
Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

author:The second sister looks at the world from the perspective

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Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

Text| Second Sister Editor|Second Sister

The world is so big that there are no surprises


The video comes from

Recently, a video circulated on the Internet that there were no seats in a school cafeteria in Henan Province for students to eat standing up

The school's response was even brighter: it was inconvenient to eat while sitting, and eating standing was good for your health

Sitting to eat has also tripped over students, and keeping a chair can do more harm than good!

The 1.4 billion people on the mainland don't know how many people feel that eating standing up is good for their health.

The leaders and teachers of this school are really different!

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

This incident caused heated discussions on the Internet, and some netizens ridiculed, "Are the principals and teachers of this school standing when they eat?" ”

"The principal has to take the lead in standing in the middle of the cafeteria, standing and eating with the children, setting an example for the children."

"If someone chokes on eating, won't the students be able to eat?"

Let's take a look at the wonderful comments from netizens first

If you don't understand, ask: Isn't sitting and eating unified across the country?

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

This is to the point, is the person who asks the children to eat standing standing eating? Why don't you bend down to eat first and try it, is it comfortable to eat? Aren't children afraid of affecting their posture when they bend over to the table when they grow up?

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

Social civilization is progressing, and some local customs of squatting and eating in rural areas are slowly disappearing, but the school does not care whether the children eat elegantly or not, and let the children hunch over and eat on their stomachs

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

This is a great way to deal with it! If you stumble over a student, you will remove the stool, and if you have a car accident, will we remove all the cars that give birth?

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

If you are standing up, raise the table for the children, so that they can stand up straight and have a meal

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

It really refreshed my cognition, does it feel normal for so many people to eat standing up?

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

It's really unexpected in the comment section! I thought it was one-sided, but I didn't expect such an outrageous thing to be said by many people that this is a common phenomenon!

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected
Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected
Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected
Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

Dear visitors, what do you think about the school letting children eat standing on their stomachs?

Feel free to leave your views in the comment area

Outrageous! The school responded that it was good for the health of students to eat standing up, but the comments were unexpected

(The views in this article are all from netizens, do not represent a personal position, please judge the authenticity for yourself, for entertainment only, do not take it seriously, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete) #热点##社会百态##教育#