
Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven


Have you seen Zhou Libo's downfall? It is ironic that a master of comedy, who was praised as a humorous genius and in the limelight, has fallen to this point today!

Let's talk about the first half of his life first. Old man Zhou Libo has been an elf and eccentric since he was a child, and no matter how rich the family is, he is also a gentleman. His parents saw his virtue and couldn't expect to be able to study hard and get a serious degree, so they sent him to a burlesque troupe, which was a way out. Who would have thought that this kid would be an outlier in the troupe! The general burlesque satirizes some of the ills of society, and uses a humorous way to guide everyone to reflect. But Zhou Libo is a lord who loves more seriously, and he mocks all topics, even the master does not let go.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

Now it's okay, the master saw that this apprentice was a master who didn't play, so he persuaded his parents to cut off his grain and grass and sharpen it well. Who knew that Zhou Libo's parents felt sorry for their son, and secretly stuffed money to him. When Zhou Libo came out of the school, he was still an arrogant boy, dragged him very much, and wrote a book "Zhou Libo's Master is Zhou Libo", which means that he became famous by his own talent, and it has nothing to do with his master.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

I admire you for your ability! The master saw that this apprentice was determined to take an alternative route, so he gave up, so as not to hurt this precious master-apprentice relationship if he continued to entangle. Since then, the incense between master and apprentice has been broken.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

Zhou Libo is like a rookie dog, treating himself as a unique baby. He not only disliked Guo Degang for eating garlic, but also ridiculed Jin Xing for being a fake woman and a little Shenyang girly... Hey, this isn't a trick of words, it's just a mouth-opening interpretation to the extreme!

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

If you want to talk about his ability, it is indeed remarkable. At the beginning, he became popular on the Internet with "One Week Libo Show" and attracted countless fans. Some netizens said that Jin Xing's explosive style is learning from him! However, Jin Xing is to satirize some social injustices, and Zhou Libo is purely for coolness, which is the root of the separation between the two destinies.

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

The momentary Weibo carnival made Zhou Libo fall on the head. As if he had discovered a new continent, he provocatively provoked celebrities everywhere, in a vain attempt to hype up another wave of popularity. It's a pity that in the end, it was not a good death, the official media criticized it by name, and the whole network was blocked. What a self-inflicted blame!

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

What happened next was even more unexpected, Zhou Libo was arrested and imprisoned in the United States on suspicion of taking contraband. I think this is a typical loss of money and life! His wife, Hu Jie, struggled to bail him out of prison. But Zhou Libo turned a blind eye, refused to admit his mistake, and had to be tested on the spot in front of reporters, what was the result? The report that the body contains contraband was ruthlessly exposed and slapped him in the face hard!

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

In this way, a comedy master who had the halo of humorous genius completely fell off the altar and had no place at home, so he could only spend his days scribbling abroad. Not long ago, a netizen met him on the street, and his destitute appearance was like two people! How easy it is to say that!

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

Netizen Dongyang Wood Carving Comments:

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

Zhou Libo's life is remarkable, but unfortunately it is remarkable in a negative sense. He was originally a talent in the comedy industry, but unfortunately he was ruined by his arrogant personality. Obviously, you can be like Guo Degang, while making works, while inheriting culture. As a result, Zhou Libo had to find another way, provoking others everywhere to attract attention, and in the end, not only his reputation was discredited, but even the most basic personal dignity was lost. How sad!

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

Netizens are very gossip comments:

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

I admire Zhou Libo, others rely on his talent to become popular, but he relies on his mouth to stop the fire. And later he was arrested for drug involvement, and he was not ashamed, but tested in front of reporters, this indifferent spirit is worthy of affirmation! It's just that I didn't expect to be blocked by the whole network and have to live abroad, which is a pity. Although he is now an old immortal, I firmly believe that as long as he is willing to return to China and keep a low profile for a while, he will be able to make a comeback sooner or later!

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

Okay, netizens, what do you think of Zhou Libo's circus life? Feel free to talk in the comment area, and don't forget to like and follow!

Facts have proved that Zhou Libo, who has "disappeared" for 6 years, can no longer be forgiven

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