
When I went to the Northeast, I found that the thinking of Northeast people is different from that of Southerners! Self-cooked conveys a kind of positive energy

author:The smoke is a sea


I saw a joke on the Internet: "In the Northeast, if someone else eats, don't ask, don't look at it." "

If you ask, is it delicious? Northeast people think that if you want to eat, you have to taste it.

If someone is eating, you have to keep an eye on it, and the other party will definitely give you a small plate.

As a Northeasterner, I can attest that this is indeed the case.

This kind of sincerity and friendliness in the bones is the characteristic of Northeast people. Particularly fond of sharing.

In addition to sharing food, Northeast people are also very caring and willing to help. This was deeply felt when I came home with my son in 15 years.

When I went to the Northeast, I found that the thinking of Northeast people is different from that of Southerners! Self-cooked conveys a kind of positive energy

In the winter of 2015, my husband and I returned to Tohoku with our 7-year-old son. Transfer to a train in Harbin.

The child has never seen snow when he is so old. We are temporarily planning to take him to Harbin for a few more days.

We found a small hotel. It seems that the couple opened it. Big Brother and Sister Northeast are very enthusiastic and love to chat.

On that day, it happened to be snowing, and we planned to take the kids to play the next day. I took a break on the first day and bought a ticket by the way.

So, my husband went to buy tickets alone, and I took the children to play in the hotel.

Unexpectedly, my husband panicked and only brought his ID card, but not the household registration book. My son doesn't have an ID card to buy a ticket, and he has to ask for a household registration book.

My husband called me and asked me to send him a household registration book. I walked to the door with the child, and happened to meet the eldest sister of the hotel and asked me why I took the child out alone.

I said, go to the station and deliver something. The eldest sister said: "It's snowing, and this place is also remote, so you have to walk for a while to get a taxi." Look at the child who is frozen. Put the baby with me! "

When I went to the Northeast, I found that the thinking of Northeast people is different from that of Southerners! Self-cooked conveys a kind of positive energy

I hesitated for a moment, and the eldest sister said, "It's okay, don't worry!" The station is not far away, and you will be back in a while. "

I think so, I looked down and asked my son, who was willing to stay.

I hurried out the door. I arrived at the station and found my husband.

My husband was nervous when he didn't see me bring my son. He asked me where I had left the baby. I said I'd leave it at the hotel.

He was in a hurry with me all of a sudden. The head covered the face and said that my nerves were too big. I think he has a point. I only have a relationship with the eldest sister of the hotel. How can you trust her so much!

I hurriedly took a taxi back, only to see my son sitting on a chair with a big sugar gourd in his hand chatting with his aunt from the Northeast!

All of a sudden, my heart relaxed. It seems that I am really a villain's heart, and I am in the belly of a gentleman.

When I went to the Northeast, I found that the thinking of Northeast people is different from that of Southerners! Self-cooked conveys a kind of positive energy

Perhaps, this kind of unguarded situation between people only exists in the Northeast.

As everyone knows, this kind of relationship between people has long become a luxury.

Perhaps this is the difference in thinking between people in the north and south!

Northeast people, between people, will naturally sprout a kind of trust.

However, the thinking of southerners is about borders and self-protection.

There is no right or wrong, it's just a matter of thinking habits and upbringing.

On the contrary, I think that on a spiritual level, the people of the Northeast are very rich.

For example, I often see people sharing jokes about Northeast people on the Internet.

One of the eldest brothers said that he went to the commissary to buy a lighter. The shopkeeper's eldest brother went to pick up the goods and begged him to show the store for a while.

As a result, after a while, an aunt came in, carrying vegetables in her hand, and asked him what he bought? He said to help look after the store. As a result, the old lady didn't say a word, picked up the food and left. One more sentence, I am the boss's mother.

Northeast people are so easy to trust people.

There are also a lot of enthusiastic jokes from Northeast people. Let's just talk about my own experience!

I went to the store to buy groceries and chatted with friends as I walked. Chatting and chatting, the signal was cut off. The eldest sister of the small shop saw it and said, "Come and I'll open a hot spot for you." I immediately thanked him and said, "No, I'm not in a hurry."

Although I didn't bother my eldest sister to help with this, I was still quite touched in my heart. Really Northeast people are too enthusiastic.

When I went to the Northeast, I found that the thinking of Northeast people is different from that of Southerners! Self-cooked conveys a kind of positive energy

Actually! This kind of sharing characteristic of Northeast people has been experienced in people in every region.

And, especially sparkling at a certain age.

My husband talked about it. When he was a child, he was a little playmate, and he could bite a piece of candy in his bag in half, half for each person.

A sister in Chengdu also shared with me that when she was in elementary school, she secretly brought the lard and rock candy from her family to school and shared them with her best friend.

Humans are genetically fond of sharing food, especially in childhood.

I don't know why the Northeast people will remain until adulthood.

Some people talk about Northeast people, enthusiastic, love to help, love to talk to (if you don't know each other, you love to say hello, and if you chat hotly, you may not know each other). These characteristics are summarized as self-cooked.

In fact, "self-cooked" is not a complete compliment.

However, it was properly made full of positive energy by the people of the Northeast. You say it's not weird!

When I went to the Northeast, I found that the thinking of Northeast people is different from that of Southerners! Self-cooked conveys a kind of positive energy

In fact, the self-familiarity of Northeast people is also divided into situations. They don't know everyone by themselves.

Another characteristic of the character of the northerners is that they are vicious and hateful. If he doesn't like you, don't talk to you, he can't look at you properly.

People who are calculating on weekdays and have small bellies and chicken intestines, they can't look down on them with their eyes half-pulled.

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