
The men's basketball team is blessed, Han Dejun turned around gorgeously and took up a new position, fans look forward to it, and teammates bless him

author:Xiao Nan said sports

In the bright starry sky of Chinese basketball, there is a superstar that people always can't ignore, he is the legend of the Liaoning men's basketball team - Han Dejun. Born in 1988, this basketball titan has left a strong mark in the history of Chinese basketball with his strong physical fitness and excellent basketball skills. Now, this veteran on the basketball court, at the end of his career, has shown a different style, officially appointed as a basketball youth training recommendation officer, and continues to contribute to the development of Liaoning basketball.

Han Dejun, this name is like thunder for the Liaoning men's basketball team and even the entire Chinese basketball community. With his fat body and excellent basketball skills, he is invincible on the court and becomes a nightmare for opponents. However, as he grew older and deepened his career, Han Dejun also faced the choice of retirement. However, he did not choose to say goodbye to the basketball court, but chose another way to contribute to the basketball career - as a basketball youth training recommendation officer.

The men's basketball team is blessed, Han Dejun turned around gorgeously and took up a new position, fans look forward to it, and teammates bless him

This new position is undoubtedly a new challenge for Han Dejun. He needs to transform from a player to a promoter, and use his experience and influence to promote the development of Liaoning youth training. However, Han Dejun did not back down and bravely embraced the challenge. He knows that the development of basketball requires the efforts of generation after generation, and he himself must contribute to this cause.

In the world of basketball, weight has always been a sensitive topic. Especially for a "heavyweight" player like Han Dejun, weight control is even more crucial. However, Han Dejun proved with his own actions that as long as there is enough self-discipline and persistence, all difficulties can be overcome.

The men's basketball team is blessed, Han Dejun turned around gorgeously and took up a new position, fans look forward to it, and teammates bless him

It is understood that at the end of his career, Han Dejun successfully lost weight through strict diet control and training programs. This not only makes him more flexible on the field, but also allows him to adapt to his new role. It is this spirit of self-discipline and perseverance that has won Han Dejun wide acclaim and respect in the basketball world.

As a basketball youth training recommender, Han Dejun's mission is to promote basketball and attract more young people to participate in the sport. To this end, he participated in various basketball activities, interacted with young players, and passed on his basketball experience and skills.

In a basketball event, Han Dejun personally went off the court to play with the young players. With his excellent physical fitness and basketball skills, he easily completed a variety of difficult moves. And the young players also felt the charm of basketball in the competition with their idols.

The men's basketball team is blessed, Han Dejun turned around gorgeously and took up a new position, fans look forward to it, and teammates bless him

In addition to interacting with the young players, Han Dejun is also actively involved in the promotion of basketball youth training. He uses his influence and social media platforms to educate young people about the benefits and value of basketball. He encouraged everyone to actively participate in basketball and enjoy the joy and challenge that basketball brings.

As a basketball youth training recommendation officer, Han Dejun's influence is undoubted. He used his practical actions and influence to inject new vitality into the development of Liaoning Youth Training. His appearance not only made the young players realize their dreams and meet their idols, but also made them feel the charm and value of basketball. This is really a blessing for the Chinese men's basketball team! I believe that Guo Allen and other teammates will also send sincere blessings!

At the same time, Han Dejun has also cultivated more reserve talents for Liaoning basketball through his own efforts. His words and deeds and careful guidance have benefited the young players a lot. Not only did they learn basketball skills and tactics, but they also learned the mental qualities of how to face challenges and difficulties.

The men's basketball team is blessed, Han Dejun turned around gorgeously and took up a new position, fans look forward to it, and teammates bless him

Xiao Nan believes that Han Dejun's gorgeous transformation from a court warrior to a youth training recommender not only shows his love and dedication to basketball, but also reflects his concern and expectations for the younger generation. He told us through his actions that basketball is not only a sport, but also a spiritual and cultural heritage.

In this era of rampant materialism and quick success, Han Dejun used his actions to interpret what is the real basketball spirit. With his own efforts and dedication, he has contributed his own strength to the development of Liaoning basketball and even the entire Chinese basketball industry. Such players and characters deserve to be learned and admired by each and every one of us.

Finally, let us once again congratulate Han Dejun of the men's basketball team, and wish him to continue to shine in his new position and contribute more to the development of basketball! At the same time, let us also hope that more young players can be inspired and inspired by Han Dejun, and inject more vitality and hope into the future of Chinese basketball!

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