
Walk 6,000 steps and become a superman: the ultra-easy health secret

author:Thinking about the media

Walk 6,000 steps and become a superman: the ultra-easy health secret

Walk 6,000 steps and become a superman: the ultra-easy health secret

Do you know? Walking 6,000 steps a day can make you even better than Superman! That's right, it's the guy flying around in red panties. The World Health Organization has found that walking is "the best exercise in the world". Sounds like a joke? Don't worry, next we have to uncover this seemingly ordinary but powerful "superhero" - walking, and how it can save us modern people who are troubled by stress and sub-health.

Main Body:

Walking: Superheroes who save the world Imagine that you only need to walk 6,000 steps a day to get an invisible health bodyguard. This bodyguard will not only help you fight all kinds of diseases, but also make your body stronger than Iron Man's armor. Sounds exaggerated? Then let's take a look at the amazing abilities of this superhero:

Walk 6,000 steps and become a superman: the ultra-easy health secret

Take a 30-minute walk every day after a meal and your gut will turn into a super-powerful digestive machine. No longer have to worry about stomach pain after eating hot pot or indigestion caused by supper.

Diabetes? Shake off blood sugar with your feet!

Walk 6,000 steps and become a superman: the ultra-easy health secret

Walking not only burns calories, but also accelerates blood circulation, which is like a big cleaning of your blood vessels. Blood sugar and cholesterol? Sorry, they've been left behind by you.

Osteoporosis? Get out of the steel and iron bones!

With each step, you're massaging your bones. Keep at it and your bones will be stronger than Hollywood action stars. Who says you have to be afraid of wrestling when you're older?

Cervical spondylosis? Say goodbye to the "bowing family" and stride forward!

Walk with your head up and chest up to get your cervical spine back into the right position. Goodbye, vertigo and headaches! Your neck will be as graceful and strong as a giraffe.

Secret weapon in the office: 15 magic moves

Think walking is too easy? Then come something advanced! Here are 15 super magic moves designed for office lovers that are guaranteed to make you cool enough to fly in front of your colleagues:

Walk 6,000 steps and become a superman: the ultra-easy health secret

a) Knock your teeth: Pretend to be a squirrel and chew all your worries

100-1000 times a day not only strengthens your teeth and aids digestion, but also makes you look like you're thinking about life events. Who said that yawning is the most important action in the workplace?

b) Pull the earlobe: Use the ear as a rubber band to pull out the superpower

30-50 earlobe massages, which not only enhance hearing, but also make you look like you are listening to alien signals on FM. Who needs AirPods?

c) 揉眼周:给眼睛做SPA,告别熊猫眼

50-100 clockwise and counterclockwise, not only will it be eye-catching, but it will also make you look like you are performing some kind of mysterious oriental kung fu.

d) Massage the belly button: the belly should also dance

Turning your hands around your belly button 300 times not only improves digestion, but it also makes you look like you're doing some kind of peculiar belly dance. Who says you can't have a little fun in the office?

Traditional Chinese Medicine Tricks: The magic weapon to laugh to the end

Walk 6,000 steps and become a superman: the ultra-easy health secret

If you don't think the previous ones are cool enough, try these tricks that sound mysterious:

Drum Ringing: Beat your head as a drum to drive away tinnitus troubles

Tap your fingers on the back of your head 60 times a day. Not only does it prevent tinnitus, but it also makes you look like you're resetting your head. Who says massage is only possible with professionals?

Sports Cream: Save the "hopeless" you

Massaging specific acupuncture points on the back is said to "remove the sickness of the body". It may sound like magic, but who makes Chinese medicine so magical?

Rubbing the spring: Foot massage, towards sweet dreams

Massaging the soles of your feet 80 times before going to bed will not only improve your sleep, but also make your feet the most pampered part of your body. Who says the soles of the feet don't deserve a name?

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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