
The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

author:Rainbow Grumpy Little Joe

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a strange story that has been circulated in our Gada today. This matter has to start with Li Tiezhu, the carpenter in our village. Li Tiezhu, this buddy, the craftsmanship is called a stick, if anyone in the village has any tables, chairs and benches to be repaired, or doors and windows to be replaced, I will think of him for a while. He is as enthusiastic as a stove, and his craftsmanship is also very good, and when the people in the village mention him, the reputation is as good as singing.

But then again, no one is perfect, and Li Tiezhu also has a little flaw. He, and Liu Cuihua, the widow in the east of our village, are a little inexplicable between the two. Liu Cuihua, a widow, is young, in her early thirties, she looks very smart, but her life is hard, her husband left early, leaving her alone to guard the tattered home. She usually relies on washing clothes, cooking, sewing and mending, and can barely make a living. But this Liu Cuihua, the bitter water in her heart has nowhere to pour, and after a long time, she is getting closer and closer to Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua, one is a craftsman, the other is a hard-working widow, the two of them come and go, and the relationship is getting deeper and deeper. But this matter is not a glorious thing in our village after all, and the two can only meet secretly.

The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

But one day, Li Tiezhu found that the black cat raised at home was originally oily and slippery, but he was as thin as a firewood stick day by day, and his coat color was dull. The prisoner in his heart muttered, this cat usually eats a lot, why did he suddenly lose weight? He didn't tell outsiders about this, so he pondered it in his heart.

Until one day, when he came home in the middle of the night, he saw that the lights of Liu Cuihua's house were still on, and the black cat was squatting at the door, with an indescribable strangeness in his eyes. Li Tiezhu was shocked, feeling that this cat might know something. The next day, while Liu Cuihua was not at home, he sneaked into her house. This look startled him. Liu Cuihua has all kinds of strange things in her house, and there is smoke in the incense burner, and a strange smell is permeating the house. The black cat was in the corner, with empty eyes, as if it had lost its soul.

Li Tiezhu counted a little bit in his heart, this Liu Cuihua may have raised something that is not clean. He cautiously walked up to the black cat and touched it gently, and the cat looked up at him with a hint of pleading in his eyes. Li Tiezhu's heart softened, and he decided to find out.

The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

When he came home, he was called a river and a sea in his heart. This Liu Cuihua usually looks very gentle, why does it have anything to do with these evil crooked things? And the black cat, what does it know? The more Li Tiezhu thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was not simple.

Just thinking about it, Liu Cuihua came to the door. She looked at Li Tiezhu, her eyes were a little complicated, and she said softly: "Tiezhu, do you see something?" Li Tiezhu looked at her, took a deep breath, and said, "Cuihua, I found that something is wrong with your family, and the black cat is not decently thin." "What are you messing with?" When Liu Cuihua heard this, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, but she stabilized her mind after a while. She sighed and said slowly: "Tiezhu, I didn't want you to get involved, but I can't hide this matter. Then, Liu Cuihua told Li Tiezhu her secret one by one. It turned out that since her man left, the house began to make trouble, and in order to get rid of those messy things, she began to raise magic weapons, wanting to keep her safe. But who would have thought that those things were not driven away, but they killed the black cat at home. Li Tiezhu listened to Liu Cuihua's words, and his heart went up and down. He looked at Liu Cuihua's haggard appearance and the pleading in his eyes, and couldn't help sighing, and said, "Cuihua, leave this matter to me." But you have to promise me not to mess up this mess in the future. When Liu Cuihua heard this, a trace of gratitude flashed in her eyes, and she nodded like pounding garlic.

The two discussed for a while and decided to find a Taoist priest to see what was going on with this evil spirit. Early the next morning, the two set off to find Zhang Zhenren, a Taoist priest on the mountain outside the village. Zhang Zhenren is a well-known figure in our place, and it is said that he can subdue demons and eliminate demons, and he is very capable. Li Tiezhu pondered in his heart that with Zhang Zhenren coming out, this evil mystery would definitely be solved.

