
After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

author:The little witch of the house

I don't know if you have noticed that even if it is the same room and the same area, some people's homes are clean and tidy, but some people's homes look disorganized and feel like "pigsty".

And some people, even if they are busy cleaning up for two or three days, they can't compare to some people who simply clean up their homes for 10 minutes, have you ever considered why this is?

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

The crowd that is very famous in the international community for home storage, except for Japanese housewives, there should be no other candidates! In this issue, I will share some of the rules of home storage for Japanese housewives, you don't want to learn it quickly to make your home cleaner!

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

First, the rules of classification and storage

First of all, let's talk about the most worthy of our learning classification and storage rules, simply put, a storage area according to their own needs to classify the partition.

After partitioning, put the specified things in the specified area, so that it is easier to store the home and at the same time.

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

Not only can the wardrobe storage shared in the picture above be classified and stored according to the rules of classification, but the kitchen can also be classified and placed according to this principle, which is more convenient to take and can accommodate more household items.

The results shown in the picture are according to the rules of classification and storage, the kitchen pots and pans at home are classified and stored, and the pots and pans are placed while the seasoning bottle is placed.

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

You can also classify and store the refrigerator food at home according to this classification and storage rule, so that the classification and storage can be taken separately, which is more convenient and can prevent cross-smelling.

To prevent the occurrence of peculiar smells in the refrigerator, the most important thing is to separate raw and cooked foods to avoid bacterial infection, and you can eat more at ease and healthier.

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

Second, the rules of storage on the wall

Everyone knows that Japan is very small in size, so each of them has a very small home area, and small apartments are not common in Japan.

And many of them are still special-shaped homes, which means that the house is twisted and turned, and I don't know what shape it is, anyway, it is very small.

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

Therefore, in order to do a good job of storage in such a house, Japanese housewives should not only use the space, but also use the area on the wall to increase the storage area in the home and accommodate more household things!

For example, the hairpin storage of Japanese housewives shared in the picture below is to use the rules of storage on the wall, so that these hair accessories can be arranged neatly one by one in order, and it is also very convenient to take them!

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

Not only like some hair accessories, you can use the wall storage rules, like the kitchen can also use such wall storage rules, to make the kitchen gadgets more convenient, more tidy, and very convenient to take!

In particular, these spatulas can be hung directly above the sink, so that it can be more convenient to drain the water, and it can also allow the gadget to drain and dry in time to avoid the growth of bacteria.

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

There are also some friends who don't think it's good to make holes in the wall, and don't like holes in the wall, so it doesn't matter, you can learn the rules of wall storage for Japanese housewives, that is, magnetic storage!

For example, in the picture below, the Japanese housewife uses the magnetic principle of the enamel board, which can be placed on some gadgets and some spice bottles in the kitchen, which is more convenient to take when cooking, and most importantly, it will not make holes in the wall, leaving traces, the first choice for rental parties!

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

3. Corner storage rules

There are also some friends who think that if they do storage on the wall, will it make the whole space very depressing, and they feel that the walls look like dense things, and they look very messy.

In fact, the idea you put forward has long been solved by Japanese housewives, and Japanese housewives also have a very powerful storage rule, that is, the corner storage rule.

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

The principle of the corner storage rule is very simple, that is, in the inconspicuous corner of the home, use these free places to store, such as the 10 cm free space behind the bathroom door, which is a very easy to use small storage place.

Small tools like the bathroom, such as mops and other cleaning tools that need to be drained, can be hung directly behind the door of the bathroom, which can allow the cleaning tools to be drained at the same time, but also keep them dry and dry, which is convenient for the next cleaning and use!

After reading the home storage method of this Japanese housewife, I realized that the domestic storage maniac is not worth mentioning

Summary at the end of the article:

How many of the storage rules of Japanese housewives mentioned in the article have you learned! Isn't it very easy to use when you look at each one? Why don't you learn it quickly?

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