
The girl stole the rich family's grapes, and after being caught, she became the young master's wife

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

It is said that in the south of Nagada, there is a place called Yunshui Town, where it is like spring all year round, and the scenery is as beautiful as a painting. The people in the town lived a comfortable life, and their lives were peaceful. There is a big courtyard in the east of the town, which is the house of the Zhao family, one of the best in our town. Zhao Zixuan, the young master of the Zhao family, this young man is good and educated, and the people in the town are very kind to see him. In the garden of the Zhao family, there are many flowers and plants, and the most eye-catching ones are the clusters of sparkling grapes. I heard that these grapes were introduced from the Western Regions, and eating them can not only prolong life, but also beautify and nourish the skin. The Zhao family watched this vineyard very closely, and specially sent people to guard it day and night, for fear that someone would steal it.

But in this vineyard, something unexpected happened. One evening, when the sun was about to set, the sun was turning red. A handsome girl dressed in coarse cloth slipped into the vineyard. Her name is Xiaolian, she is a hard-working and kind peasant girl, her family conditions are not good, and she often goes to the town to do odd jobs. That day, she passed by Zhao's house, and was tickled by the fragrance of the grapes, and couldn't help but want to taste this legendary good grape. Xiaolian carefully picked a bunch and took a bite gently, the taste was as sweet as honey, and it went straight to her heart. She couldn't help but eat a few more bunches until her stomach was full, and then she reluctantly left the vineyard. But how did she know that this matter had already been seen by the Zhao family. The family members rushed up, arrested Xiaolian, and brought her to the hall of the Zhao family.

The Zhao family was in a commotion, wanting to see what this thief who dared to steal grapes looked like. Zhao Zixuan heard about this and hurriedly ran over. When he saw Xiaolian, he was stunned, this girl looked really good, and her eyes were as clear as spring water. Zhao Zixuan stepped forward and asked softly, "Girl, why are you stealing my family's grapes?" Xiaolian lowered her head, her voice as small as a mosquito's humming: "I... I'm just curious to taste what this grape tastes like. I'm sorry, I know I was wrong. Zhao Zixuan looked at Xiaolian's pitiful appearance, and his heart couldn't help but soften. He thought for a moment and said, "Since you already know that you are wrong, I will not pursue it." However, you have to work in the Zhao family for a period of time to pay off your debt for eating grapes. When Xiaolian heard this, although she was a little unhappy, thinking about the situation at home, it would be good to have a place to stay, so she nodded and agreed. Since then, Xiaolian has become the maid of the Zhao family. She worked diligently and kindly, and soon won the love of the Zhao family. Zhao Zixuan also found that he seemed to have a different feeling about this girl.

The girl stole the rich family's grapes, and after being caught, she became the young master's wife

But just when the relationship between the two slowly warmed up, a strange thing happened. One night, a strange light suddenly appeared in the Zhao family's fish pond. Zhao Zixuan, this kid, couldn't help but take a closer look as soon as the curiosity in his heart came up. Hey, look in the water, a golden carp is tumbling over the river, and its mouth is still spitting pearl-like bubbles. Zhao Zixuan's heart tightened, and he said in his heart that this is the legendary carp jumping over the dragon gate? Just thinking about it, Xiaolian, this girl, also ran over in a hurry. As soon as she glanced at this scene, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, but in a blink of an eye, she returned to that calm appearance. She walked up to Zhao Zixuan and said softly, "Young Master, this fish is not ordinary, let's be careful." Zhao Zixuan nodded yes and asked, "What do you think?" Xiaolian pondered for a while and said, "I read the book that the carp jumping over the dragon gate is a level of Taoist practice. This fish may have encountered some problems in his cultivation, so he is making a fuss here. We might be able to help it with Taoist spells. Zhao Zixuan listened to Xiaolian's words, his heart moved, and he decided to do what Xiaolian said, and use Taoist spells to help this carp.

So, on a dark night, Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian came to the fish pond. They lit incense and candles, chanted incantations, and poured mana into the water. After a while, the surface of the fish pond rippled, and the golden carp became more and more active. At this moment, a golden light fell from the sky and rushed straight towards the carp in the fish pond. When the carp saw it, it jumped violently, and it really jumped over the dragon gate! The golden light dissipated, and a crystal clear pearl was left in the fish pond, which was engraved with the four big characters of "Fushou Shuangquan". When Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian saw each other, their hearts bloomed with joy, knowing that this was the treasure left behind after the carp jumped over the dragon gate. But at this moment, the situation suddenly changed! The originally calm fish pond suddenly had turbulent waves, and a huge water dragon rushed out of the water and rushed straight at Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian!