The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

As soon as it was dawn, the two set off. The mountain road was full of twists and turns, and the two of them were out of breath, but when they thought of the black cats and those evil creatures at home, their steps couldn't help but speed up. When I arrived at the mountain, I found Zhang Zhenren's Taoist temple, which was simple and elegant, and the cigarette smoke was swirling, giving people a sense of tranquility and peace. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua entered the Taoist temple, and when they saw that Zhang Zhenren was practicing in retreat, the two didn't dare to make a mistake, so they waited outside the door. After waiting for almost an hour, Zhang Zhenren finally got out of the customs. He glanced at the two of them, smiled slightly, and asked, "Two donors, what are you doing?" Li Tiezhu hurriedly stepped forward and told Zhang Zhenren everything about the evil things in the family. After hearing this, Zhang Zhenren frowned and said, "This matter is indeed a bit tricky. But don't worry, I'll help you out. ”

Then, Zhang Zhenren followed the two to Liu Cuihua's house. He carefully examined the magic weapon in the room, asked about the black cat again, and then closed his eyes, as if sensing something. After a while, he opened his eyes and said, "This evil is not an ordinary thing, it is a fox demon who has been cultivating for many years. It attaches itself to the black cat and sucks away the essence of the black cat, so the black cat is getting thinner and thinner. When Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua heard this, they were both stunned. Liu Cuihua turned pale with fright, and asked, "That's ...... So what should we do? Zhang Zhenren pondered for a while and said, "If you want to get rid of this fox demon, you have to use some means." But rest assured, I have a plan. Zhang Zhenren began to decorate in the room, he took out a yellow talisman paper and lightly pasted it on the black cat's body. He then took out several artifacts from his bag and placed them in the four corners of the room. When everything was ready, he motioned for the two of them to exit the room, and he sat upright in the middle of the room, beginning to whisper a mantra. With the sound waves of the incantation, a strange aroma gradually filled the room, which gradually became stronger, as if a mysterious power was quietly spreading in the room.

About an hour later, a shrill scream suddenly rang out from inside the room. Immediately after, a black shadow burst out of the crack in the door and rushed straight into the mountains and forests in the distance. Seeing this, Zhang Zhenren immediately followed. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua also quickly followed. They watched Zhang Zhenren chase all the way to the depths of the mountains and forests, and started a fierce struggle with the black shadow. The black shadow moves quickly and has amazing speed, but Zhang Zhenren can match it, and the two are fighting, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser. At this moment, the black cat suddenly rushed out and bit the tail of the black shadow. The black shadow let out a scream of pain, and his movements froze. Zhang Zhenren seized the opportunity and waved his hand to emit a golden light, knocking the black shadow to the ground. The black shadow revealed its true form, which turned out to be a white fox, lying on the ground, with a faint breath. Zhang Zhenren stepped forward, took out a small bottle from his arms, and poured the liquid inside onto the fox. The fox let out one last scream, then turned into a puff of green smoke and dissipated into the air.

The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

Zhang Zhenren returned to Liu Cuihua's house and found that the black cat had regained its vitality and its fur had become shiny again. He smiled and said, "The fox demon has been removed, and the ominous things in your family have been lifted. When Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua heard this, they were overjoyed and hurriedly thanked Zhang Zhenren. Zhang Zhenren waved his hand lightly and said, "No need to be polite." But you need to be more careful in the future to avoid being disturbed by evil things. The two agreed. After Zhang Zhenren told him some more precautions, he said goodbye and left. Since then, Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua have never encountered anything evil. Black cats have also regained their former liveliness and become one of the great joys of their lives. As a result, the relationship between the two became more intimate, and finally they entered a happy married life hand in hand.

