
The man was selling firewood, and when he saw that the woman was in distress and came to his aid, the woman said, "Go home at night and go through the back door."

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

In this Gada in our northeast, there are many stories of loyal and honest people who have been rewarded. Today, let's talk about this in a small mountain village to the south of us. There is a young man in the village, named Li Ergou, don't look at him with a "second dog" in his name, he is a diligent and honest master. Every day before dawn, he would go out, carry an axe on his back, go up the mountain to chop wood, and then pick it up and sell it in the town to earn a little money to support himself and his elderly mother.

One day, Li Ergou, as usual, chopped a load of good firewood and walked to the town with it. On this day, the sun was as poisonous as a furnace, and people were sweating profusely. Li Ergou wiped his sweat as he walked, thinking that he could sell more firewood today and buy some meat for his mother to eat. As he walked, he heard movement in front of him, as if someone was sobbing quietly. Curiously, he walked over and looked, yo, a plainly dressed woman, sitting on the side of the road, holding her baggage, crying like a tearful person. Li Ergou's heart tightened, wondering if this woman had encountered something difficult? He put down the firewood, walked over and asked, "Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Tell me something, maybe I can help. ”

The woman glanced up at Li Ergou and saw that he was a loyal and honest young man, so she choked up and said: "Big brother, my family lives far away, and I wanted to go into the town to sell some embroidery in exchange for some rice grain, but I met a group of bullies on the road, snatched all my embroidery, and pushed me to the ground." I'm penniless now, and I can't walk, what can I do? When Li Ergou heard this, he felt the fire in his heart, but he was an honest man and couldn't fight, so he could only comfort the woman and say: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I haven't sold this firewood yet, you take the money to buy some food first, and I'll send you home." ”

The man was selling firewood, and when he saw that the woman was in distress and came to his aid, the woman said, "Go home at night and go through the back door."

So saying, he took out some copper plates from his bosom and gave them to the woman. The woman burst into tears of gratitude, and thanked her repeatedly. Li Ergou saw that she had difficulty moving, so he decided to send her home. The two walked slowly towards the woman's house, one after the other. On the way, Li Ergou asked about the woman's name and family affairs, and the woman told him that her name was Zhang Cuihua, and that her husband had died at an early age, leaving her and a young son to depend on each other. She usually relies on embroidering some things for some family, but she didn't expect to encounter this today. When Li Ergou heard this, he was even more sympathetic in his heart, and he secretly decided to help the mother and son more in the future.

After walking for most of the day, the two finally came to Zhang Cuihua's home. It was a dilapidated hut, shabby but clean. Zhang Cuihua's son Xiao Ming ran over happily when he saw his mother coming back. Li Ergou saw that although Xiao Ming was in rags, his eyes were clear and very sensible, and he liked it even more. Zhang Cuihua left Li Ergou to have a light meal at home, although it was just some coarse tea and light rice, but Li Ergou ate very happily and his heart was warm. After dinner, it was as dark as the bottom of the pot, and he was going to sneak home. Zhang Cuihua was grateful, and sent it to the gate, suddenly lowered her voice, and said mysteriously: "Big brother, you have to go through the back door when you go home at night, don't go to the front door, do you hear?" Li Ergou was stunned for a moment, and asked confusedly: "Why is this?" Zhang Cuihua hesitated for a while, and then whispered: "Our house is a bit evil, there are always some unclean things at night, and it is easy to hit the front door, and the back door is much safer." Li Ergou listened, although he was a little stunned, but thinking about the difficulties of Zhang Cuihua and her son, he felt that he couldn't just be cowardly. He nodded and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I remember it." After speaking, Li Ergou picked up the firewood and walked briskly in the direction of home.

It was getting darker and darker, the wind was blowing harder and harder, and the leaves of the trees were blown with a rattle. Although Li Ergou was a little hairy in his heart, when he thought of Zhang Cuihua's advice, he still decided to go through the back door. He quickened his pace, and in a short time he was at his door. He put down the firewood, took a deep breath, turned and walked towards the back door. At that moment, he suddenly heard movement at the front door, as if something was knocking on the door. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he thought, "Is there really a ghost?" He mustered up his courage and crept to the front door to see what was going on.

The man was selling firewood, and when he saw that the woman was in distress and came to his aid, the woman said, "Go home at night and go through the back door."

