
A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

author:The edge of the sword unsheathed
A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

Happy families are all the same, and unhappy families have their own misfortunes. Chen Xi stared blankly at the far-reaching night sky, those inexplicable, cold, and aggrieved tears slipped down his thin, immature face, and quietly slipped down, he quietly licked the pain in his heart in the lonely night, and tasted all the hardships and melancholy in the world......

Chen Xi was born in a remote village in Xinyang, Henan Province, and the sad union of his parents brought unspeakable and untold suffering to this unfortunate family of origin.

Chen Xi's father has a perverse and violent personality, and his mother is extremely stubborn, so this "war-torn" family is full of strife and terror, filled with sharp wails and the sound of bottles and cans being broken.

Chen Xi has been ridiculed and scolded by his father since he was born, and father's love and mother's love are so out of reach for him.

A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

When Chen Xi was 12 years old, on a snowy winter day, his drunken father not only smashed all the belongings in the house, but also beat his mother who tried to "talk back".

He was even so angry that he used his one-year-old daughter as a gas bucket, and in his rage, he threw her to the ground without humanity, and the poor child soon lost his breath in the heart-rending screams.

After Chen Xi's father woke up, he committed an old illness and ran around the village with a pillow like crazy, and the police sent him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with intermittent schizophrenia, and Chen Xi's mother's spirit was once again severely damaged, and a few days later, she disappeared mysteriously and has not been heard from since.

A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

The children of poor families are in charge of the family early, and 12-year-old Chen Xi is duty-bound to shoulder the heavy responsibility of taking care of his crazy father. A year later, when his mentally ill father was wandering around, he actually "picked up" a skinny baby girl who was still in swaddling clothes on the river embankment.

Looking at the tears in his father's eyes, Chen Xi suddenly thought of his sister who was thrown to the ground by his father and was dying, he suddenly woke up from an illusory dream, and then carefully looked at the sick little girl in front of him, Chen Xi decided to leave his "sister" in accordance with God's wishes, and named her Chen Xing.

A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

Since Chen Xing came to this impoverished home, his father no longer goes out to wander, he will help Chen Xi with some simple housework.

Just when the 14-year-old hard-working boy Chen Xi saw some hope for life, his father suddenly became seriously ill, and finally, he died with great regret in his heart.

The sky fell, the ground fell, and Chen Xi only felt that his world no longer existed. But when his sister Chen Xing used her pink little hand to clumsily wipe away the tears that slipped silently from the corners of his eyes, his heart felt as if he had been pricked by a needle, and he subconsciously told himself that he couldn't sink, couldn't feel sorry for himself, couldn't complain about the heavens, he had to cheer up as soon as possible and raise his sister......

A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

Chen Xi, a 14-year-old teenager, could only be forced to give up his studies halfway and integrate into the big "dye vat" of this society prematurely.

Because his sister was still young, he didn't worry about leaving her alone at home, so Chen Xi had no choice but to carry her on his back and keep working on the dusty construction site, sweating heavily in exchange for a meager salary to support his family.

Chen Xi used his immature shoulders, "hands and feet", unable to pick up all the burdens of life, in the face of the hardships of life, Chen Xi did not flinch, he resolutely shouldered the heavy responsibility of raising his sister alone.

This 14-year-old orphaned boy used his boundless love to support a warm harbor of love for his sister, who was not related to him. But Chen Xi, who has been tempered by the world, is just a child, a young boy who fantasizes that one day he can happily "splash and roll" around his parents' knees.

A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

Sister Chen Xing is also well-behaved and sensible, which makes people feel extraordinarily heartache, she will crawl on her brother's thin back very quietly, this little cutie, will subconsciously use her pink little hands to wipe the sweat of her busy brother, gently "brush" the fluffy and oily hair for him, and gently pat the sore shoulders for him.

The kind-hearted person in charge of the construction site, after learning about Chen Xi's misfortune, told the project manager to arrange a relatively easy job on the construction site for him, and Chen Xi also enjoyed the "privilege" of receiving wages in advance at any time, and the construction site also specially vacated a room from the office area to allow Chen Xi to take care of his sister at noon.

A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

The honest and simple workers were shocked by Chen Xi's touching story, and they donated money and materials one after another, and raised money to buy a crib for Chen Xing, as well as all kinds of toys. After hearing the news, the local government also completed the subsistence allowance procedures for Chen Xi as soon as possible......

The sweat and hope burst out on the construction site, and the sunshine shines generously and selflessly in every corner of life. Chen Xi's thin figure is particularly "eye-catching" in the tired crowd, he carries his sister on his back, wears dirty overalls, and watered his unbreakable hope with hard sweat.

A 14-year-old orphaned boy is both a father and a mother, and he has become a "waste" in the eyes of others in order to raise his sister

Unfortunate life experience is not the capital to win the sympathy of the world, do not abandon, do not give up, dare to face the hardships of life, is the best way out of life. Chen Xi walked on the winding and undulating mountain road, stumbling all the way, while he was struggling to taste the bitter life, he sharpened a kind of tenacious and unyielding "forbearance", and had a normal heart that was not shocked by humiliation and looked down on the wind and rain.

14-year-old Chen Xi is both a father and a mother, and takes care of his sister, who is not related to him. The children of poor families are in charge of the house early, and the babbling sister Chen Xing is very well-behaved and sensible.

Sometimes, she would sit unusually quietly on the side, watching her brother not far away sweating through the sand and moving cement, and there were inexplicable tears in her eyes quietly flowing down her dark cheeks.

The afterglow of dusk fell on Chen Xi's rickety back, and when he straightened his back and "waved" to his sister, their happy smiles were fixed in this lonely and miserable world......