
The woman rescued the black dog, but two months later she was strangely pregnant, Taoist priest: You are not saving a dog

author:Tao Taolai writes stories

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a very evil folk story today. This happened in a small town in the south of us, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the people are sincere. Let's talk about a girl named Cuihua in the town, who looks smart and has a good heart. Her house is at the east end of the town, and there is a small river in front of the door, and the water is so clear that you can see the bottom of it. Cuihua loves to wash clothes and vegetables by the river when she has nothing to do.

One day, the sun was just right, and Cuihua carried a basket to the river to wash vegetables. Suddenly, she heard a dog barking in the river, which sounded miserable. Cuihua looked curiously, yo, a black dog was soaking wet, fluttering in the river, and it looked like it was about to sink. Cuihua was in a hurry, threw the basket, jumped into the river and rescued the dog. The black dog came ashore, shook his fur, and wagged his tail at Cuihua, as if to say thank you. Cuihua saw that it was fine, so she patted it and advised: "Little thing, you have to pay attention in the future." With that, she went home.

Cuihua didn't take this to heart. But two months later, a strange thing happened - Cuihua was pregnant! This scared Cuihua and her family a lot, she hasn't married yet, why is she pregnant? The people of the town also began to gossip and talk a lot. Cuihua felt the bitterness in her heart, she knew that she was innocent, how could she explain this? Her mother was also in a hurry, so she hurried to the doctor in the town to take a look. After the doctor took the pulse, he shook his head and said, "This pulse is indeed a happy pulse, but I don't understand what the specific thing is." "The family is worried, and a Taoist priest has come to the town. This Taoist priest looks like a fairy wind and bones, and at first glance he is not an ordinary person.

The woman rescued the black dog, but two months later she was strangely pregnant, Taoist priest: You are not saving a dog

When Cuihua Niang heard about it, she hurriedly invited the Taoist priest to her home and wanted him to show Cuihua. As soon as the Taoist priest entered the door, he looked at Cuihua, then nodded and said, "This girl, you have an unusual aura in you. When Cuihua heard this, her heart tightened, and she hurriedly asked, "Dao Chief, what do you see?" The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "Girl, the black dog you saved is not an ordinary dog. "Huh? What's that? Cuihua Niang asked eagerly. The Taoist priest stroked his beard and said, "That's a dog demon who has cultivated to perfection." It failed to cross the river and was seriously wounded before struggling in the river. You saved it, and in return for it, it gave you its soul and made you pregnant with its child. "What? I'm pregnant with a dog demon child? Cuihua almost fainted. The Taoist priest nodded and said, "That's right. But don't be afraid, girl, since this dog demon can cultivate into refinement, he must have some ability. When Cuihua Niang heard this, the stone in her heart fell to the ground slightly, but she still couldn't help asking: "Dao Chief, then what are we going to do about this?" The Taoist priest pondered for a while before he spoke slowly: "This matter, it is not difficult to say, and it is not easy to say that it is simple." To settle this matter, you have to find the dog demon and talk to it well. Cuihua asked eagerly, "Then where can we find it?" The Taoist priest shook his head: "Since the dog demon is kind to you, it will come to you by itself." Just wait at home. As soon as the words fell, the Taoist priest got up and took his leave.

Cuihua Niang sent the Taoist priest away, returned to the house, and the family sat around a table, gossiping about what to do next. As the days passed, Cuihua's belly became more and more obvious. When the people in the town saw this, they talked a lot and said everything. However, the Cuihua family didn't care about those gossip, they believed in the words of the Taoist, believing that this was just an adventure, and there was nothing unpleasant.

And so it went by, day by day, until one evening...... Suddenly, there was movement outside the window. Cuihua was startled, put down the work in her hand, tiptoed to the window, and gently lifted the curtains. At first glance, it turned out to be the black dog, with bright eyes in the moonlight, staring straight at her. Cuihua sighed in her heart, isn't this the black dog she saved? She hurriedly opened the door, and the black dog entered the house as soon as it slipped through the smoke, and went straight to her bedside.

The woman rescued the black dog, but two months later she was strangely pregnant, Taoist priest: You are not saving a dog

Cuihua squatted down, gently touched the black dog's back with her hand, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you here?" What's wrong? The black dog seemed to understand, rubbed his head against her hand, and then looked up, his eyes full of pleading. Cuihua's heart moved, could it be that this dog demon really came to discuss with her? At this time, the black dog suddenly spoke, and his voice was low and hoarse: "Cuihua, I know that you saved me, and I also know that you suffered because of me. I'm here today to give you a choice. When Cuihua heard this, she was so frightened that she almost sat on the ground. She steadied herself and asked, "What choice?" The black dog said, "You can choose to give birth to this child and make him an extraordinary being, but it will also bring many unknown challenges and difficulties." Or, you can choose not to have this child, and I will use my mana to help you get back to your original state, but you will also lose the chance to change your fate. ”

