
Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

author:The little witch of the house

When you decorate your home, will you immediately think of the decoration materials at home to buy a little better, this is like latex paint, it is best to buy a more expensive one, it can be formaldehyde-free, and it can also be safe and secure after moving in.

But you're missing the most important point, and that's the details that have a profound impact on the quality of life after you move in.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

1. Floor drain

When many friends go to install the floor drain at home, do they all want to install a similar quality on the line, anyway, it is a sewer, and it can't be seen after smearing the tiles.

But you know what? The floor drain in your home is really a very important detail, and if you don't take care of it properly, then you will have a lot of trouble after moving in.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Especially like now that summer is coming, family members will take a bath every day, and they will use the floor drain every day, if the quality of the floor drain in your home is poor, it is very likely to produce rust, and if the rust is more, it will form a blockage, and the follow-up treatment is very troublesome!

If you're a hair loser, a good floor drain can also prevent your home floor drain from clogging, so you can take a shower without worry! Therefore, the floor drain at home really needs to be bought expensive and good.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Decoration Tips:

It is recommended that the material of the floor drain must be bought all copper, which will last longer, will not rust, and it is best to buy a whirlwind floor drain, which will be faster, even if there is hair, it will not affect the drainage, and will not let the bathroom have water, which is very easy to use!

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

2. Glass glue

When decorating some decoration designs in the home, it is not generally required to contract labor and materials, or in order to save trouble, choose to let the decoration master bring the glass glue that he thinks is good to the home.

After all, there are a large number of glass glue brands on the market, and we don't know which one to choose, but what I want to tell you is: glass glue must be chosen by yourself! Don't let the foreman help you choose.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Because they will definitely choose glass glue with larger profits and strive to maximize the price difference, they will not care whether there will be formaldehyde in the glass glue in your home!

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

If the formaldehyde in a bad glass glue may even continue to be released for more than five years, so the glass glue at home must be expensive.

Every time you buy glass glue, it's best to do a good job in advance, check which glass glue is best on the Internet, and then go to the store to buy it yourself to prevent other situations from happening!

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Decoration Tips:

The picture below is the glass glue selection strategy posted by a god-level netizen I found on the Internet, you can choose to buy it according to the needs of your own home!

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

3. Switches and sockets

We all know that switches and sockets are a very important place in the home, and they are used every day, a home improvement design point.

In particular, the switch and socket are connected to electricity, and there is something about electricity, which is the top priority, after all, it is necessary to prevent some accidents such as wire shorts and fires.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Therefore, in the choice of switches and sockets, you must choose the expensive ones. But you know what? Nowadays, there are many socket brands on the market, and some of them will choose to touch porcelain switches and sockets in order to get a better purchase rate.

For example: six walnuts and big walnuts, if you don't look at them carefully, you can't tell the difference, so you must keep your eyes open.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Decoration Tips:

The picture below is my collection, the current top 5 switches and sockets, are all high-quality guaranteed big-name switches and sockets, and the safety rate is very high, there will be no accidents, you can use it at home!

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Fourth, the toilet

When choosing a toilet, many decorators will first consider a series of issues such as comfort or brand price, but they ignore one of the most important issues, that is, the material and glaze of the toilet.

A good toilet is not only very comfortable, but most importantly, it feels convenient and easy to care for, and will not cause a series of situations such as dirty "hanging on the wall", and most importantly, it can also reduce the occurrence of blockages.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Therefore, when choosing a toilet, it is impossible to consider only the comfort and price, but also the material and glaze of the toilet and a series of issues!

Having a good toilet can make life more comfortable and enjoyable after moving in, and there will be no clogged toilet at every turn!

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Decoration Tips:

Friends, you just listen to me, and the toilet will be selected in the way shown below, so that you don't step on the pit and let you live a happy life.

Suggestion: No matter the size of the house, "these 4 things" should be expensive when decorating

Summary at the end of the article:

There are some things that can be made up in the decoration, and there are some things that must not be made up, and not only can not be made up, but also have to buy good and expensive things to make life simple and happy.

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