
Pointing at Israel, Allah gathered a seven-way army, set off a missile frenzy, and the United States sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese overnight

author:Weapons Review
The sword is pointed at Israel, and Allah has gathered 7 armies! The missile frenzy instantly covered Israel, and after a frenzied bombardment, US warships rushed to the Middle East overnight to evacuate their personnel.

Over the past few months, the conflict in the Gaza Strip seems to have entered a spiral from which it seems impossible to extricate itself, and in this long-running standoff, no one can intervene to dissuade Israel, which has taken a firm stand and refused to withdraw from Gaza, vowing to wipe out Hamas.

As a result, Israel has engaged in many fierce confrontations with radical armed forces such as Allah, a situation that has aroused widespread concern in the international community for fear of triggering a sixth Middle East war.

Pointing at Israel, Allah gathered a seven-way army, set off a missile frenzy, and the United States sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese overnight

(Illustration: The United States sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese, and the USS Wasp attack ship has arrived in the Mediterranean)

Against this backdrop, Israel can be described as "alone".

Why is it "alone"? Because the United States, which has always supported Israel, ran away ahead of schedule and sent troops overnight to completely evacuate overseas nationals, it is reported that the "Wasp" amphibious assault ship and the 24th Marine Corps Expeditionary Force were dispatched this time.

For a long time, Israel has been able to assert its position in the Middle East, largely relying on the support of the United States. However, what the United States is doing today is undoubtedly sending a clear signal to the world.

Iran, in particular, is widely speculated to use the opportunity to expand its influence in the Middle East.

Pointing at Israel, Allah gathered a seven-way army, set off a missile frenzy, and the United States sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese overnight

(Illustration: Israel ramps up border deployment, followed by a series of attacks by Allah in Lebanon)

Of course, the departure of the United States has also put tremendous pressure on Israel, and in less than a week, Netanyahu has received multiple bad news and is once again on the cusp.

First of all, seven armies were directed against Israel. According to reports, countries in the Middle East seem to be beginning to sense the importance of unity against Israel, and Allah's top leader, Nasrallah, has warned that more intense missile attacks will be launched against Israel, with militias in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and other countries also participating.

According to him, if you add the Taliban, which has made it clear that they will side with Allah and is willing to send troops to support at any time, and Hamas, which is fighting fiercely with Israel, Allah inside and outside has really gathered 7 armies.

The second thing is that Israel itself has been bombed one after another, and the effect of the all-out siege of Israel has begun to appear.

In recent times, Israel itself has also been under frequent attacks, with Allah firing a large number of rockets directly attacking Israeli military bases and other key targets.

During the siege, Allah used Iranian-supplied Almas missiles to successfully strike an outpost in the Israeli Golan Heights, destroying heavy equipment including Merkava tanks and Nameel armored vehicles.

Then the drone launched a new attack, injuring 18 Israeli soldiers, one of them seriously.

Pointing at Israel, Allah gathered a seven-way army, set off a missile frenzy, and the United States sent troops to evacuate overseas Chinese overnight

(Illustration: Allah gathers more people to attack Israel on a large scale, and Israel's security situation is grim)

Given the current situation, if Israel chooses to launch a larger military operation in Lebanon, it is likely to inflict a heavier and more sustained blow on the homeland.

This also puts the United States in an awkward and worrying position - as reported by "Reference News", US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in a meeting with Israeli Defense Minister Gallant that the United States is eager to reach an agreement through diplomatic means with the aim of allowing Israeli and Lebanese civilians to return to their homes on both sides of the Lebanese-Israeli border.

It should be noted that this statement does not mean that the United States really wants to be a "mediator", but wants to give Lebanese Allah "step down" to avoid further pulling the United States into the quagmire.

In part, Allah Lebanon is an experienced and tested armed force. For example, in 2006, Allah launched a "rain of rockets" and an attack on the frigate "Harnett", which undoubtedly shattered the myth of "Israel is invincible in the Middle East".

Because of this, Israel is anxiously raising the upper age limit for reservists in order to strengthen its defense capabilities. At the same time, Israel sent people to the United States to seek more military assistance.

However, while the United States supports Israel, the pressure from its own people and the attention of the international community cannot be ignored. Therefore, at present, Israel's security problems are still severe, and how to persuade the United States to increase aid will be Israel's most urgent task at present.

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