low-key, and he is no longer the high-spirited teenager he was back then. He used to be the center of attention everywhere he went, but now he is rarely heard from.

Some people also say that Wang Duanpeng has not changed, he is still the dream-chasing boy with firm goals and down-to-earth. It's just that he has now found what he really wants to do, which is scientific research.

Indeed, the current Wang Duanpeng is no longer the focus of media pursuit. He rarely gives interviews and rarely appears in public. He spends most of his time in the laboratory, dealing with various instruments and data.

Some people feel that Wang Duanpeng is too "condescending". With his ability, if he goes to the enterprise to develop, he will definitely be able to make a lot of money and become a "winner in life". However, Wang Duanpeng has always felt that the value of life is not how much money you make, but how much you can contribute to society.

may seem to many people that Wang Duanpeng's choice is a bit "stupid". But for him, scientific research is his greatest interest, and it is also the stage for him to realize the value of life.

Wang Duanpeng has come all the way, with the halo of "college entrance examination myth", facing all kinds of temptations and doubts, but he has never forgotten his original intention.

If you score 749 points in the college entrance examination, you will definitely be happy, but Wang Duanpeng, people don't take it seriously at all, they should learn to study, they should play ball, and they don't float at all.

And people go abroad to study, and they don't want to put those high-paying jobs abroad, but they want to return to China to engage in scientific research, to put it bluntly, this is a feeling.

Now in this society, there are not many people like Wang Duanpeng. Everyone is too impetuous and too pursuing fame and fortune, and a pure person like him seems "out of place".

But I think this is the real "idol", and it really deserves everyone's admiration.

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