
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)

Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (II)

"Suiyuan Women" pointed out in the second issue of the article "The Consciousness of Women in the National Disaster" under the pen name Yingqing: "Chinese who are unwilling to be slaves of the country, as long as their hearts are still beating and their breathing has not stopped, then in the face of a strong enemy attacking Suiyuan and falling to China, they should stand on the same front of the war of resistance." "Advocating" to save the country from peril, saving the nation from dying, women's responsibility is as arduous as men, and women's sacrifice to the country is as important as men. Therefore, we women, at the juncture of the life and death of the nation and the survival of the country, should have a thorough consciousness, undertake our sacred mission, strengthen our belief in resisting the enemy, and sacrifice, struggle, and endure to do our work. ”

In view of the fact that some people in society at that time put forward the arguments that "women should go back to the kitchen" and "women should be good wives and mothers" in the face of national disasters, they published an article entitled "Don't Talk About Empty Words" under the pen name of Feng Xun, calling on women to recognize their responsibilities and to be equal between men and women in politics, hoping that women should "innovate psychologically, get rid of the psychology of flattering men with their appearance, and not having the honor of husbands and noblewomen, and not indulge in eating, drinking, and having fun all day long, and recognize their own responsibilities. Hurry up, run to the front lines of the war, and do what needs to be done. It is hoped that female compatriots will deeply realize that we are also the masters of the Chinese nation, and that we should share the responsibility of saving the life with men, and that we can collect donations from all walks of life and sew clothes and knit gloves for soldiers, and that women should have the spirit of labor. The article concludes by urging women to "read more newspapers and newspapers, try to compensate for the lack of knowledge, enrich their learning, and share with men in family and state duties." ”

"Suiyuan Women" also launched a new propaganda upsurge in response to the war situation of Japan's aggression against China. After the Lugou Bridge Incident, he published an article entitled "Striving for the Survival of the Nation", pointing out: "The occurrence of the Lugou Bridge Incident has become a critical moment for the life and death of the Chinese nation. Now we want the whole country to be united, and we believe that we can withstand the enemy's shells. In Suiyuan, which is at the forefront of national defense, our women compatriots, hurry up and do what we should do, organize the defense work, train the people in the common sense of saving people, or still organize nursing training classes and widely publicize many, many things, we must shoulder this responsibility and work hard for the survival of our Chinese nation. ”

In order to do a good job in the anti-Japanese propaganda work, the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association also sang and gave speeches on the streets, and at that time, Comrade Lu Ji, a famous musician from the mainland, came to Suiyuan. Members of the Women's Club actively participated in the singing team he organized, and learned from him to sing progressive songs such as anti-Japanese salvation. The members of the women's association learned this, so they went to Wollongong, North Gate, Dashizi Street and other crowded places in groups of three or five, stood on the bench, sang anti-war songs, and called on the masses. ”

In order to extensively mobilize the masses of women to participate in the anti-Japanese salvation movement, the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association held a commemorative meeting in 1937 at the No. 4 Provincial Primary School on the occasion of the celebration of women, the International "March 8th" Labor Women's Day. Comrade Li Yuexuan (Ren Baige's lover, now a member of the Central Advisory Committee) gave a briefing on the origin of the "March 8th" Festival and the situation of women's liberation struggles in various countries around the world; Chen Jieping talked about the current and future work of the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association, and proposed that we should resolutely resist the war of resistance and persist in the war of resistance to the end, and that women should do everything in their power to resist Japan and do every work in a down-to-earth manner for the resistance against Japan. After the meeting, the members of the women's club took pictures together.

The Suidong Anti-Japanese War broke out, and the battle against the Japanese invasion of Suiyuan was launched in Bailing Temple. The Communist Party of China promptly called on the people of the whole country to carry out aid activities. The Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association worked day and night to publicize the Anti-Japanese War and organized a women's fund-raising team to raise funds to support the Anti-Japanese War. At the same time, they take care of the wounded and comfort the wounded. In order to do a good job in nursing work and master rescue techniques, the Women's Association held a short-term rescue training course, and invited Dr. Zhang Shuoru, a surgeon from Union Hospital, to give a lecture on rescue knowledge, which lasted for more than ten days.

After the graduation process, the members of the women's association pooled some money, bought pastries and biscuits, and went to the Xiaodong Street Hospital for Wounded Soldiers, then to the Provincial No. 4 Primary School Hospital for Wounded Soldiers, and finally to the place where the wounded of the Public Education Hospital were concentrated.

Immediately afterwards, the members of the women's club immediately plunged into the intense nursing work, and most of the wounded who were hospitalized here were seriously injured, with missing limbs and legs, and their flesh and blood were blurred. Some groaned in pain, some were dying.

There was a wounded company commander in the Catholic Hospital, who "fell asleep without a trace of blood on his face." His wife said that the bullet from the Japanese devil had hit him in the lung. According to the doctor's instructions, we washed the wounds of the wounded, changed the gauze, and comforted the conscious wounded while working intensively, encouraging them to recuperate with peace of mind and strive to return to the front line as soon as possible. The front line was tense, the wounded were brought in one after another, and members of the women's union took turns going home to eat and nurse their children. In this way, they were busy day and night to make up for the shortage of medical personnel during the war.

After the victory of the Battle of Bailingmiao, delegations from Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Taiyuan and other places came here one after another. The Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association actively received them, and their work became busier, holding forums with them, performing on the streets, and propagating the unity of the people of the whole country, the war of resistance to the end, and the victory of the war of resistance, and pushing the anti-Japanese propaganda campaign to a climax.

In order to better support the Anti-Japanese War and care for the wounded soldiers, the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association decided to respond to the Shanxi Women's Association's campaign to launch the "Suiyuan Anti-Enemy Struggle Disabled Correctional Home Fund".

After that, they continued to raise the banner of the "women's fundraising team" and went door-to-door to publicize and collect donations. Many people especially liked to listen to the propaganda of the solicitation, praised it, and did their best to support the war of resistance and the work of the women's association. But there are also some Mrs. Kuo who are very arrogant, and they are looked at when they collect donations, not that they donated last year, but that the men did not leave money.

For these people, the members of the women's association patiently explained the anti-Japanese resistance and their vital interests, and repeatedly explained the truth that the soldiers at the front shed their blood and sacrificed to defend the land and their hometowns in order to enable us to live in peace. There are also many poor people who are willing to donate when they hear about donations to the wounded to express their support for the war of resistance. There was a poor old woman who listened to the propaganda and was embarrassed to pull out a copper from the tattered placket of her clothes. Although a copper is not much, it reflects the belief of millions of toiling people on the mainland to fight to the end.

In October 1937, the Japanese invaded and occupied Suiyuan, and the Suiyuan Women's Association immediately surrendered and collected. Although the Suiyuan Women's Association only operated for one year, it did a lot of anti-Japanese work and had an important impact on women's work in the future. As a result of this period of work, women of all ethnic groups in Guisui City actively participated in and persisted in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and some of them joined the anti-Japanese guerrilla forces led by the Party; Some went to Yan'an and embarked on the revolutionary road; Some of them became the party's underground traffic officers, covering cadres and the wounded, and supporting the struggle in the anti-Japanese guerrilla base area of Daqingshan. They went forward and died. The activities of the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association have written a glorious page in the history of the women's liberation movement in Hohhot. (Municipal Women's Movement History Office)