
There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhou Libo and Hu Jie: 13 years after remarriage, all good and evil have been fulfilled

author:Free Creek Water 6gBrL
There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhou Libo and Hu Jie: 13 years after remarriage, all good and evil have been fulfilled

I heard that the people who pay attention to me, the God of Wealth prefers a few points! If you want to have a lot of money, start by paying attention! Good luck with your money!

became famous at a young age, but it was difficult to hide character flaws, and domestic violence scandals laid hidden dangers for the future

Zhou Libo, this name once resounded on the Chinese talk show stage, he won the love of many audiences with his spicy satire and humorous language style, this talented actor, but the trajectory of his life took a sharp turn after fame, which is embarrassing, looking back on Zhou Libo's early experience, perhaps some answers can be found from it, in 1981, Zhou Libo, who was only 15 years old, was admitted to the Shanghai Burlesque Troupe with his extraordinary talent, and embarked on the road of acting at a young age, he is talented and intelligent, and has quick responses. Showing a unique performance style on stage, he quickly made a name for himself in the troupe and amassed a loyal following

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhou Libo and Hu Jie: 13 years after remarriage, all good and evil have been fulfilled

The glamorous and glamorous on the stage can not cover up the flaws in Zhou Libo's character, he is young and vigorous, irritable and impulsive in life, lack of restraint on his own behavior, laying the groundwork for the future tragedy, in 1990, Zhou Libo married fan Zhang Jie, this marriage was strongly opposed by the woman's father from the beginning, the keen father Zhang has already seen through the problems in Zhou Libo's character, worried that his daughter will eventually be hurt, it turns out that Zhang's father's worries are not groundless, after marriage, Zhou Libo's inferior nature is gradually exposed, Domestic violence occurs from time to time, causing Zhang Jie great mental and physical pain

At the peak of his career, he encountered a moral Waterloo, abandoned the chaff, and married a rich man, causing controversy

Time came to 2006, with the help of his mentor Guan Dongtian, Zhou Libo founded Shanghai Qingkou, and quickly became popular with his unique performance style, his performance was full, a ticket was hard to find, and his worth also rose, becoming a hot comedy star, the success of his career did not let Zhou Libo get rid of his inferior roots, but made him more unscrupulous, in 2008, when his career was in full swing, Zhou Libo met Hu Jie, a wealthy businessman in Wenzhou, on a trip

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhou Libo and Hu Jie: 13 years after remarriage, all good and evil have been fulfilled

The two quickly fell in love, completely ignoring Zhou Libo's married status, in the end, this extramarital affair was discovered by his wife Zhang Jie, the relationship between the two for many years was completely broken, and finally ended in divorce, in 2010, Zhou Libo and Hu Jie got married in a high-profile manner, this wedding attracted many celebrities to come to cheer, the scene was very luxurious, and his ex-wife Zhang Jie divorced soon after marrying a rich man's behavior, so that Zhou Libo's public image was greatly discounted, many people accused him of "ingratitude", "abandon the bad wife", Zhou Libo's emotional experience, It is undoubtedly a big failure in his life

unscrupulous words angered the public, possessed guns and drugs, and ruined his acting career

After becoming famous, Zhou Libo became more and more indulgent in words and deeds, often making some radical remarks in public, causing public dissatisfaction, he scolded netizens on social media, and even attacked different voices, and gradually disintegrated the positive image he had worked hard to build

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhou Libo and Hu Jie: 13 years after remarriage, all good and evil have been fulfilled

In 2017, Zhou Libo was arrested in the United States on suspicion of "illegal possession of firearms and drugs", although he was finally acquitted due to insufficient evidence, but this incident still had a huge negative impact on his acting career, in 2019, Zhou Libo was involved in a dispute with Tang Shuang again, in order to prove his innocence, he took the initiative to accept a drug test, but the result was detected with drug use, which confirmed the rumors of his drug use, and the continuous negative news made Zhou Libo's reputation fall to the bottom, and he was once the "talk show king" In the end, he became a street rat that everyone shouted and beaten, and said goodbye to the stage completely

The glory of the past is no longer late, and the bleak scenery is embarrassing

In May 2024, a photo circulated on the Internet, in which Zhou Libo was on crutches and looked haggard, and the high-spirited comedy star of the year was like two people

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhou Libo and Hu Jie: 13 years after remarriage, all good and evil have been fulfilled

He has failed again and again in his character and choices, and his story has also sounded the alarm for those who are in Vanity Fair: it is important to have talent, but more important is to learn to be a man, and only by maintaining a humble attitude and respecting the law and morality can we go further and more steadily on the road of life

Taking history as a mirror, the alarm bell rings for a long time, and only by having both ability and political integrity can we achieve steady and far-reaching results

Zhou Libo's story is a regrettable case, it allows us to see that a person's success not only depends on talent and opportunities, but also depends on conduct and choice, Zhou Libo's experience warns us that on the road to success, we must always keep a clear head, stick to the moral bottom line, do not be carried away by fame and fortune, do things that violate the law and morality, we should also reflect on the social environment, whether the chaos in the entertainment industry also contributed to Zhou Libo's tragedy? How to build a more healthy and standardized entertainment industry ecology is worth pondering

There is a kind of "backlash" called Zhou Libo and Hu Jie: 13 years after remarriage, all good and evil have been fulfilled

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