The two were so frightened that they hurriedly dodged. But the water dragon was menacing, and the two of them were swept into the water in a blink of an eye...... Hey, mom, as soon as this water dragon appeared, the Zhao family became a mess. The maids were so frightened that they fled in all directions, and Mr. and Mrs. Zhao were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, not knowing what was going on. Just when the water dragon was about to swallow Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian, Xiaolian suddenly shouted: "Stop!" This shouted so loudly that even the water dragon was stunned. Xiaolian took the opportunity to take out a jade pendant from her arms, which was a treasure of her family, and it was said to ward off evil spirits. She held the jade pendant high and said loudly, "If you are a real dragon, you should recognize this jade pendant!" When the water dragon looked at the jade pendant, surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he stopped. It lowered its head, as if to scrutinize the jade pendant. After a while, the water dragon turned into a golden light and burrowed into the jade peri. The jade pendant floated in the air for a while, and then with a "whoosh" sound, it flew into Xiaolian's hand.

The girl stole the rich family's grapes, and after being caught, she became the young master's wife

At this time, the lord and wife of the Zhao family also hurried over. Seeing the scene in front of them, they were so shocked that they could barely speak. Old Man Zhao asked in a trembling voice, "Zixuan, what happened here?" Zhao Zixuan told his parents in detail the ins and outs of the matter. After listening to it, although they found it unbelievable, they also had to admit that it was true. Master Zhao's eyes showed his appreciation for Xiaolian, and he said gently: "Xiaolian, you have made great contributions this time, and our Zhao family will definitely reward you well." When Xiaolian heard this, she hurriedly waved her hand and said modestly: "No, I just did what I was supposed to do." ”

Old Master Zhao shook his head and said firmly: "No, you not only saved Zixuan, but also helped our Zhao family solve a huge problem. In this way, I decided to accept you as a righteous daughter, and from now on, you will be a member of the Zhao family. When Xiaolian heard this, she was so excited that she burst into tears. She hurriedly knelt down, kowtowed again and again, and said gratefully: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, madam." ”

The girl stole the rich family's grapes, and after being caught, she became the young master's wife

Zhao Zixuan looked at Xiaolian, and a warm feeling surged in his heart. He thinks that this girl is not only brave and kind, but also has a special fate with him. He is determined to cherish this fate and spend the rest of his life with Xiaolian. So, in the festive atmosphere of the Zhao family, Xiaolian became the righteous daughter of the Zhao family and the fiancée of Zhao Zixuan. The marriage of the two was quickly confirmed, and the entire Yunshui Town was boiling.

However, on the eve of the wedding, Xiaolian unexpectedly disappeared. The Zhao family was very anxious, and Zhao Zixuan was even more anxious. He swore that he would find Xiaolian no matter what, no matter where she was. Zhao Zixuan searched the entire Yunshui Town, but never found any trace of Xiaolian. Just when he was almost in despair, he thought of the jade pendant. He took out the jade pendant, looked at it carefully, then closed his eyes and silently recited Xiaolian's name in his heart. At this moment, the jade pendant suddenly emitted a dazzling light. Zhao Zixuan only felt that his eyes lit up, and then he found that he had come to a strange place. The scenery here is picturesque, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, like a fairyland on earth. He searched everywhere and finally saw Xiaolian's figure. Xiaolian also saw Zhao Zixuan, she ran over in surprise, hugged him tightly and said, "Zixuan, how did you find here?" Zhao Zixuan hugged her tightly and said affectionately: "I came to find you, I can't live without you." After hearing this, Xiaolian's heart was full of emotion. She told Zhao Zixuan that she was actually the reincarnation of the carp essence, and because she encountered difficulties in her cultivation, she turned into a carp and cultivated in the fish pond. That day, she felt the kindness and magical power of Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian, which prompted her to decide to manifest her true body and ask for help. Now, she has successfully broken through her limitations and has been able to regain her human form. When Zhao Zixuan heard the news, although he was inevitably surprised in his heart, he was more of an irrepressible joy. He clasped Xiaolian's hand and said affectionately: "No matter what your background is, I love you deeply. Let's go home together and get married. Xiaolian nodded slightly, and the two walked out of this fairyland-like place hand in hand. When they returned to Yunshui Town, they were surprised to find that only one day had passed. It turned out that the fairyland was a different space hidden in the jade pendant, and its time flow was very different from the outside world. The Zhao family was overjoyed when they saw Xiaolian return safely. Mr. Zhao and his wife smiled from ear to ear, and immediately began to prepare for the wedding, hoping that the lovers could enter the palace of marriage as soon as possible. Finally, on a moonlit night, Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian held a grand wedding in Yunshui Town. The whole town was filled with joy and blessings. The two held hands and entered the temple of marriage and started their happy new life. And that magical jade pendant has also become an eternal witness of their love. Every time they gazed at the jade pendant, they would think of that extraordinary and beautiful experience, and their hearts were full of gratitude and happiness.

