
Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

author:Sharp reviews from the car industry

On July 1st, the first semester of a busy year finally came to an end, some people happily went home with their report cards for the summer vacation, and some people went home dejected to make up for classes. The car rim is still like this, the "final exam" excellent release of good news as early as today, and the late students or those to be improved have not been announced for a long time, which car companies have reported as scheduled today?

According to the data released by various official micro-accounts, the ideal and the question world both broke 40,000, which proves in the short term that the route of the extended range is very popular with consumers, especially in the luxury car market; This month, Xiaomi Auto finally succeeded in breaking 10,000, but it is far from Lei Jun's goal of 120,000 vehicles; Compared with last month, Aion was a lot lonely, falling by 5,000 units, no wonder Boss Zeng urgently shouted "oil and electricity with the same rights" at the Chongqing forum. Among the car companies with more than 10,000 units, there are also Weilai, Xiaopeng, Zeekr, and Xiaomi; Among the car companies below 10,000 units, there are "rich second generation" Zhiji, VOYANT, and AVATAR.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled
Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

The situation is very good for the new forces

Li Auto delivered 47,774 new vehicles in June, up 46.7% year-on-year. Ranked first in the total delivery volume of China's new power brands.

Judging from this achievement, compared with the sales of more than 30,000 last month, this month's ideal L6 has contributed a lot, and the effect of (249,800~279,800 yuan) price reduction for sales is quite obvious. However, the high-end L9 and MEG are still not as expected, which can be seen from the ideal sales copywriting and mutual bargaining on the Internet.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

In June, NIO delivered a total of 21,209 new vehicles, up 98% year-on-year and a record high. To date, NIO has delivered a total of 537,020 new vehicles.

Seeing this achievement, the second brand of Weilai Ledao has brought a lot of noise to the future, once the L60 is launched as a 219,900 yuan pure electric mid-size SUV in September, Weilai's sales will soar in the second half of the year.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

In June, Hongmeng Zhixing sold 46,141 vehicles, and Wenjie sold 43,146 vehicles alone. It is also a terrible start to lose the ideal with 1,000 units, because the M9 with a price of 500,000 luxury SUVs has already exceeded 100,000 units.

Seeing this achievement, I don't know how many traditional car companies will join this ecology in the future.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

In June, Xpeng delivered 10,668 new vehicles, up 24% year-on-year and 5% month-on-month. Among them, Xpeng X9 "Nine Crowns" delivered 1,687 units, and a total of 13,143 units were delivered in the first half of the year after its launch, continuing to lead the market of pure electric MPV and pure electric three-row seats.

Really, MEGA pure electric fell to Xiaopeng X9 to eat full, and more importantly, the price of the X9 terminal is still a surprise.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

In June, the third month of delivery, the delivery volume exceeded 10,000! Lei Jun vowed that the delivery target in July would also exceed 10,000 units. However, the year-end target of 120,000 units will be delivered this year, and it is a bit dangerous to use this speed, so the Beijing plant will need to increase production capacity.

However, there has been a bit of a uproar about the SU7 free replacement of the front windshield recently, and the sunscreen was too questionable at the beginning, and I don't know if the front windshield will be canceled in the end.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled
Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

The traditional "rich second generation", a few families are happy, and a few are worried

Aion's global sales in June were 35,027 units, 5,000 less than last month, sad that Aion was in a hurry to export recently, and the GAC boss was "in a hurry" on the Internet, and it seems that Aion's listing this year is "far away".

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

ZEEKR delivered 20,106 vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 89%, and a total of 87,870 units were delivered from January to June, a year-on-year increase of 106%.

However, with the launch of Geely YizhenL380,Will it impact Extreme Krypton 009It's hard to say,A L380 with personality for the sake of personality,Is it ugly compared with the ideal MEGA,Resources are concentrated on 009 or follow-up baby MIX? Geely really wants everything, and in the end it doesn't get anything......

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

Zhiji was quite positive this month, selling 6,015 units in June, up 200% year-on-year.

It seems that Zhiji L60 can still do a good job in the pure electric market of more than 200,000 yuan, and Liu Tao's courage is still worthy of praise.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

In June, Deep Blue delivered 16,659 vehicles, and AVATR sold 4,682 vehicles.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

In June, VOYAH delivered 5,507 vehicles, up 83% year-on-year. The cumulative sales from January to June were 30,376, a year-on-year increase of 102%. This sales volume is not surprised or happy, and the volume will be increased in the second half of the year, so wait for Lantu bosom friend and FREE318 to overcome obstacles.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

As of the date of publication, Leap and Nezha have not released data. However, the new energy boss BYD still has rolling data, selling 341658 units in June, and it seems that Qin L still brings a lot of growth. If BYD continues to maintain this momentum, I don't know if the public opinion war about various car companies will disappear.

Xiaomi broke 10,000 units, and Wenjie failed with 1,000 units, but several companies did not report sales as scheduled

Looking at the overall sales data, although the price competition between major car companies is becoming increasingly fierce, from the overall sales volume in June, the entire new energy automobile market still maintains a stable growth trend. However, the pattern has changed a lot, and the ideal and the question world are in a state of anxiety due to the range extender, and the traditional "rich second generation" is also emerging, gradually catching up with the new forces in terms of product strength, technological innovation and service experience, and eating up the market share of many weak Internet companies and traditional joint ventures.

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