
【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)


Key work dynamics

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)
【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 26, Gu Congcong, deputy county magistrate, successively went to Luhu Street and Tangfang Town to investigate the upgrading and renovation of the village clinic, and strive to improve the environment for the masses to see a doctor.

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 25, the 2024 Gaoqing County Nursery (Childcare) Institution Health Care Training Course, jointly sponsored by the County Health Bureau and the County Education and Sports Bureau, and co-organized by the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the County Experimental Primary School, was successfully held in the multi-functional lecture hall of the County Experimental Primary School. The heads of the main departments of the County Health Bureau and the County Education and Sports Bureau, the comrades in charge of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital and the heads of the main departments attended the meeting and delivered speeches, as well as the heads of various childcare (childcare) institutions at all levels in the county and all the doctors, nurses and health care workers engaged in health care in the institution, a total of more than 100 people participated in the training.


The work dynamics of the medical unit

Gaoqing County People's Hospital

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 28, the County People's Hospital and Guojing Community jointly carried out free clinic activities. At the site of the free clinic, medical staff carried out health consultation and consultation for residents, measured blood pressure and blood sugar for the masses, did electrocardiograms, did B-ultrasound, and distributed health information. The development of this activity guides the masses to enhance their health awareness, develop good living habits, and improve their quality of life. (Correspondent: Zhang Long)

Gaoqing County Mental Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 24, in order to continuously improve the efficiency of hospital management, improve the quality of medical services and the level of comprehensive management, the heads of relevant departments of the county mental health center went to the clinical front line and conducted ward rounds. This ward round is not only a comprehensive examination, but also an in-depth exchange, and a professional guidance for the medical services of the clinical department. (Correspondent: Cheng Ziyi)

Gaoqing County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 26, the county hospital of traditional Chinese medicine carried out the party branch secretary's lecture activities. The party class revolves around the four aspects of academic discipline, knowledge discipline, clear discipline, and discipline, and the content is progressive, emphasizing that all party members and cadres should closely combine the actual work of the hospital, transform the learning effect of party discipline into a strong driving force to promote the development of the hospital, comprehensively improve the medical quality and management level, and strive to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of the hospital. (Correspondent: Li Xiaofei)

Gaoqing County Maternal and Child Health Hospital

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 28, the Nursing Department of the County Maternal and Child Health Hospital organized a nursing quality control team to inspect the nursing quality of each nursing unit in the hospital. The inspection team conducted detailed inspections on ward management, nursing safety, nursing documents, disinfection and isolation through data review, on-site questioning, on-site inspection, etc. The problems found in the inspection shall be fed back to each department in written form, so that the immediate reform and timely improvement shall be made. (Correspondent: Zhou Xiaoming)

Gaoqing County Center for Disease Control and Prevention

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 24, the Party Branch of the County Center for Disease Control and Prevention submitted the "Party Building Leads the Benchmark, and the Business Promotes the New Chapter" as one of the ten party classes in the county to participate in the "Three Mentions and Three Contentions" and "Implementation of the Breakthrough Year" model lecture party class activities, from the creation of the "fast jumping" brand, the creation of a "shared laboratory", and the promotion of "three reductions and three highs" to tell the win-win exploration of the center's cadres and employees in party building construction and business improvement. (Correspondent: Xiao Guolong)

Tianzhen Sub-district Community Health Service Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 28, Tianzhen Street Community Health Service Center organized a special training meeting on fire safety knowledge. Combined with daily work and life, the training focused on teaching the knowledge of electricity and fire safety in office and family life, and demonstrated the correct use of fire extinguishers, smoke masks, fire blankets and other fire-fighting equipment. (Correspondent: Zhang Mingming)

Luhu Sub-district Community Health Service Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 27, the Luhu Street Community Health Service Center and Xu Hongyun Grassroots Famous Doctor Workstation walked into Suojia Village to carry out the "Healthy Village Village Tour" patrol activity, conduct free health clinics for residents in the jurisdiction, and carry out health science popularization activities. (Correspondent: Song Chenxuan)

Gaocheng Central Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 24, the medical staff of Gaocheng Central Health Center went to primary schools and kindergartens in the jurisdiction to carry out dental fluorosis screening activities, comprehensively grasp the dental health of children aged 8-12, and further prevent and reduce the occurrence of oral diseases. (Correspondent: Yuan Shanling)

Heilizhai Central Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

June 24-30 is the National Health Awareness Week for the Elderly, with the theme of "Maintaining Hearing Health and Enjoying a Happy Old Age". On June 24, Heilizhai Central Health Center organized family doctors to carry out publicity activities and popularize ear health care knowledge to the masses through auricular acupoint models. (Correspondent: Zhou Songsong)

Tangfang Central Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 28, Tangfang Town held a road traffic emergency rescue drill. In this exercise, the medical staff of Tangfang Central Health Center simulated the role of quickly taking emergency medical treatment and treatment at the scene of the accident. (Correspondent: Ma Caiyun)

Huagou Central Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

Recently, Huagou Central Health Center held a medical safety meeting in the second quarter to comprehensively analyze the current medical safety situation, find out the existing problems, put forward improvement measures, and deploy the next stage of medical safety work to provide patients with safer and high-quality medical services. (Correspondent: Ji Caixiu)

Changjia Central Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

In order to meet the medical needs of the majority of patients, provide high-quality medical resources, and facilitate the masses to seek medical treatment, Changjia Central Health Center actively promotes the development of appropriate technologies for traditional Chinese medicine. (Correspondent: Hu Pingping)

Qingcheng Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 25, the Party Branch of Qingcheng Health Center carried out the activity of watching warning education films. All party members have expressed that they should take this viewing of the warning education film as an opportunity to reflect deeply and learn lessons. In our future work, we should strictly abide by party discipline and state law, earnestly perform official duties honestly, and serve the people wholeheartedly. (Correspondent: Li Chenchen)

Muli Health Center

【Healthy Gaoqing】Weekly Work Report (Issue 25, 2024)

On June 25, Muli Health Center carried out the activity of "everyone talks about safety, everyone will be able to respond to emergencies". At the event site, medical staff popularized disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge to the masses by hanging banners and distributing disaster reduction and emergency brochures. (Correspondent: Zhang Tianyu)


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