
Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

author:T Entertainment Notes

On July 1, Tang Zhenye updated Douyin and posted a video in the same frame as his brother Tang Zhenzong.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

It turned out that July 1 was the 27th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, and the brothers never forgot this day, and specially recorded a video in the same frame to express their gratitude to the motherland and blessings to Hong Kong.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger
Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

Tang Zhenye said that the development of the Greater Bay Area is very good, and since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, Hong Kong's transportation to and from the mainland has been much more convenient, and he can often travel back and forth from the mainland on the same day, and he can go home after a meal.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger
Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

And Tang Zhenzong said that he is the same, so they think that Hong Kong's return to the motherland has changed too much, and it has brought a lot of transportation convenience to the lives of ordinary people.

So they wished the motherland prosperity and a better tomorrow for Hong Kong.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger
Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger
Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

The two brothers talked and laughed and were in good spirits, but who knows, they are both nearly 70 years old, and they don't look like each other at all.

Tang Zhenzong is the elder brother, born in 1956 and 68 years old this year, Tang Zhenye is the younger brother, born in 1958 and 66 years old this year, the difference between the two is only two years old, but from the appearance, the age gap is not small, and the elder brother is younger.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

The two Tang Zhenye brothers have developed in the entertainment industry in Hong Kong, China since childhood, and are now almost 70 years old and still active in the entertainment industry, but Tang Zhenzong is a little more low-key, and Tang Zhenye has appeared more times than him.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

Netizens know what Tang Zhenye looks like now, but they don't know what Tang Zhenzong looks like, looking at Tang Zhenzong's current appearance, it's really admirable, 68 years old has no old age at all.

Tang Zhenzong's hair is a little gray, but his spirit is still very good, especially his voice, there is no feeling of old age.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

I can't help but think of the TV series "Alien Girl" that was popular all over the country in the early 90s, the handsome and charming Hong Kong boss played by Tang Zhenzong, I don't know how many girls' hearts have charmed.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger
Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

Time flies so fast, and before I knew it, Tang Zhenzong was also 68 years old, looking more than ten years younger than his younger brother.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

It can be seen from the expressions of the two brothers that they have a first-hand experience of the prosperity and convenience brought to Hong Kong by Hong Kong's return to the motherland.

Tang Zhenzong Tang Zhenye brothers are rarely in the same frame, the two are only two years apart, and the 68-year-old Tang Zhenzong is even younger

I hope they can take care of their health and enjoy life while bringing more classic works! #头条创作挑战赛##头条首发大赛#

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