
61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

Teacher Fan Wei, did you really lose? Looking at your slightly lost eyes at the Magnolia Awards ceremony, I can't help but ask: can an award really define an actor's achievements?

Perhaps, this "loss" is precisely the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Let's review Mr. Fan Wei's acting career and see how this cross talk actor who came out of a small county in Northeast China has grown step by step into a powerful actor in the hearts of the audience.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Let's start with "The Long Season".

In April 2023, a TV series called "The Long Season" was born. This drama has hardly done any pre-publicity, but with its excellent quality and superb acting skills of the actors, it has become a hit of the year.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

In this drama, Mr. Fan Wei's performance is undoubtedly the biggest highlight. The role of "Song Laosan" played by him portrays an ordinary honest man in the Northeast very well. The unique Northeast flavor seems to overflow from the screen, making the audience feel as if they have smelled the taste of their hometown.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others
"Mr. Fan Wei's acting skills are really amazing! Watching him play 'Song Laosan' is like seeing my own grandfather. "

This is the comment of a netizen from Northeast China on the Internet. Indeed, Mr. Fan Wei's performance can always resonate strongly. Whether it is the kindness and simplicity in his eyes, or the unique Northeast dialect, it makes people feel friendly and natural.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

The broadcast of "The Long Season" has allowed Mr. Fan Wei to gain more than 1 billion online discussions. Behind this number is the audience's recognition and love for an excellent actor.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

From a cross talk actor to a powerful actor

Speaking of Mr. Fan Wei's acting career, I have to mention his cross talk background. At the age of 15, at the suggestion of his family, the decent-looking Fan Wei apprenticed to cross talk actor Chen Lianzhong, laying a solid foundation for subsequent success.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Teacher Fan Wei's attainments in cross talk are quite good. In just a few years, he has won provincial and national awards. Even the famous editor of China's Central People's Radio was full of praise for him.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. In 1995, Mr. Fan Wei appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala for the first time. By partnering with Zhao Benshan in "Uncle Niu Tigan", his name became an instant hit.

Since then, Mr. Fan Wei has become a regular visitor to the Spring Festival Gala in the true sense. Works such as "Heart Disease" and "Selling Abduction" are still lingering classics in the minds of the audience.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

However, Mr. Fan Wei was not satisfied with this. In an interview, he said loudly that he would not go to the Spring Festival Gala again in the future, and he was already preparing to shoot a TV series. This decision has taken many people by surprise.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others
"Fan Wei left Zhao Benshan? What can he do? Without Zhao Benshan, he is nothing!"

At that time, many people held this view. However, as it turned out, they were all wrong.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Moving to the film and television industry: proof of strength

Since stepping into the film and television industry, Mr. Fan Wei has used his strength to take off one label after another and create a new image for himself.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Whether it is "Ears Are Blessed" or "There Are No Thieves in the World", they all show Fan Wei's solid acting skills. And his appearance in Zhang Yimou's New Year's film "Article 20" this year also reflects that he will definitely be the preferred actor of "Lao Mouzi" in the future.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

In 2017, the movie "Unproblematic Problem" directly sent Mr. Fan Wei to the throne of the actor. This award is not only an affirmation of Mr. Fan Wei's acting skills, but also a reward for his unremitting efforts over the years.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Mr. Fan Wei's performance in this movie is certainly remarkable, but what is more important is what he acts like. It is this ability to enter the play that allows him to navigate different roles with ease.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Magnolia Award: Regret but not surprise

However, just when everyone thought that Mr. Fan Wei would win the best actor again with his wonderful performance in "The Long Season", the result was unexpected.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

In the selection of the 29th Magnolia Award, Mr. Fan Wei faced stronger opponents than the other. There is "National Actor" Hu Ge in the front, Wang Yang, the "top class in the uncle circle", and there is an old drama bone Ding Yongdai and rising star Wang Renjun in the middle.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

In the end, this award went to Hu Ge.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

As soon as the news spread, Mr. Fan Wei's name quickly rushed to the hot search, and netizens coaxed.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

"Teacher Fan Wei acted so well, how could he not win the award?"

"The reason why Hu Ge was able to win the award is because he is from Shanghai, and the background of the story of "Flowers" is also Shanghai, and the Shanghai Magnolia Award is awarded according to the household registration book."

"Teacher Fan Wei's acting skills are obviously much better than Hu Ge, this award is too unfair!"

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and some netizens thought that Mr. Fan Wei's acting skills were better and should be awarded. Some netizens think that Hu Ge's performance is also excellent, and he deserves to win the award. Some netizens said that the two actors are very good and it is difficult to distinguish between them.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

A netizen's comment resonated widely: "Teacher Fan Wei and Hu Ge are both powerful actors, and this time Hu Ge won the award does not mean that Teacher Fan Wei is bad."

On the contrary, being able to compete with an actor like Hu Ge on the same stage itself shows the strength of Mr. Fan Wei. We should be proud that China has so many excellent actors!"

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Another netizen analyzed the challenge of different roles: "Hu Ge's role in "Flowers" is indeed challenging, and he needs to show the state changes of different ages.

And Mr. Fan Wei's role in "The Long Season", although it is equally good, may be slightly inferior in difficulty. This may be a factor that the judges consider. "

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Some netizens put forward an interesting point: "Maybe it's because Mr. Fan Wei's performance is too natural, but people ignore his acting skills." Sometimes, the best performance is to make the audience forget that you are performing. "

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

These comments reflect the audience's deeper understanding of the actors' performances, and also reflect everyone's attention and expectations for the development of China's film and television industry.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Looking back on Mr. Fan Wei's acting career, we see the process of an actor constantly breaking through himself and challenging new roles. From a cross talk actor to a sketch actor, to a film and television actor, Mr. Fan Wei has proved his strength with his hard work and talent.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

The loss of the Magnolia Award does not mean that Fan Wei's acting skills are not good enough, on the contrary, it may become a motivation for him to continue to move forward. As Mr. Fan Wei himself said: "Every role is a new challenge, and I will continue to work hard to bring more good works to the audience."

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

As an audience, we look forward to seeing Mr. Fan Wei continue to shine in his future works. At the same time, we must also learn to appreciate the performance characteristics of different actors, rather than simply judging the value of an actor by an award.

61-year-old Fan Wei doesn't have to regret it anymore! At this point, you should admit that your skills are not as good as others

Finally, I would like to ask everyone: what do you think is the most important quality of a good actor? Is it the number of awards won, or is it a performance that will impress the audience? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment area.

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