
11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship

author:Shanshan chats about entertainment

Photo/Shanshan chatting about entertainment

Editor/Shanshan Chat Entertainment

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship


Recently, Chen Yujie won the women's 100m championship with a time of 11.29 seconds, and broke the record for the best time in Asia this year in the women's 100m hurdles final at the National Athletics Grand Prix Finals. Her performance was impressive, showing exceptional speed and athleticism. Let's find out!

The youngsters won the championship and beat the veterans

The women's 100m final at the National Championships featured eight athletes. The competition was played on a wet and slippery field on rainy days, conditions that could affect the performance of the competitors. At the beginning of the match, Liang Xiaojing took the lead, followed by Chen Yujie and Ge Manqi. By the middle of the race, Chen Yujie showed the advantage of a fast pace and began to gradually lead the other players.

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship

In the final sprint, she accelerated past Liang Xiaojing and finally won the championship with a time of 11.29 seconds. Chen's victory means she has successfully overturned the domination of senior runners and become the youngest sister in the history of Chinese women's sprinting. This competition vividly demonstrated Chen Yujie's outstanding performance and sprinting ability.

Especially in adverse weather conditions, she was able to perform so well, showing her strength and potential. Her words are humble and full of respect for her predecessors and encouragement for her own requirements. She also self-deprecatingly mentioned the episode where she fell after crossing the line, but she was optimistic about the small accident and thanked her big sisters and track fans who cared about her for their attention.

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship

Chen Yujie is full of praise for the city of Rizhao, believing that it has brought her good luck. For the first time, she competed with many of her sisters whom she admired, seniors who had been her role models. As a sprinter on the provincial track and field team, Chen Yujie has shown remarkable progress. Her coach, Wu Yacun, said that they did not set specific goals for her, but hoped that she would give her all in the competition and try to perform at her best. Next, they will return to Ningbo to continue training.

After the race, Chen Yujie modestly expressed her joy at winning the best Asian result in the women's 100m this year. She pointed out that this championship is not only an inspiration to her, but also a kind of motivation for her. She expressed the hope that through such achievements, she will continue to work hard and strive to reach a higher level. At the same time, she also expressed her hope for the future development of women's sprinting in China, looking forward to seeing more progress.

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship

Sports genes are strong

Chen Yujie was born in 2008 in Ningbo, Zhejiang, and is currently studying in Ningbo No. 7 Middle School. Her parents are both high-level sprinters at Zhejiang University. His father clocked 10.80 seconds in the fastest 100 meters and his mother was 11.94 seconds, and both parents reached the national first-class athlete level. Born in such a sports family, Chen Yujie has been rich in sports since she was a child.

According to reports, Chen Yujie's parents are both athletes who specialize in sprinting, with her father's best time of 10.80 seconds and her mother's time of 11.94 seconds, both of whom have reached the level of national first-class athletes. Chen Yujie's parents are both athletes from Zhejiang University. Chen Yujie once took tennis as his development direction, but fortunately, Wu Yacun, the track and field coach of Ningbo Junior Sports School at that time, had a unique vision.

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship

Chen Yujie's talent in sprinting was first discovered. Wu Haoju, coach of the track and field team of Ningbo No. 7 Middle School, said in an interview: "Chen Yujie has been very fond of sports since she was a child, but she used to practice tennis instead of track and field. So, from the fifth grade, Chen Yujie switched her main training from tennis to track and field.


Since Chen Yujie changed to track and field, the amazing power contained in her body began to be released, and the long-suppressed talent began to be displayed rapidly. On her debut, she won the 100m and 60m events at the District Primary School Games. Soon after, at the 18th Ningbo Games, she won the 200-meter championship and the 100-meter third place in one fell swoop.

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship

In November 2022, Chen Yujie, who is not yet 14 years old, won the 100-meter final championship with a time of 11.88 seconds at the track and field meeting of primary and secondary schools in Ningbo District, Zhejiang, breaking the regional record and reaching the standard of national first-class athletes. The live footage at the time couldn't even capture her speed, which shows her amazing speed and she's powerful.

In 2024, Chen Yujie's performance will further reach its peak. At the National Indoor Track and Field Championships in Xi'an in March, she won the second place in the women's 60m and broke the national indoor junior record. A month later, she set a new meet record in the 100m final at the 2024 Asian Youth Athletics Championships with a time of 11.32 seconds and won the title, reaching the level of an international athlete.

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship

Since then, she has also actively participated in the efforts of the Chinese women's relay national team to try to enter the main competition of the Paris Olympics. Despite the unsuccessful eventuality, Chen's performance was still impressive. In August 2023, she won the 100m championship with a time of 11.56 seconds at the World Student Summer Games, and also won the 200m race.

In November of the same year, at the first National Youth (Student) Games held in Guangxi, Chen Yujie won the women's 100-meter middle school championship with a time of 11.43 seconds, and at the same time broke the national junior record, surpassing Ge Manqi's performance in the women's 100-meter final of the university's group B. Subsequently, at the National Indoor Track and Field Championships, she once again won the women's 60m championship with an outstanding performance, and further rewrote the national junior record to 7.27 seconds.

11.29 seconds! Chen Yujie set a new record in the 100 meters in Asia this year, beating the veteran to win the championship


Chen Yujie set a new Asian 100m season best record with a time of 11.29 seconds, which not only shows her excellent competitive form, but also demonstrates her strong strength in the sprint event. In this competition, she not only won the championship, but also showed the world the potential and determination of the new generation of players by surpassing the veterans. Through this victory, Chen Yujie showed all young people chasing their dreams that as long as they persevere and work hard, they can reach the pinnacle on the stage of competitive sports.

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