
Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

author:Look at current affairs
Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

#头条首发大赛##伊朗: An attack on Lebanon would lead to a devastating war#


According to Allah's official video on June 30, two 333-mm heavy rockets of the "Volcano" type fired in succession directly hit the headquarters of the 91st Division at the Belanit military base in northern Israel.

Judging from the Allah video, as soon as the two heavy rockets landed, dazzling fires and a large amount of gunsmoke appeared on the distant hills, and the 91st Division should have been blown up this time.

To be honest, although Allah's action is big, it is not strange, because CCTV and Xinhua News Agency reported twice in the past week that the headquarters of the 91st Division was bombed. Since the scale of the first two bombings was not as large as this one, and the Israeli army did not squeak one after another, and insisted on gritting its teeth and saying that there were no casualties, it is estimated that this is the reason, so this time Allah specially gave a "close-up" of the bombing

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

(Footage of the blow released by Allah)

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

Although the 91st Division of the Israeli Army was "hammered" by Allah, in the current Middle East, Allah's move is actually extremely dangerous, because the current Lebanese-Israeli border is like a powder keg, and the slightest carelessness can easily trigger a major war in the entire Middle East.

At present, the Israeli government intends to change the next phase of its invasion of Gaza from a "full-scale offensive" to a "focused offensive" in order to gather more troops to meet the Lebanese-Israeli border for the next major war. According to a video taken by local Israeli civilians on the 30th, Israel has deployed more armored vehicles to the border, and many tanks on the road are being transported to the front line.

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

(Armored vehicles delivered by Israeli forces to the front line)

In the face of the threat of a large-scale Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Iran is now sounding an unprecedented warning of war. According to a recent report by the global network, the Iranian United Nations mission said through social media that if Israel launches a "full-scale military operation" against Lebanon, "a devastating war will follow". In this case, "all options, including the full participation of all resistance fronts, are available for consideration!"

You must know that from the terrorist attack on Iranian soil in January this year to the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Syria, although Iran has given extremely serious warnings, it has not said to Israel that it will use all the forces of the arc of resistance against Israel. So this is a strong signal of a clear escalation of the situation in the Middle East.

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

(Anxious Netanyahu)

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

At present, the Israeli army wants to fight Allah because it warns Allah not to attack Israel's northern border again. But Allah has given its own terms for a ceasefire, that is, the Israeli army will first cease fire in Gaza. But now, neither Netanyahu nor the radical Zionist forces are trying to protect themselves, and there is no ceasefire.

In other words, as long as there is no ceasefire in Gaza, then Allah will not stop its attacks on northern Israel. Under such circumstances, Iran's demand that Israel not invade Allah is tantamount to letting Israel obediently be beaten by Allah, and Israel obviously cannot accept it, and Allah will definitely attack Israel's borders.

Therefore, Iran's words are tantamount to a firm commitment to Allah that as long as Israel dares to fight, the arc of resistance will not sit idly by and watch Allah be beaten.

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

(Allah forces on the go)

It can be said that Allah's bombing of the Israeli army is not only to fulfill its promise to its ally Hamas, but also to teach Israel a lesson for what Iran has suffered in the past six months.

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

In the face of Iran's warning and Allah's attack on the headquarters of the Israeli 91st Division, the United States and Europe also sent a message to Allah on the same day not to challenge Israel's military power and escalate cross-border attacks into a broader Middle East war.

I have to say that the United States and the West have a strong double standard, they want Allah not to invade Israel's borders, then let Israel not invade Gaza. Instead, they blame Allah for the dispute that provoked the war in the Middle East, but deliberately ignore that Israel is the main culprit of the war. This is likely to be the name of the next move by Western countries in the Middle East.

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

(The current deployment of the US military in the Middle East)

It is worth mentioning that at present, in order to cope with the next changes in the Middle East, the US military has not only extended the deployment time of the USS Eisenhower in the waters near Israel, but also urgently transferred the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier strike group, which is still far away in Northeast Asia, to the Middle East on 30 June.

It is worth mentioning that from June 27 to 29, the Roosevelt was still conducting military exercises with Japan and South Korea. It was almost in the South China Sea on July 1, which shows how anxious it is to go to the Middle East. Once the USS Roosevelt arrives in the Middle East, then the US military has at least two aircraft carrier groups on standby in the Middle East.

Allah shelled the headquarters of the 91st Division of the Israeli army, US aircraft carriers rushed to the Middle East, and a major war in the Middle East was about to break out

(The U.S. military is preparing to give the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier battle group to the Israeli army)

Another point worth noting is that on the 30th, the League of Arab States announced that the member states of the League of Arab States had agreed not to list the Lebanese "Allah" as a "terrorist organization" recognized by the organization. This is tantamount to a clear signal to the United States that the Arab League will not participate in the struggle between either of them in the future.

Therefore, judging from all kinds of signs, the Middle East is now "overwhelmed by black clouds", and the sixth Middle East war is not far away.

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