Next, let's continue to tell the story of Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian. Their wedding was a grand event, with the whole town coming to join in the extravaganza. The red lanterns are hung high, the sound of firecrackers is deafening, and the festive atmosphere seems to rejoice even the sky. When the wedding was in full swing, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed in the sky. Everyone looked up and saw a golden carp churning in the clouds, as if to send blessings to the newlyweds. After a moment of tossing and turning, the carp turned into a golden light and disappeared without a trace. Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian witnessed this scene, and their hearts were full of shock and emotion. They understood that it was the carp spirit blessing them. The two of them were full of gratitude and determined to cherish this hard-won happiness.

The girl stole the rich family's grapes, and after being caught, she became the young master's wife

After marriage, Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian lived a harmonious and happy life. Although Xiaolian is the reincarnation of the carp spirit, she is well versed in human feelings and sophistication, and soon integrated into the life of the Zhao family. She not only respects her in-laws, but also is good at handling housework, which has won the praise of the Zhao family. And Zhao Zixuan is even more fond of Xiaolian. He doesn't care about Xiaolian's special identity, what he cherishes is Xiaolian's kindness and sincerity, and he is willing to spend his life guarding this love. As time passed, the Zhao family's business flourished. With his wisdom and hard work, Zhao Zixuan has pushed the family business to new heights. Xiaolian silently supported him behind the scenes, gave him advice, and helped him solve one problem after another. However, the good days didn't last long. One day, a group of robbers suddenly came to the town, and they burned, killed, looted, and did all kinds of evil, bringing a great threat to the peaceful life of the town. The Zhao family's poor luck was really unlucky, and the little gold and silver treasures in the family were all robbed by the gang of robbers. Zhao Zixuan, this young man, in order to protect his family, went out and had a hard time with those robbers, and as a result, he was not lightly injured. Xiaolian looked at Zhao Zixuan's appearance, and her heart hurt like being cut by a knife. She thought to herself, she had to show some real skills to save this family from fire and water. She took out the magical jade pendant, closed her eyes, and began to recite the incantation. As the sound of her incantation grew louder and louder, the jade pendant emitted a blinding light. As soon as the light dissipated, Xiaolian's body changed a lot, and she turned into a big golden carp! She leapt to her feet and ran straight at the robbers. When the robbers saw this posture, they were so frightened that their legs went limp, and they scattered and fled for their lives. But Xiaolian didn't give up, and used her own strength to beat those robbers one by one. Eventually, she drove the robbers out of town. The Zhao family escaped this time. Zhao Zixuan looked at all this, and the gratitude in his heart was so great that he admired it. He knew that it was Xiaolian who used her own strength to save their whole family from the disaster.

After Xiaolian changed back into human form, Zhao Zixuan hugged her and said excitedly: "Xiaolian, you are really the savior of our family!" Xiaolian smiled slightly, shook her head, and said, "We are two people, we share blessings and difficulties." Besides, I'm part of this family. When Zhao Zixuan heard this, his heart was so warm, and he felt that he was really blessed to marry such a good daughter-in-law. After this incident, the people of the Zhao family have even more respect for Xiaolian. They know that although Xiaolian is the reincarnation of a carp spirit, she knows better than anyone what love is and what responsibility is. She proved her worth with her own actions, and also made the people of the Zhao family more united.

The relationship between Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian has become deeper because of this incident. They supported each other, encouraged each other, and went through many ups and downs together. Their love story has also spread in Yunshui Town and has become a beautiful talk in people's mouths. In the blink of an eye, decades have passed, and Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian are old, but they are still in love and live happily every day. Their children have also grown up and have their own careers and families, but they all remember their parents' love story and pass it on.

The girl stole the rich family's grapes, and after being caught, she became the young master's wife

On the day Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian died, the entire Yunshui Town was immersed in deep grief. People have come to mourn the loving couple and thank them for their contributions to Yunshui Town. That magical jade pendant was also treasured by their children as a treasure of the family's inheritance. Whenever people see that jade pendant, they will think of the love story of Zhao Zixuan and Xiaolian, and their contributions to Yunshui Town. Their stories will forever be engraved in people's hearts and become the most valuable wealth of Yunshui Town.

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