
Healthy and Unbounded: A Summer Survival Guide

author:Thinking about the media

Healthy and Unbounded: A Summer Survival Guide

Healthy and Unbounded: A Summer Survival Guide

Do you feel like a frog thrown into boiling water on a hot summer day? According to statistics, global warming has led to frequent extreme high temperature weather, how should we deal with this "baking test"? Do you want to hide in an air-conditioned room and be a "house frog", or bravely jump out of your comfort zone and find life in the heat? In this article, we'll reveal a series of unexpected summer survival strategies that will allow you to not only survive but thrive this "furnace season".

1. Mentality adjustment: Crazy temptation on the verge of collapse

The summer heat often makes people feel irritable, so how do you stay calm during this "oven" season? Studies have shown that listening to heavy metal music can significantly reduce a person's anxiety level. That's right, you heard it right! Those deafening drumbeats and high-pitched guitar sounds can help us release the stress.

But if heavy metal is too exciting, try the other extreme – meditation. Imagine that when it's hot as hell outside, you can find a cool oasis inside, isn't it cool? Spending 10 minutes a day in mindfulness meditation will not only reduce the perceived temperature of your body, but also increase your productivity.

Healthy and Unbounded: A Summer Survival Guide

Of course, for social animals, a party with friends may be a better option. But remember, choose a cool indoor venue to gather and avoid open-air BBQ parties in the scorching sun – unless you want to experience a "teppanyaki" feeling.

2. Exercise or lie flat: physical fitness enhancement plan

"Summer is all about being thin!" You must have heard this phrase countless times. But is it really safe to exercise in hot weather? The answer is: it depends.

Healthy and Unbounded: A Summer Survival Guide

Morning Exercise: If you're an early bird, try a 5 a.m. morning run. This is when the temperature is lowest and the air quality is at its best. But be careful, you may encounter an "army of mosquitoes" who also wake up early. It is recommended to wear long-sleeved sportswear, apply mosquito repellent, and arm yourself into a "mosquito-proof ironclad warrior".

Night Running Adventure: Friends who like to run at night should pay attention, in addition to beware of vehicles on the road, they must also be vigilant against potential criminals. My suggestion is to organize a night running team that can take care of each other and enhance friendships. Why not?

Home Fitness: If you're afraid of both heat and mosquitoes, work out at home! But be careful not to do high-intensity training on a whim in the middle of the night unless you want to receive a "friendly greeting" from your neighbors. I have a friend who was "beaten to educate" with a broom by his downstairs neighbor because he jumped rope late at night, and the scene was very embarrassing.

3. Sunscreen panic disorder: the conspiracy of ultraviolet rays

Sunscreen, a seemingly simple topic, hides countless knowledge. Do you know? Even on cloudy days, UV rays can penetrate clouds and harm your skin. So, don't think that a cloudy sky will make you let your guard down.

Healthy and Unbounded: A Summer Survival Guide

Apply sunscreen: Choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and reapply it every two hours. But if you're as forgetful as I am, you might as well set an alarm on your phone. Once, I forgot to reapply sunscreen on the beach, and I turned into a "red shrimp" and didn't dare to see anyone for a week.

Go out armed with hats, sunglasses, and sun protection clothing, all of which are important, but don't wrap yourself up like a mummy. Remember, breathability is also key, otherwise you may collapse from heat stroke.

Indoor evacuation: If you really can't stand the "enthusiasm" of the sun, you might as well take shelter indoors. Be aware, however, that long-term sun exposure can lead to vitamin D deficiency. So, every day you still have to find time to bask in the sun, even if it's just sitting by the window and reading a book.

Healthy and Unbounded: A Summer Survival Guide

Summer wellness is, in the final analysis, an art of balance. We must not only prevent heat stroke and cool down, but also maintain vitality; It is necessary to protect from the sun and skin care, but also not completely cut off from the sun. In the face of this challenging season, what we need is not only the wisdom of survival, but also the attitude of life.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of summer: it tests our patience, exercises our will, and gives us the opportunity to transform. When you're sweating up a mountain, when you're preparing a cool dinner for your family in the hot kitchen, when you're still getting work done on a sweltering night...... These seemingly ordinary moments are quietly shaping a better version of themselves.

[Disclaimer]: This article is for health popularization only and does not constitute medical advice. It aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance.

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