
Will Trump "enter the palace twice"? Japan is ready for both, NATO is worried about the United States "withdrawing from the group"

author:Masked camouflage brother

If Trump does win the US election, there is no one more panicked than NATO.

Biden recently asked Trump whether he would lead the United States out of NATO after being elected, and Trump only shrugged his shoulders and did not answer, which just made NATO restless. Because Trump has repeatedly belittled NATO before and made some statements threatening to withdraw from NATO.

Although NATO is composed of 32 countries, the United States has the most say in it, after all, the US military power is there, and other NATO member countries have long relied on US military protection.

Will Trump "enter the palace twice"? Japan is ready for both, NATO is worried about the United States "withdrawing from the group"

The so-called mutual defense treaty, in the final analysis, is also relying on the United States, so once the United States announces its "withdrawal from the group," NATO will be leaderless, no different from disbanding.

Now that Russia and Ukraine are at war, and the war continues to escalate, NATO member states such as Poland have repeatedly provoked Russia and threatened to send troops to Ukraine. The answer is self-evident, which is why they are worried about Trump winning the election.

In addition to NATO, Ukraine and Israel are also worried that Biden will not be re-elected, because Biden is more willing to provide them with military aid and public opinion support than Trump.

Will Trump "enter the palace twice"? Japan is ready for both, NATO is worried about the United States "withdrawing from the group"


Trump has previously said that if he were now president, the Russia-Ukraine conflict "will never happen", and if he succeeds in returning to the White House, he will immediately facilitate a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, and Trump's advisers have proposed a new ceasefire plan

Ukraine only has to accept this option, otherwise the United States will call off military aid, and Zelensky obviously does not want a ceasefire, so of course he supports Biden.

In addition, Japan and South Korea, the staunch allies of the United States in East Asia, have also begun to prepare for both. During Trump's presidency, relations between the United States and Japan and South Korea were strained by rising military spending and U.S. trade policies.

Will Trump "enter the palace twice"? Japan is ready for both, NATO is worried about the United States "withdrawing from the group"

Yoon Suk-yeol

South Korean politicians have called on the Yoon Suk-yeol administration to think ahead of time to prepare for Trump's second term, while Japan has taken the lead in hooking up with Trump, intending to take it both ways.

Taro Aso, the former prime minister of Japan and the current vice chairman of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, visited the United States earlier this year and had an in-depth conversation with Trump. Trump later affirmed the meeting, which was widely seen as a retreat left by Japan's Kishida government.

Because of his relationship with the Biden administration, it is difficult for people in the Kishida government to engage with Trump publicly, and Taro Aso, who is a senior member of the Liberal Democratic Party but not a member of the cabinet, is the best candidate to avoid trouble to a large extent.

Will Trump "enter the palace twice"? Japan is ready for both, NATO is worried about the United States "withdrawing from the group"

Trump and Taro Aso meet

Judging from these performances, Japan is still as cunning as ever, and they can continue to maintain US-Japan cooperation regardless of whether Trump takes office or Biden is re-elected.

Of course, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, on the one hand, the outcome of the US election is still uncertain, and on the other hand, the positions and practices of Biden and Trump after that are not easy to predict.

Will Trump "enter the palace twice"? Japan is ready for both, NATO is worried about the United States "withdrawing from the group"

Trump vs Biden

As it stands, Trump has a better chance of winning, but interestingly, at the debate, his niece directly joined Biden's camp, saying that Trump cannot be allowed to return to power, which would put the United States in danger.

Looking at this posture, this presidential election is really "fiercely competitive", and it may become a "colorful" stroke in the history of the United States, of course, that will not be a good word, after all, one of these two candidates is guilty, the other is an old man, who is better than whom? The United States is starting to decline, and it is no longer just talk.

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