Li Ergou's heart was about to jump out, he quietly approached the front door, his ear on the door panel, wanting to hear the movement outside. The knock on the door grew louder and louder, as if something urgent was about to happen. Li Ergou took a deep breath and slammed the door. There was no one outside the door, only a cold wind blew, which made him shiver. He looked around, but found nothing but the faint shadows of the trees in the night. "Did I hear it wrong?" Li Ergou was talking to himself, but his heart was up and down. He didn't dare to stay longer, so he hurried to the back door. At the moment when he turned around, he seemed to see a black shadow flash in the corner of the wall. "Oh my god!" Li Ergou was so frightened that he almost fell on his heels, so he quickly quickened his pace and ran into the back door in a puff of smoke.

After entering the house, Li Ergou closed the door tightly, for fear that something outside would break in. He sat on the edge of the bed, gasping for air, but his heart was turbulent. "What the hell is going on?" He pondered in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. Suddenly, he remembered Zhang Cuihua's words, and his heart tightened, "Is there really something unclean in this house?" At this moment, Li Ergou heard a slight noise from the kitchen. His heart tightened, so he quickly picked up a wooden stick and tiptoed to the kitchen. The kitchen door was ajar, letting in a faint glow. Li Ergou stood at the door, took a deep breath, slammed the door and rushed in. Look at the kitchen, there is no one, only the fire crackling, and a pot of steaming soup is still boiling in the pot. "It's... What's going on? Li Ergou was stunned, looking confused. He looked around, and suddenly saw a note on the side of the pot. He leaned over and took a look, and the note read, "Dude, thank you for your help today." I know you have a good heart and won't hurt you. I stewed this pot of soup for you on purpose, and I drank it to keep you safe. Remember, go through the back door at night, don't go through the front door. After Li Ergou read the note, his heart lit up. Dare to love Zhang Cuihua is not an ordinary person, she is a girl who can spell. She let herself go through the back door because there was a ghost in this house, or she had deliberately invited it.

"Why would she do that?" Li Ergou was beating a drum in his heart. He suddenly remembered the difficulties of Zhang Cuihua and her son, and his heart softened, "Could it be that she wants to use these ghosts to protect herself and her son?" Thinking of this, Li Ergou's admiration for Zhang Cuihua spontaneously arose. He walked over to the pot, scooped up a bowl of soup, and drank it all. The soup was so delicious that I felt hot all over my body when I drank it, as if there was a lot of energy swirling around in my body. After drinking the soup, Li Ergou felt that his spirit was full, and those ghosts and monsters were not afraid. He went back to the house, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep in a few moments.

The man was selling firewood, and when he saw that the woman was in distress and came to his aid, the woman said, "Go home at night and go through the back door."

Early the next morning, Li Ergou woke up and felt refreshed. He remembered what happened last night and decided to go and see Zhang Cuihua's mother and son again. When I arrived at Zhang Cuihua's house, I found that the house was completely new, and it was no longer the tattered appearance it was before. When Zhang Cuihua saw Li Ergou, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, telling him that those ghosts last night were all summoned by her with a spell, in order to protect herself and her son from being bullied by bullies. Now that those bullies have been arrested by the government, she can live with peace of mind. Li Ergou listened, and his heart was warm. He told Zhang Cuihua that he was willing to help their mother and son all the time and let them live a good life.

Since then, Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua's mother and son have become good buddies. He goes to help them work every day, and sometimes brings some delicious and fun food to Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming also likes Li Ergou very much and treats him as his own brother. As the days passed, Zhang Cuihua's mother and son, with the help of Li Ergou, slowly got out of the predicament, their lives got better and better, and Xiao Ming became more and more lively and cheerful.

One day, Li Ergou was chopping wood on the mountain and accidentally found a treasure. He hurriedly ran home to tell Zhang Cuihua and the mother and son. Together, they decided to use the money to improve their lives and help other people in need in the village. With their efforts, the people in the village have lived a happy life, and everyone is especially grateful to Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua, mother and son, and regard them as the great benefactors of the village. This story spread in the village and became a topic of conversation after dinner. In our Northeast Gada, there is such a buddy named Li Ergou, who is honest and good-looking. Zhang Cuihua and her little cub are also good people who know how to repay their kindness. The good deeds they did not only changed their own lives, but also the lives of our entire village. This thing tells us that if you are kind-hearted and willing to help others, good rewards will come naturally. On the road of life, there are all difficulties and challenges, but as long as we are kind-hearted and brave to face them, we can pass any hurdles, and we will definitely succeed in the end, and happiness is also within reach.

