
After the QS2025 update, the two universities that have been scolded have run out!

author:Martin who studied abroad

In fact, after the update of QS2025, many British students who have graduated are sad, after all, some students have graduated and find that their school is not in the top 100. That anger, the school's rotten and inaction made this group of graduates angry.

Today, we talk about the two British universities that have been scolded the most in recent times, and some students assert that they are exhausted and cannot go back.

No.1 Sheffield

Sheffield is a comprehensive school with an engineering subject, and many students did not expect that the school would fall into the top 100 repeatedly. After all, when some students first met Xie University, this school was also in the top 70 of QS, who knew that they are now guarding the door repeatedly.

After the QS2025 update, the two universities that have been scolded have run out!

Some students put the blame on the president of Xie University, especially the leadership team led by their president Koen, who has basically been rotten for five or six years from the roots. Say the most foolish things to Chinese students, and do the most nonsense things. Some students said that their principal, Koen, was a college assassin, and suggested that he quickly change schools and go to Ho Ho Nan'an.

Xie Da, who is in the hands of this principal, is not like the former president, focusing on teaching, student experience, scientific research, etc., and QS is in the top 50. In the past few years, the current principal has only engaged in bells and whistles, in the past few years, teachers have gone on strike every day, the overall level of newly recruited faculty and staff has been stretched, and the treatment of international students is also perfunctory. is actually engaged in some office struggles, spending the experience on some meaningless things, such as changing the school logo, which is ugly and even less well-known.

After the QS2025 update, the two universities that have been scolded have run out!

The quality of the student source is also sinking, because of the card list, the recruited students are all about the same level, and there is no differentiation of the source of students. Crazy Amway International Students take their prep department and then move from prep to full-time courses, and the quality of students deteriorates further. Especially for masters, the core is to generate income, and the leadership team is full of money. Funds are not being spent on teaching, equipment, and school promotion and maintenance. Don't look at Xie Da's email, saying that he is also committed to returning to the top 100 schools. Current students said that it was all nonsense, and the expenses for promotion and marketing were reduced. How to get back into the top 100? The leadership team is all about dry food.

Therefore, some graduates began to hate the school of Xie University, and they said that everyone should recognize the school of Xie University as soon as possible, and do not have illusions that they will not be able to go back to the top 100. Those who care about the ranking should extinguish this hanging heart as soon as possible. This principal was in office for a day, Xie Da didn't do well, he couldn't go back, and he was at the helm of the corpse.

After the QS2025 update, the two universities that have been scolded have run out!

No.2 Cardiff

Cardiff's school has also been scolded recently, and his heart has been shattered. After all, there are so many schools in the UK, and Cardiff is leading the way in terms of regression. This year, it dropped 32 places directly and came directly to 186, followed by only York, and it was not less insinuated.

Cardiff is also an amazing school, one of the strongest schools in Wales. And the professional colleges are very complete, and there is a strong medical school, which is actually good in engineering, business, media, and social sciences, and it is normal to bring its own BGM, after all, there is something in every capital city. For example, in Edinburgh, Scotland, the strength of people is always online.

After the QS2025 update, the two universities that have been scolded have run out!

Cardiff is different, like a melon baby, getting worse and worse every year, and losing more and more every year. This school is not only poor students, but also not good at expanding the market for advertising, and unwilling to spend money to operate on the list. It makes the current students very angry, and the annual tuition fee rises so actively, isn't there a part of it that is used for the management of rankings? People's Australian universities are blowout, you are still here giggling, not doing academics, doing zz every day, and going to humanitarian aid to Ukraine, I really don't know what to say about you.

Before, I could boast that Cardiff is at least comfortable to live in, low prices, as the capital school is relatively low-key, more distressed international students, teachers are more nice, there is no Gra, Manchester University after too many Chinese students after the incident, are still self-denying, the overall experience and reputation is actually a good school. At least in QS100-200, it is still a school of conscience. As soon as your ranking came out, everyone's mentality collapsed, and they were directly controlled on the spot. Whether it's time to change schools or change to Australia, you can't let students do it.

After the QS2025 update, the two universities that have been scolded have run out!

To sum up: I found that after C-19, British universities are becoming less and less cost-effective. The main reason for the low is that the experience has deteriorated. There are many reasons for this deterioration, such as insufficient school funds, such as the transformation of student composition, such as too much expansion, and the quality of newly recruited teachers is getting worse and worse, after all, it is necessary to save funds. There are also some departments that can't recruit people and are forced to close down, and so on. If there is a problem with the operation of the school, the leader of the school has to pay the main responsibility, such as Xie Da, whose principal is to blame. You can't send an email to spit too much.

In addition to the deterioration of the experience, the overall environment has deteriorated, the school has no funds, it is not good to engage in scientific research, promote academics, and just want to make money on the side of international students and then tear down the east wall to make up the west wall. Britain itself has a lot of chicken things, strikes and demonstrations, and inflation, and the teaching team is very dissatisfied. Everybody's main one is a mix. Such a British university makes international students sigh.