
Chinese aircraft carriers approaching the Philippines? The Philippine side was a thief, and the trouble at Scarborough Shoal failed, and it was beaten upside down

author:Masked camouflage brother

Commercial satellite imagery shows that a Chinese aircraft carrier recently appeared to patrol the waters near the Philippines, and it is widely believed to be China's first domestically built aircraft carrier, Shandong.

According to satellite imagery, on the 26th, a Chinese aircraft carrier is sailing northwest of Luzon, on the 29th, AFP pointed out that the Shandong ship has appeared in the waters 200 nautical miles away from the Philippines, and the satellite image on the 30th has been updated again, showing that the Chinese aircraft carrier is located in the sea between Hainan Island and the North Reef of the Paracel Islands.

Foreign media said that this is the first time that China has sent an aircraft carrier to the coastal waters of the Philippines, which has "deterrent intentions" and is a reminder to the Philippine side not to covet territory that does not belong to it and not to intrude into Ren'ai Jiao again.

Chinese aircraft carriers approaching the Philippines? The Philippine side was a thief, and the trouble at Scarborough Shoal failed, and it was beaten upside down

Shandong ship

In fact, since it entered the list in 2019, the Shandong ship has carried out training in the East China Sea, the South China Sea and other sea areas, including this time, which is also normal training.

Military expert Song Zhongping believes that the aircraft carrier may later go to the western Pacific to rendezvous with four other naval ships near Palawan, and he stressed that it is normal for the Shandong ship to go to all these places, including the waters east of Taiwan, the western Pacific Ocean, and the entire South China Sea.

Indeed, the United States and its allies often come uninvited to our doorstep to show off their military might, so why can't we go to these places? What's more, our behavior is completely different from that of the United States, and the relevant voyages are fully in accordance with the regulations.

Chinese aircraft carriers approaching the Philippines? The Philippine side was a thief, and the trouble at Scarborough Shoal failed, and it was beaten upside down

U.S.-Philippines South China Sea exercises

Of course, regardless of the others, the voyage itself has already had two effects. First, knock on the Philippines to make the Philippine side a little self-aware; Second, in response to the "Rim of the Pacific Military Exercise", the United States has pulled many allies to sing on stage, and we naturally have to give some response, otherwise the United States will not be able to sing this drama.

But as the so-called fairy fight and imp suffered, looking at the places where the Continental Army ships and aircraft carriers went, you can find that the Philippines has been focused on by us. This is not only because they have frequently made trouble at Ren'ai Jiao for more than a year, but also because of their idea of attacking Scarborough Shoal in the past two days.

The Philippine Coast Guard issued a statement on the 30th, saying that on the afternoon of June 29, an engine explosion occurred on a Philippine fishing boat about 13 nautical miles south of Scarborough Shoal on the mainland, and the boat was about to sink, and two fishermen on board suffered second-degree burns and needed urgent rescue.

Chinese aircraft carriers approaching the Philippines? The Philippine side was a thief, and the trouble at Scarborough Shoal failed, and it was beaten upside down

The Filipino fishing boat is about to sink

The Philippine fishing boat appeared only 13 nautical miles away from Scarborough Shoal, and it happened to explode by chance, and it is difficult not to wonder whether this was a simple accident, after all, since Marcos came to power, the Philippine side has been very aggressive on the South China Sea issue, and has used all kinds of shady means.

However, to the surprise of the Philippines, for this accident, the Chinese coast guard arrived at the scene first to blockade and rescue, and controlled the situation. Based on the humanitarian position, the Chinese side sent two carrier-based working boats to the Philippine fishing boat to assist in the rescue, and also threw life jackets, lifebuoys and other life-saving equipment at the fishing boat in distress.

Chinese aircraft carriers approaching the Philippines? The Philippine side was a thief, and the trouble at Scarborough Shoal failed, and it was beaten upside down

Filipino personnel were rescued

The Philippine Coast Guard also affirmed China's assistance and support in the early days, but the Philippine media slandered China's actions as "obstructing rescue" and "erecting obstacles", for fear that Filipinos would have a positive evaluation of China's move and try to continue to sow discord between China and the Philippines.

As for the Philippines, which has no sincerity and wants wants, we can only give them some "color and see" with practical actions, after all, they are the same as the United States, they eat hard and do not eat soft.

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