When Cuihua heard this, her heart became a pot of porridge. She looked at her belly, and then at the black dog in front of her, and didn't know what to do for a while. At this moment, Cuihua's mother pushed the door in, and was shocked to see the scene in the house. But after all, she is a person who has seen the world, and she quickly calmed down. Cuihua walked briskly and walked to Cuihua Niang, the two of them muttered for a while, and then Cuihua Niang turned her head and said to the black dog: "Dao Chief, our Cuihua is soft-hearted, and I can't see any living beings suffering." But this matter, we have to sum it up. The black dog listened, nodded like pounded garlic, indicating that he understood.

Cuihua Niang turned around again and said to Cuihua: "Girl, you have to figure this out." Giving birth to a child is not a joke, you have to be prepared to be a mother. If you feel that you can't bear it, let's find another way out. Cuihua listened, her heart went up and down, she pondered for a while, and said, "Mother, I think that since this child is here, it is related to me." I want to give him a chance, and give myself a chance. ”

The woman rescued the black dog, but two months later she was strangely pregnant, Taoist priest: You are not saving a dog

When Cuihua Niang heard this, a relieved smile appeared on her face, and she said, "Good girl, my mother supports you." Although our family is not rich, it is more than enough to raise a child. The black dog was also relieved to see that Cuihua had made a decision, and it said, "Cuihua, don't worry, I will use my magic power to protect you and the child, so that you will be safe." As soon as he finished speaking, the black dog turned into a cloud of black smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Cuihua and her mother looked at the empty room, but their hearts were full of hope. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is the day when the green flowers are about to be potted. On that day, the people of the town gathered in front of Cuihua's house, waiting to see this unusual birth. Cuihua Niang also invited the town's doctor and midwife to make full preparations.

With a loud cry, the emerald flower gave birth to a white chubby boy. This child was born different, with big eyes and fair skin, like a porcelain doll. When the midwife saw it, she was overjoyed and said, "This child is really handsome, and he will definitely have a future in the future." Cuihua hugged the child, and her heart was also beautiful. She looked into the child's eyes, as if she saw hope for the future.

The woman rescued the black dog, but two months later she was strangely pregnant, Taoist priest: You are not saving a dog

She knew that the arrival of this child would not only change her fate, but also the fate of the entire town. Since then, Cuihua and her mother have raised this child together, although life is still poor, but they are full of happiness and satisfaction. And the black dog demon who once saved Cuihua's life also appeared in their lives from time to time, bringing them some unexpected surprises and help.

And just like that, the story spread around the town and became a legend. People say that Cuihua was rewarded for her kindness, and that child also attracted attention because of his special background. And Emerald Tweed, she never regrets her choice. She knew that it was kindness that had made her have it all. She also hopes that her children can be as kind, brave and strong as she is to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

This is the folk tale we are talking about today. Ladies and gentlemen, do you think this Cuihua is a blessed person? She was rewarded with this by saving a dog demon. Let's be a little kind, we have to remember this truth! In the small courtyard of Cuihua's house, the sunlight shines through the sparse clouds and sprinkles on the old locust tree, and the mottled light and shadow dance happily on the ground. Cuihua hugged the little chubby dun and sat on the threshold, basking in the sun and gossiping with the neighbors. "Look at this kid of ours, his eyes are as bright as small light bulbs, and his skin is as white and tender as tofu brains that have just been fished out of the river." Cuihua proudly displayed, and the smile on her face was brighter than the flowers. The neighbors gathered around, and you praised the boy every word, some said that he was handsome, some said that he would definitely have a future in the future, and some said that Cuihua was really a blessing. Cuihua listened to these words, and her heart was happy.

The woman rescued the black dog, but two months later she was strangely pregnant, Taoist priest: You are not saving a dog

Suddenly, there was a movement in the corner of the yard. Cuihua put the child down and walked over to take a look, and it turned out that the black dog was lying there basking in the sun, half-squinting, enjoying the rare warmth. "Yo, the Taoist is here." Cuihua greeted it with a smile. The black dog opened his eyes, glanced at Cuihua, and then nodded, as if to say, "Well, I heard you." Cuihua squatted down, touched the black dog's head, and said, "Dao Chief, thanks to you, our family is so smooth." This child is healthy and healthy, and it is all thanks to you. The black dog wagged his tail and said, "Cuihua, you saved me, and I have to repay you." This child is a blessing to you and a blessing to me. I will always watch over him and let him grow up in peace. When Cuihua heard this, her heart was warm. She knew that although this black dog looked fierce, he was actually quite gentle in his heart and knew how to be grateful.

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