The man was selling firewood, and when he saw that the woman was in distress and came to his aid, the woman said, "Go home at night and go through the back door."

As soon as the treasure was discovered, it was like a spring breeze blowing, and our village was green and vibrant. Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua, mother and son, have become the saviors of our village. They didn't float because of this, but became more low-key and kinder. Li Ergou took the money and renovated Zhang Cuihua's house first, so that she and the cub could live comfortably. Then, he built a school in the village and invited the gentlemen in the town, so that the children in the village could study and go to school. On the day of the opening of the school, our village was very lively. The babies wore new clothes and carried new school bags, and their faces were happy. They surrounded Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua's mother and son, jumping and screaming, so happy that they couldn't wait for the whole village to feel it.

After the school was built, Li Ergou was not idle. He used the remaining money to repair bridges and roads and improve the infrastructure of our village. It also organized young people in the village to learn planting and breeding techniques, so that the village's economy gradually improved. But just when our village was getting more and more prosperous, bad news came. Some people say that Li Ergou's discovery of the treasure has caused some villains in the town to be red-eyed. They want to rob the treasure, and it is even unfavorable to Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua's mother and son. This news exploded in our village, and everyone was worried about their safety and didn't know what to do.

Li Ergou was very stable, he said that he had expected such a day. He prepared in advance, found a few sturdy villagers, and guarded the village and treasures together. Sure enough, within a few days, those bad guys came. They entered the village while it was dark, but as soon as they entered the village, they were discovered by Li Ergou and the villagers. A big war began. Li Ergou and the villagers took sticks and farm tools and fought with those villains. Although there are not many people, they are all desperate Saburo. The battle lasted all night. At dawn, the villains were driven out of the village and never dared to come again. Our village is calm again. The villagers all went to Li Ergou's house to thank him for his bravery and wisdom. They all said that it was Li Ergou who saved our village and saved them. Li Ergou, this buddy, he is not simple, he is very modest, and always says: "Our achievements are all made by everyone working together." The people in our village have to twist into a rope and resist the wind and rain together. Zhang Cuihua and her son, the two of them, also came to Li Ergou's house and thanked them vigorously. They said that if there was no Li Ergou, how could they live this good life now. Li Ergou listened and replied happily: "We are all a family, and we should help each other, as it should be." ”

The man was selling firewood, and when he saw that the woman was in distress and came to his aid, the woman said, "Go home at night and go through the back door."

Since then, the life of our village is called a beauty. Everyone thinks in one place, works hard in one place, shares difficulties, and shares joys. Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua have also become the most respected people in the village. But Li Ergou is not satisfied with the status quo, he understands in his heart that the burden on his shoulders is still heavy, and there are still many people waiting for him to help. He began to run around, looking for opportunities and resources, wanting to add more fire to the life of our village.

One day, Li Ergou met a wealthy businessman in the town. When this wealthy businessman heard about Li Ergou, he was so moved that he decided to invest in our village and help us develop the economy. As soon as the wealthy businessmen came, our village ushered in new opportunities. He not only brought advanced planting and breeding technology, but also capital and market. With the help of wealthy businessmen, the economy of our village has taken off, and the standard of living has also risen. Our village is getting richer and richer, and everyone's life is getting sweeter and sweeter.

But Li Ergou, he has not forgotten his original intention, he always remembers that he is the son of a farmer, and remembers that he is fighting to improve the life of our village. As a result, he devoted more time and energy to the development of our village. He led the villagers to grow special agricultural products, develop tourism, and set up handicraft cooperatives...... Under his leadership, there are more and more industries in our village, and everyone's income is also rising.

The man was selling firewood, and when he saw that the woman was in distress and came to his aid, the woman said, "Go home at night and go through the back door."

Now, that small mountain village that was once so poor has become a rich and beautiful new countryside. The villagers lived a happy life, and the smiles on their faces were called a brilliant one. All this is inseparable from the hard work and selfless dedication of Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua's mother and son. Their stories spread throughout the countryside and even into the city. People say that they are the heroes of the village and the pride of the village. But they are never proud of their achievements, and always maintain their humility and kindness.

This is the story of Li Ergou and Zhang Cuihua's mother and son, a story full of legends and touching. With their kindness and courage, they changed the fate of the entire village, and also let us see the brilliance and strength of human nature.