
A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

author:Educational departure

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

In the context of fierce competition in domestic education, more and more domestic students choose to study abroad. Although studying abroad can improve your academic qualifications, broaden your horizons, and get very good development prospects.

However, the frequent occurrence of Chinese students missing contact and death or being injured abroad has made many parents of international students worry about the safety of their children's lives abroad, and parents do not want their children to have any accidents in the process of studying abroad.

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

But it can only be said that the reality will bring a heavy blow to some international students' families. For example, a foreign student in the mainland was recently hurt abroad, which aroused everyone's attention.

According to CCTV news reports, a 16-year-old international student from mainland China was attacked by an unknown person on a bus in Auckland, New Zealand, resulting in serious facial injuries.

At present, the Chinese Consulate General in Auckland is highly concerned about this matter, expresses its grave concern to the Auckland police, and urges the Auckland police to bring the suspects to justice as soon as possible and to give justice to the victims.

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

According to the announcement issued by the local police in Auckland, the Auckland police are currently investigating the matter and are looking for witnesses to the incident, hoping to find the suspect more quickly.

According to local police, an unidentified woman attacked the victim with an object after getting on the bus, which was an unprovoked assault and the offender got off the bus and left before the police arrived.

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

Under normal circumstances, there should be more than one person on the bus, isn't it very easy to find witnesses? Why did the police issue a special announcement, did no one take the initiative to prove the matter?

Some netizens said that if they didn't make a move at the time, they wouldn't care about it afterwards, this is the nature of the Chinese.

If there were Chinese in the car at that time, but these Chinese did not take the initiative to be witnesses, it was really chilling.

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

Some netizens revealed the reason for the injury, and it is reported that after the criminal got into the car, he shouted racist remarks at the boy, and then attacked the boy with a metal rod for no reason. The attack, as a result of the attack, resulted in the loss of three teeth of the Chinese students who were attacked.

The boy who was attacked has been living in New Zealand for seven years and said it was the first time he had been subjected to a racist attack.

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

Judging from the current situation, in the attack on the bus in Oakland, it seems that a Chinese student was injured, and the criminal seems to have gone towards the boy, although it is said that he hurt people for no reason, but the injury has a purpose, that is, people who want to hurt Chinese faces.

According to local netizens, the bus was open at that time and deliberately let the criminals go.

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

If this happened in our country, someone injured someone with a weapon, whether it was a woman or a man, and it would have been subdued a long time ago, and the bus driver would have driven it to the police station and handed over the culprit to the police.

But this happened in New Zealand, and the criminal, after injuring someone, actually swaggered off the bus and walked away. Such a situation is to tell everyone that the security abroad is not as good as at home.

At present, the mainland embassy and the local police attach great importance to this matter, and we hope that the criminal must be caught in a short time, to find out why this criminal attacked Chinese students, to find out whether this criminal is a racist or not, and to severely punish the criminal and give justice to the injured.

A Chinese student was attacked in New Zealand with serious facial injuries, and he spoke out himself, and the cause of the attack was exposed

Write at the end

Compared with developed countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, the cost of studying in New Zealand is relatively low and cost-effective, and the price of studying abroad is more acceptable to most working families. Therefore, some students in the mainland are now studying in New Zealand.

The attack on Chinese students in New Zealand is bound to cause panic among Chinese students studying in New Zealand. It is recommended that students studying in New Zealand should travel together in recent times, try not to act alone, and take personal precautions to protect themselves from any harm.

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