
It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

author:The second sister looks at the world from the perspective

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It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

Text| Second Sister Editor|Second Sister

It is the wish of every parent to hope that their son will become a dragon and a daughter will become a phoenix, but not every child can become a dragon and a phoenix

If our children are not the material for learning, we must accept the reality and go with the flow

Since the release of the college entrance examination results, the top student with more than 700 points has been on the hot search for several days, and the netizens who watched it were also very envious

I don't want to, but there is a parent who is very sad because of her daughter's college entrance examination results

This child spent a total of 880,000 from elementary school to high school

Among them, the rent is 120,000 yuan, the tutorial class is 60,000 yuan, and the one-on-one tutoring fee is 660,000 yuan

As a result, he scored 298 points in the college entrance examination

880,000, 298 points, this comparison is too hurtful

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

This parent is too blind! There are usually tests in school

Don't you know how many points you score on each test?

If the test is at this level all the time, why spend the 880,000?

If you spend 880,000 yuan to keep this level, why not find a one-on-one tutor?

Netizens are also talking about this, let's take a look at what netizens have to say

It cost 4.8 million to stay in the United States, and the monthly salary of 6,000 after returning to China, isn't it even less worthwhile? Therefore, the accounts cannot be counted in this way

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

Reading is talented, high scores are not something that can be smashed with money, and it is useless for a child who is not open to learning at all to make up for many lessons

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

For children who do not attend class, the make-up class requires re-teaching all the class content

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

If the child works hard, it is true that he can't learn and can't understand, then he shouldn't force the child, after all, 360 lines, the line is the champion

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

Look at how this netizen is a little gloating! Take comfort with the misfortunes of others

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

Make-up classes are only useful for children who are motivated to learn, and who know where they are lacking

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust
It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

That's 880,000, and how many people have to earn ten years after graduating from college

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

880,000 have given their attention and communication to others? As a parent, don't you have to take care of anything?

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

On the other hand, it is good for children to make their own decisions about their grades and are unwilling to study, so that children are full of hope for life and can grow up healthily

It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

Dear visitors, what do you think about this? Do you think the 880,000 flowers are wronged?

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It really hurts! It cost 880,000 yuan to go to school, and you scored 298 points in the college entrance examination, do you think the 880,000 flowers are unjust

(The views in this article are all from netizens, do not represent a personal position, please judge the authenticity for yourself, for entertainment only, do not take it seriously, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete) #教育##高考##2024头条高考季##高考季##晒晒你家孩子的高考分数##被逼疯的家长##高考分数线#

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