
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024

author:Central Plains News Network Changzhi

A few days ago, some provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) announced the college entrance examination admission schedule, let's take a look.


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024

Inner Mongolia

Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


1. General category

Around June 26, the section line will be announced, and the results will be divided into one section table, and the candidates' results and rank numbers will be queried. Provide the college entrance examination results, physical examination information, and special type enrollment control lines of shortlisted candidates to the colleges and universities enrolled in the Strong Foundation Program.

From 8:30 on June 29 to 17:30 on June 30, candidates who meet the requirements should fill in the three-in-one enrollment volunteers of early admission colleges, the first stage of parallel admission, college special plans, high-level sports teams, local special plans, and Zhejiang Police College.

From July 1st to July 9th, military inspection and political examination.

Before July 5th, the Strong Foundation Program and Westlake University will be admitted.

Before July 7, Hong Kong single-enrollment colleges and universities will be admitted.

On July 8, the high-level university Trinity enrollment was admitted.

On July 9, Zhejiang Police College was admitted.

(1) Early admission to the general category

First paragraph:

The first choice is 8:30 on July 12

The end of the withdrawal record inspection is 16:30 on July 12

The second choice is 8:30 on July 13

The end of the deregistration and inspection is 11:00 on July 13

The third choice is 14:30 on July 13

The end of the deregistration and inspection is at 16:30 on July 13

The fourth choice is 8:30 on July 14

The end of the deregistration and inspection is 11:00 on July 14

The fifth choice is 14:30 on July 14

The end of the deregistration and inspection is 16:30 on July 14

The Military Academy solicited volunteers on the morning of July 15

The military academy solicits volunteers to submit at 14:00 on July 15

The military academy solicits voluntary admission at 17:00 on July 15

高校专项计划投档 July 15, 20:30


High-level sports teams will be admitted at 11:30 on July 16

The local special plan will be admitted at 14:30 on July 16

Second paragraph:

The first choice is 8:30 on July 17

The end of the deregistration and recording inspection is 10:30 on July 17

The second choice is 14:30 on July 17

The end of the deregistration and inspection will be at 16:00 on July 17

The third choice is 16:30 on July 17

The end of the deregistration and inspection is at 18:00 on July 17

The fourth choice is 8:30 on July 18

The end of the deregistration and inspection is 10:00 on July 18

The fifth choice is pitched at 10:30 on July 18

The end of the withdrawal and recording inspection is 12:00 on July 18

(2) Parallel admission of general classes

The first stage of parallel application admission:

Provide simulated pitching to colleges and universities at 20:30 on July 18

Parallel Zhi Throw July 21, 8:30 a.m.

The end of the withdrawal and recording inspection is at 16:30 on July 22

The rest of the schedule was announced on the morning of July 24

Fill in the second paragraph:

July 26, 8:30–July 27, 17:30

The second stage of parallel application admission:

Parallel Zhi 愿投档 July 30, 14:30

The end of the deregistration and inspection is at 16:30 on July 31

The solicitation plan was announced on the morning of August 2

Call for volunteers: 8:30-17:30 on August 3

Solicitation of Voluntary Submissions:

Call for volunteers at 8:30 a.m. on August 5

The end of the deregistration and inspection will be at 16:30 on August 5

2. Arts

Around June 26, the score line and section line of art and cultural performance control will be announced, and the score will be one point and one paragraph table, and the comprehensive score score and rank number of art candidates will be queried.

From 8:30 on June 29 to 17:30 on June 30, candidates who meet the requirements should fill in the first paragraph of the art school examination and unified examination approval.

(1) Art school examination approval

Pitch July 12 at 8:30

The end of the deregistration and inspection is 11:00 on July 13

(2) Approval of the art unified examination

The first stage of parallel application admission:

Parallel Zhi Throw July 17, 8:30 a.m.

The end of the deregistration and inspection will be at 16:30 on July 18

The rest of the schedule was announced on the morning of July 24

The second paragraph of voluntary filling: 8:30 on July 26 - 17:30 on July 27

The second stage of parallel application admission:

Parallel Zhi 愿投档 July 28, 14:30

The end of the deregistration and inspection is at 16:30 on July 29

The solicitation plan was announced on the morning of August 2

Call for volunteers: 8:30-17:30 on August 3

Solicitation of Voluntary Submissions:

Call for volunteers at 8:30 a.m. on August 4

The end of the deregistration and inspection will be at 16:30 on August 4

3. Sports

Around June 26, the sports segment line will be announced, and the results will be one point and one paragraph table, and the comprehensive score and rank number of sports candidates will be queried.

From 8:30 on June 29 to 17:30 on June 30, candidates who meet the requirements should fill in the early admission colleges and universities of sports, the first stage of parallel submission of sports, and the special enrollment of colleges and universities.

(1) Early admission for sports

Pitch July 12 at 8:30

The end of the withdrawal record inspection is 11:00 on July 12

(2) Special enrollment in sports

Pitch July 15 at 8:30

The end of the deregistration and inspection is at 16:30 on July 15

(3) Parallel admission for sports

The first stage of parallel application admission:

Parallel Zhi Throw July 17, 8:30 a.m.

The end of the deregistration and inspection will be at 16:30 on July 18

The rest of the schedule was announced on the morning of July 24

The second paragraph of voluntary filling: 8:30 on July 26 - 17:30 on July 27

The second stage of parallel application admission:

Parallel Zhi 愿投档 July 28, 14:30

The end of the deregistration and inspection is at 16:30 on July 29

The solicitation plan was announced on the morning of August 2

Call for volunteers: 8:30-17:30 on August 3

Solicitation of Voluntary Submissions:

Call for volunteers at 8:30 a.m. on August 4

The end of the deregistration and inspection will be at 16:30 on August 4

4. Enrollment by separate examination

Around June 26, all kinds of score lines will be announced, and the results will be one point and one paragraph table, and the candidates' results and rank numbers will be queried.

From 8:30 on June 29 to 17:30 on June 30, fill in the volunteers.

Parallel admissions

Parallel Zhi Throw July 6, 8:30 a.m.

The end of the withdrawal and inspection will be at 16:30 on July 6

The solicitation plan was announced on the evening of July 7

Call for volunteers: 8:30-17:30 on July 8

Solicitation of Voluntary Submissions:

Call for volunteers July 9 at 8:30

The end of the deregistration and inspection will be at 16:30 on July 9

(Note: In the above process arrangement, the implementation of all categories of solicitation of volunteers is subject to the vacancy plan.) )


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024
Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024


Concern! Summary of the college entrance examination admission schedule in some provinces in 2024

Source: China Education Daily

Central Plains News Network

Changzhi Hotline: 13834785989

Submission email: [email protected]

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