
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)

author:Looking at history and cherishing the present

Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)

Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)
Suiyuan Women's Association during the Anti-Japanese War (I)

The Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association was established in November 1936 and lasted for a year, doing a lot of anti-Japanese work and contributing to the promotion of anti-Japanese resistance and women's liberation. The Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association is the earliest revolutionary mass organization established in the history of the women's liberation movement in Guisui area.

In the dark old society, women of all ethnic groups in our city were at the bottom of society. In the "May Fourth" Movement, which shook the world, only a small number of women won a little bit of the right to education, which opened the prelude to the women's liberation movement in our city.

At the end of the First Civil Revolutionary War and the beginning of the Second Civil Revolutionary War, under the influence of the older generation of local revolutionaries and progressives, women also took to the streets and participated in social activities, and the women's liberation movement was also active for a while. However, Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution and launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, and the White Terror enveloped the entire city of Guisui City, and the women's liberation movement suffered a temporary setback.

The women of the intellectual circles were the first to wake up, and when they heard that the iron hooves of the Japanese invading army had stepped into Shenyang, China, shelling mainland territory, and killing compatriots, they were extremely indignant, and they took to the streets one after another to demonstrate and boycott Japanese goods, participate in rallies and activities to commemorate the Day of National Humiliation, and called on women of all nationalities to rise up and participate in the anti-Japanese salvation, oppose discrimination against women, and demand equality between men and women. The women's liberation movement also developed.

In 1936, in order to further awaken and unite the vast number of women to rise up against Japan and participate in the rescue work, Chen Jieping, Guo Xinqing, Tu Zhongshun, Xie Ruzhen, Li Zuoxu, Jia Jianxiu and others discussed and decided to initiate the establishment of the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association. They first joined the ranks of intellectual progressives, drafted constitutions and slogans, established women's organizations, and developed members. At the beginning of November 1936, they separately contacted more than 20 people, and held the inaugural meeting of the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association, where everyone discussed the constitution and future work, and after democratic elections, a leading body was established, and the congress elected Chen Jieping, Xie Ruzhen, Li Zuoxu, Guo Xinqing, and Tu Zhongshun as directors, and Chen Jieping as executive directors. The headquarters of the Women's Association is located in the Provincial No. 4 Primary School, where Chen Jieping teaches. The first women's organization in Suiyuan Province was born in this way.

The congress also adopted the constitution of the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association. The purpose of the brief is to "promote women's emancipation and arouse women's feelings for national salvation by connecting feelings". The congress also adopted the policy of "supporting the government to resist the enemy and save the country, and the true equality of men and women; The women of Suiyuan united to do anti-enemy rescue work; Fight for freedom of speech, press, and association; the freedom of the Salvation Movement; Break the concept of husband and lady honor; oppose all legal systems and old rituals that oppress women".

The constitution of the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association stipulates that the general assembly is the highest authority, and the association has five directors, who are elected by the general assembly, and the prime minister of all affairs of the association and implements the resolutions of the association. The directors recommend one executive director to each other. The Board of Directors consists of: General Affairs Unit (handling the clerical and accounting affairs of the Association), Publicity Unit (handling matters such as speech editing), Communication Unit (handling communication and other matters), Ambulance Unit (handling ambulance medical treatment, nursing, anti-virus, air defense and other books), and Donation Unit (handling donations and other matters).

After the establishment of the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association, it effectively promoted the Suiyuan women's liberation movement and mobilized women to participate in the anti-Japanese salvation movement. However, it has not been recognized and funded by the Kuomintang government. At work, I also encountered some troubles and difficulties. In less than two months, they had grown more than 70 members, mostly elementary school teachers and some female middle and high school students, and later some housewives were mobilized. Some female members of the Chinese National Liberation Vanguard also joined the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association and became the backbone. Because of their role, the work of the Women's Association is actually in accordance with the Communist Party

The policy and guiding ideology of the women's liberation movement. The Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association carried out extensive propaganda work to resist Japan and save the country. With the help and support of Mr. Yang Lingde, the editor of the supplement of Suiyuan Northwest Daily, the Suiyuan Provincial Women's Association opened a column called "Suiyuan Women" in the supplement he was in charge of. The editor-in-chief of "Suiyuan Women" is Chen Jieping, which is published irregularly, and a total of nine issues have been published.

"Suiyuan Women" said in its press release: "In the extraordinary period when the national disaster is serious, our publication "Suiyuan Women" has met the world. The purpose of the publication is to "awaken women's understanding of the country and the masses, so that they can stand on the front line of national salvation and participate in the work of saving the country." ”

Judging from the content of the ninth issue of "Suiyuan Women", they preach equality between men and women, and women should be conscious, care about national affairs, and participate in the work of resisting Japanese aggression and saving lives. It played a role in promoting the anti-Japanese work and promoting the emancipation of women.