
Lingqiu Cultural Tourism went deep into Pingcheng District to carry out a series of cultural tourism promotion activities

author:Lingqiu Fusion Media

In order to further expand the influence of cultural tourism in our county and build a bridge for mutual learning between civilizations, on June 27, the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of our county, the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Pingcheng District and the Party and Mass Service Center of Xinwang Street of Pingcheng District jointly hosted the Lingqiu Cultural Tourism into Pingcheng and Xinwang Street "Welcome July 1st" literary and artistic exhibition with the theme of "Praise the New Era and Forge Ahead on a New Journey" in Datong Mingtang Park, bringing the county's cultural and tourism resources, intangible cultural heritage, cultural creativity, and special food to the scene, so that more people can understand Lingqiu, know Lingqiu, and fall in love with Lingqiu.

Lingqiu Cultural Tourism went deep into Pingcheng District to carry out a series of cultural tourism promotion activities
Lingqiu Cultural Tourism went deep into Pingcheng District to carry out a series of cultural tourism promotion activities

Lingqiu County is the largest county in Datong City, with profound historical and cultural heritage and unique tourism resources. Pingcheng District is the central urban area of Datong, with beautiful scenery and prosperous industry, happy and livable. The mountains of the two places have the same vein, the water has the same origin, the people are close to each other, and the land is connected, and there is a deep bond. Cultural differences and connotations are diverse, constituting natural complementarity. In order to promote the sharing of resources, mutual delivery of tourists, and brand co-creation between the two places, our county has carried out a series of activities such as the theme party of Lingqiu Cultural Tourism into Pingcheng and the theme promotion of Lingqiu Cultural Tourism, so as to strengthen the mutual visit of tourists between Pingcheng and promote the friendly exchanges between the two cities, which has been warmly welcomed by leaders at all levels and the masses in Pingcheng District.

Lingqiu Cultural Tourism went deep into Pingcheng District to carry out a series of cultural tourism promotion activities
Lingqiu Cultural Tourism went deep into Pingcheng District to carry out a series of cultural tourism promotion activities
Lingqiu Cultural Tourism went deep into Pingcheng District to carry out a series of cultural tourism promotion activities

More than 140 performers used a majestic chorus to express their ambition and pride in loving the party and the country, and showing the spirit of striving for progress; With beautiful and cheerful dance performances, it interprets the artistic beauty of Chinese culture and highlights the feelings of family and country in harmony and symbiosis; Through the majestic instrumental performance, it conveys sincere and full affection and stimulates the power to forge ahead. The splendid cultural and artistic programs won the applause of the audience, and the event was a complete success.

In the next step, our county will continue to increase cooperation with Pingcheng District, combine its own resources with Pingcheng's industrial potential, resource advantages and broad market, and actively carry out all-round cooperation with Pingcheng District to create a better future for the two cities.

Reporter: Lu Zhuan Zhuan Zhang Tianyi

Editor: Li Zhongren

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