This incident spread throughout the village. Some villagers praised Zhang Zhenren's vast magical powers and his ability to drive away fox demons; Some envy Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua's luck to meet such a master; Others were amazed by the magical performance of the black cat. However, no one can say what the truth of this matter is. However, the villagers thought it was a very interesting thing and often brought it up to talk about it, which caused everyone to laugh a lot. Since Zhang Zhenren got rid of the fox demon, the villagers felt more at ease. The story of Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua has not yet come to an end. They have experienced some ups and downs together, and their relationship with each other has become stronger. However, they knew that the gossip in the village was not pleasant. Li Tiezhu knew in his heart that he had to find a way to resolve these rumors, and he couldn't let Liu Cuihua keep carrying the label of "widow". So he started thinking about how to explain it all to the villagers.

Finally, Li Tiezhu decided to take action. He served a sumptuous meal at home and invited the village elders and a few eloquent villagers. He sat down on the kang, cleared his throat, and began to tell the story of him and Liu Cuihua. "Folks, I know you've been talking about our relationship in private. Today, I want to confess to you. Li Tiezhu raised his glass and saluted first, "Actually, Liu Cuihua and I have long been heart-to-heart, but we have not made it public. This misfortune happened at home because we worked together to get through it. He paused, looked around at everyone in the room, and then said, "I understand that it is not easy for a widow to remarry with us. But Liu Cuihua and I both love each other sincerely, and we are willing to live together. I hope you will understand us and support us. As soon as the words fell, Li Tiezhu filled his wine glass again and signaled to everyone. The villagers looked at each other and eventually raised their glasses to show their support.

The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

Since then, the story of Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua has become a good story in the village. Although a small number of people still talk about it privately, the majority expressed their understanding and support. After all, in this land of the Northeast, people value "love and agreement" more. After marriage, Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua's lives became happier and more satisfying. Li Tiezhu is exquisite, Liu Cuihua is hardworking and capable, and the two work together to live a good life.

As for the black cat, it has also regained its former vitality and has become the little bully of the family. It sometimes rolls on Li Tiezhu's carpentry tools, sometimes shuttles under Liu Cuihua's skirt, as if it knows that it enjoys a special place in this family. One day, Li Tiezhu was busy in the courtyard, and the black cat suddenly ran over with a shiny thing in his mouth. Li Tiezhu looked at it fixedly, and it was actually a gold bar! He exclaimed in surprise, "Oh my god, where did this cat get the gold bars?" Liu Cuihua also rushed over when she heard the voice, and was also surprised to see the gold bars. The two looked at each other, not understanding the origin of the gold bar.

At this moment, Zhang Zhenren suddenly appeared in the courtyard, looked at them with a smile, and said, "This is the treasure left by the fox demon, which was originally used to absorb the essence of the black cat. Now that the fox demon has been removed, this treasure is left to you. Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua, as soon as they heard Zhang Zhenren's words, they immediately bowed and thanked them. Zhang Zhenren waved his hand, like chasing flies, and said, "Don't thank me, it's the kindness and courage of the two of you that have moved God." As soon as the words fell, Zhang Zhenren turned around and left.

The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua were holding the gold bar in their hands, and the taste in their hearts was really mixed. They understood that this gold bar was proof that they were fighting together to defeat evil. Since then, their days have been like sesame seeds blooming higher and higher, and they have become more and more prosperous.

With the gold bars, they bought some plots of land, built new houses, and made the carpenter's shop prosperous. The diligence and wisdom of the two have won the respect and support of the villagers. As for the black cat, it is still so clingy, rubbing at their feet every day, and it has become a baby bump in the house.

In our village, this matter is spread like something, and it is boiling. Some people say that Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua are really lucky, and they met such a capable person as Zhang Zhenren; Some people say that the black cat is a true god, and he can actually bring gold bars; Others say that the gold bar is the reward of their kindness and courage...... But where did the gold bar come from? No one knows. Anyway, in our northeast Gada, there are always some magical things that make people talk about it.

The carpenter has a private meeting with the widow, the black cat in the house is gradually thinning, widow: don't be delusional

The story of Li Tiezhu and Liu Cuihua has become a good story in our village. As soon as you mention this, everyone in the village can tell you a paragraph, just like the old wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes.