
Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

author:T Entertainment Notes

In recent days, Wei Dongyi has been frequently searched, first his cousin took his three children to Beijing to see him, and took pictures of him eating steamed buns at the dinner table.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

Then Wei Dongyi's cousin exposed the scene where he went to the campus of Peking University to see Wei Dongyi, and Wei Dongyi took him on a day trip to the campus.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

I feel that Wei Dongyi's life has been seriously disturbed recently, and he has appeared a lot on camera, which is not a good thing for him.

Well, there is another relative, that is, Wei Dongyi's nephew, the photo was sent by Wei Dongyi's cousin, it should be his child.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

When the cousin posted a photo of Wei Dongyi's nephew, he said that this was not a hot spot, but netizens still accused him of rubbing the heat and begged him to let Wei Dongyi go and stop bothering him.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

The nephew is not very old, seven or eight years old, with a long thin face and short hair, and at first glance, he is very similar to Wei Dongyi's facial features and temperament.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

If the nephew studies hard and studies mathematics hard, he may be able to become a master of mathematics like Wei Dongyi in the future.

I don't know and think that my nephew is Wei Dongyi's child, the two are too similar, especially the face shape and chin.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

It has been rumored on the Internet that Wei Dongyi is from Shandong, and my cousin said that Wei Dongyi is not from Shandong, but from Dongyang, Zhejiang, and his ancestral home is in Dongyang.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

The cousin's family is still living in Dongyang, Wei Dongyi's nephew is also in Dongyang, and the local people in Dongyang are proud of the genius who came out of the local area.

Wei Dongyi has suddenly appeared so many relatives recently, which has confused netizens, it is very bad to be exposed frequently, I hope that all relatives will be merciful and try not to disturb Wei Dongyi.

Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat
Wei Dongyi's nephew was exposed, he is young but his temperament looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, netizens: Don't rub the heat

Let him live his life on his own terms, and don't show his face too often, because he can't concentrate on studying mathematics if he is distracted!

My nephew looks very similar to Wei Dongyi, I hope he will study hard and surpass Wei Dongyi when he grows up! #头条首发大赛##头条创作挑战赛#